

单词 便
释义 便1. convenient2. plain3. excrement and urine4. in that caseABCABC★◀▶便 biànI adv.1) then; in that case2) as early/little as他去年便进了大学。 He actually entered the university last year.II conj.1) even if2) and thenIII b.f.1) convenient (方便)2) informal; plain (便饭)3) convenience (随便)“我可以走了吗?”… “随你的便。” “May I leave now?” ... “Suit yourself.”4) relieve oneself; urine; excrement (小便)便 pián(便宜)便biànplaininformalsuitableconvenientopportuneto urinate or defecateequivalent to 就[jiù]: thenin that caseeven ifsoon afterwardspiánsee 便宜[pián yi]便 conj. 参见:就是 n. 方便的时候convenient time有便请来一次 please come at your convenience不得便 not get one's way大便;小便faeces(Britain); feces(US); urine v. 拉屎;排尿to defecate; to urinate便后洗手 wash one's hands after using the toilet adj. 参见:便利旅客称便 tourists say it is convenient随你的便。 It's up to you.顺便的in passing便船 passing boat便车 passing car搭便车 hitchhike简便simple adv. 参见:就便 pián 形 (书) (安适的) quiet and comfortable 名 (姓氏) a surname:  便乐成 Pian Lecheng 另见 biàn。 2) 便 biàn 名 (方便的时候;顺便的机会) convenience; ease:  得便 whenever convenient; when you have time;  顺便 at a convenient occasion;  随便 do what you like;  悉听尊便 suit your own convenience (屎或尿) shit or piss; excrement or urine:  小便 piss;  大便 shit;  粪便 excrement; night soil 形 (方便; 便利) convenient; handy:  轻便 portable; light;  不便 inconvenient;  日夜服务, 顾客称便。 Customers find the 24-hour service very convenient. (非正式的; 简单平常的) informal; ordinary; plain; at ease:  着便装 in ordinary (everyday) clothes 副 (就; 即) just; simply; then; in that case:  那便不同 then it is different;  这样做便可 just do it like this;  如果她这次又不来, 她便没有什么藉口了。 If she doesn't appear this time, then she won't have any excuse.  没有一个人民的军队,便没有人民的一切。 Without a people's army the people have nothing. 连 (即使) even if; even though:  便是再多的困难, 也能克服。 Even if many difficulties remain, we can overcome them. 动 (排泄屎尿) relieve oneself:  小便 piss; urinate;  大便 defecate; shit 另见 pián。便便 1276C15  91A.82-2  部居  畫數 9ㄅㄧㄢˋ [bian4]  (*ㄆㄧㄢˊ [pian2] ).N.(1)  (*[pian2]) A surname.(2)  Convenience, ease: 得便 when ever convenient, when you have time;便中 at your convenience;順便 at a convenient occasion: 你到蔡家,請順便帶這件給他 since you are going to the Tsai's, please bring this to him;順便拿瓶酒下來,省得我起來 bring me the bottle and save me from getting up;就便 when convenient;隨便 do what you like, disregard formalities, see 隨便 32A.83.(3)  Toilet, toilet functions: hence 便所 “place of convenience”=ladies’ rest-room, etc.;小便 v.i. & n., relieve oneself, to urinate;大便 v.i. & n., go to stool, ease bowels;禁止小便 commit no nuisance;便秘 [bian4bi4]1.Adj.(1)  Convenient;方便 convenient;不便 inconvenient;便利 [bian4li4]↓;便當 [bian4dang4]↓;便於 convenient for, so that: 便於進行 so that we many proceed.(2)  Informal, at ease: 請便,自便 do as you like, feel at home;便衣,便帽 [bian4yi1], [bian4mao4]↓;便餐 [bian4chan1], etc.↓.(3)  Quick (route, etc.): 便徑,便道.(4)  (*[pian2]) Sycophant, flattering: 便佞,便辟 *[pian2nin4], *[pian2pi4]↓.Adv.Then, just, simply, in that case (used much more than the Eng. “then”): 你愛她,她不愛你,便怎麼樣(便如何)if you love her and she does not love you, then what? 寶玉聽見便說 when Baauyuh heard this, he (then) said;這樣做去便是(便罷,便了) just do it like this;那便不同 then it is different;你不去,我便不得去, if you do not go, then I have to;把蓋封好,便可以收藏多日 keep it tightly covered, then it will keep a long time.Conj.(1)  Even if, even though: 便有不是,也得原諒他 even if he is wrong, you can forgive him.(2)  As soon as: 一進去,便看見 as soon as you go in, you see (the)….Words1. 便秘 [bian4bi4], n., constipation.2. 便嬖 *[bian2bi4], n., (AC) favorite mistress.3. 便餐 [bian4chan1], n., informal, plain dinner, potluck.4. 便器 [bian4qi4], n., urinal.5. 便當 [bian4dang4], (1) adj., easy and convenient; (2) n., lunch basket.6. 便道 [bian4dao4], n., (1) quick but small path; (2) then said.7. 便殿 [bian4dian4], n., emperor's rest room before or after audience.8. 便毒 [bian4du2], n., gonorrhea.9. 便飯 [bian4fan4], n., potluck, simple meal.10. 便服 [bian4fu2], n., informal dress, home gown, dist. from 禮服 official uniform.11. 便徑 [bian4jing4], n., quick route, small path.12. 便壼 [bian4hu2], n., night pot.13. 便利 [bian4li4], adj. & n., convenient, -ce: 很多便利 has many advantages.14. 便路 [bian4lu4], n., bypath.15. 便爐 [bian4lu2], n., see 邊 爐 91.83.16. 便帽 [bian4mao4], n., easy cap.17. 便溺 [bian4niao4], v.i. & n., urinate, urine; bowels.18. 便佞 *[bian2nin4], adj., being a good talker, sycophant.19. 便辟 *[bian2pi4], adj., sycophant, given to flattering.20. 便人 [bian4ren2], n., s.o. at hand (to do an errand).21. 便是 [bian4shi4], (1) conj., even if; (2) see Adv.↑.22. 便所 [bian4suo3], n., toilet.23. 便條 [bian4tiao2], n., memo, short note;24. 便條簿 [bian4tiao2bu4], n., note pad, scribble pad.25. 便桶 [bian4tong3], n., wooden pail for stool.26. 便衣 [bian4yi1], n., ordinary dress; 便衣偵探 plain-clothes detective.27. 便宜 [bian4yi2], adv., (1) as in 便宜行事 use discretion; adv., (2) (*[pai2yi1]) (a) adj., cheap: 不便宜 expensive; adv., 東西便宜 things are cheap; adv., (b) v.t., as in 太便宜了他 he got it cheap (without due punishment); adv., (c) n., advantage: 沒有什麼便宜 no advantage in that.便1[biàn](ㄅㄧㄢˋ)1.方便;便利 convenient; handy:轻便 light; portable近便 close and convenient旅客称便。Travelers appreciate such convenience. 2.方便的时候或顺便的机会 when an opportunity arises; when it is convenient:便中 at one's convenience; when it is convenient得便 whenever it is convenient搭便车 hitchhike one's way to somewhere; get a lift to somewhere 3.非正式的;简单平常的 informal; simple:便饭 homely meal; simple meal便条儿 note 4.屎或尿 shit or piss; stool or urine:粪便 excrement; night soil 5.排泄屎、尿 excrete; relieve oneself:大便 shit; defecate; evacuate bowels小便 piss; urinate便桶 commode; chamber pot便血 haematochezia; have or pass blood in one's stool便2[biàn](ㄅㄧㄢˋ)1.〈副词 adv.〉就 then; in that case:没有各方面的通力合作,任务便无法顺利完成。Without the full cooperation of all quarters concerned, the task cannot be accomplished smoothly.这几天不是刮风,便是下雨。These days the weather is either windy or wet. 2.〈连词 conj.〉表示假设的让步 [indicating a hypothetical concession] even if:只要依靠群众,便是再大的困难,也能克服。As long as we rely on the people, we can overcome all difficulties, no matter how great.注意 NOTE:‘便’是保留在书面语中的近代汉语,它的意义和用法基本上跟‘就’相同。便 is a formal modern Chinese character andmeans almost the same as 就 jiù.另见 pián便[pián](ㄆㄧㄢˊ)另见 见下 below另见 biàn相关词组不便 | 趁便 | 称便 | 乘便 | 搭便 | 大便 | 得便 | 方便 | 粪便 | 告便 | 活便 | 即便 | 简便 | 近便 | 就便 | 两便 | 灵便 | 轻便 | 请便 | 任便 | 省便 | 顺便 | 随便 | 溏便 | 听便 | 童便 | 妥便 | 未便 | 稳便 | 小便 | 以便 | 自便 | 方便面 | 讨便宜 | 占便宜 | 行方便 | 大腹便便 | 家常便饭 | 有奶便是娘便便 | 便步 | 便餐 | 便当 | 便道 | 便饭 | 便服 | 便函 | 便壶 | 便笺 | 便捷 | 便览 | 便了 | 便利 | 便帽 | 便门 | 便秘 | 便民 | 便溺 | 便盆 | 便桥 | 便人 | 便士 | 便所 | 便条 | 便桶 | 便鞋 | 便血 | 便宴 | 便衣 | 便宜 | 便于 | 便中 | 便装 | 便携式 | 便宜行事便vt.pass排泄(尿等);便(血)便1. handy2. ordinary3. a function word similar to "thereupon"便[biàn]形1. convenient; handy♦ 近便 2. informal; plain; ordinary♦ 便饭 名1. a convenient situation or time♦ 得便 2. piss or shit; urine or excrement♦ 粪便 动relieve oneself♦ 大便 ♦ 小便 副1. soon afterwards♦ 车开不久, 天~亮了。 It was light soon after the train had started.2. in that case; then♦ 这几天不是刮风, ~是下雨。 During the last few days, if it was not blowing, then it was raining.连even if♦ ~是累了, 我也要来。 I'll come even if I'm tired.另见 pián便[pián](构词成分)另见 biàn




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