

单词 信用合作社
释义 信用合作社1. credit cooperative信用合作社 xìnyòng hézuòshècredit cooperative信用合作社credit cooperative信用合作社[xìn yòng hé zuò shè] 劳动人民或居民联合起来经营信贷业务的组织,通过储蓄、借贷调剂资金,解决社员生活和生产上的困难 credit cooperative; credit organization run by working people or residents to solve financial difficulties in livelihood or production by regulating funds through savings and credit信用合作社phr.credit union(向会员提供低息贷款的)信用合作社,互助储金会信用合作社1. a credit cooperative; a savings and loan association信用合作社savings-and-loan association信用合作社Credit union




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