

单词 信以为真
释义 文馨英漢☞信以為真信以为真 xìnyǐwéizhēnaccept sth. as true信以为真xìnyǐwéizhēnto take sth to be true信以为真to take what one hears as the truth信以为真 xìn yǐ wéi zhēn take sth. for gospel truth; take...on trust (faith); take sth. to be true; give credence to...; take (sb.'s words) literally; accept sth. as true; take ... for granted; take sb. at his word; believe it to be true信以为真n.sumption信以为真;假定,设想;前提phr.put one across(用欺骗手段)使信以为真,使接受信以为真accept sth. as true♦ 因为他说得有凭有据, 大家~。 Since his statement seemed well founded, all the others immediately accepted it.




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