

单词 俘虏
释义 文馨英漢☞俘虜俘虏 fúlǔ1) v. capture; take prisoner2) n. captive; P.O.W俘虏fúlǔcaptive俘虏 fú lǔ (俘获) capture; take prisoner:  俘虏许多敌人 capture a large number of enemy troops (被俘的敌人) captive; captured personnel; prisoner of war (P.O.W.):  抓了几个俘虏 capture some enemy soldiers as prisoners of war;  俘虏政策 prisoner-of-war policy; the policy to captives 俘虏[fú lǔ]1.打仗时捉住(敌人)capture; take prisoner:俘虏了敌军师长 capture the enemy division commander 2.打仗时捉住的敌人 captive; captured personnel; prisoner of war:释放俘虏 release the captives俘虏a.captive俘虏的;囚徒的;猎获物的n.capture俘虏;捕获物prisoner俘虏;战俘 (= prisoner of war)captive俘虏;囚徒;猎获物vt.capture俘虏;捕获surprise〈废〉强占;俘虏,俘获俘虏1. a captive; a prisoner2. to capture; to take (or make) sb. prisoner俘虏1. capture; take prisoner♦ 那一仗他们~敌军一千二百名。 They captured twelve hundred enemy soldiers in that battle.2. captive; captured personnel; prisoner of war (P.O.W.)♦ 执行宽待~的政策 carry out the policy of lenient treatment of prisoners of war




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