

单词 俯拾皆是
释义 俯拾皆是 fǔshíjiēshìcan be found everywhere俯拾皆是fǔshíjiēshìlit. so numerous that one could just bend down and pick them up (idiom)fig. extremely commoneasily available俯拾皆是 fǔ shí jiē shì can be found everywhere; All one has to do is to stoop and pick them up.; be easily available; be extremely common; obtainable everywhere; of things so plentiful that one can have them with ease:  预防脑炎的草药在这一地区俯拾皆是。 Herbs for the prevention of encephalitis can be found everywhere in this area.  诸如此类的事例俯拾皆是。 Instances such as these are extremely common. 




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