单词 | 來 |
释义 | 來1. coming2. future3. ever since4. to come5. to arrive林语堂林语堂★◀▶來來 6B10 10.01 部居 畫數 8ㄌㄞˊ [lai2] (*ㄌㄞˋ [lai4] ). [Pop. ]N.A surname.V.i. & t.(1) Come: 來往 [lai2wang3]↓;往來 exchange of visits, goods, gifts, etc.;來來往往 come and go;來而不往 not to pay a return call on s.o.;歸去來兮 (LL) I am homeward bound;魂兮歸來 (LL) may the spirit of the deceased come back to us! 來回 [lai2hui2]↓;跑來跑去 be ever coming and going;來到 [lai2dao4], 來臨 [lai2lin2] ↓;前來領獎 come forward to receive a prize or award;不來也好 it’s just as well that s.o. hasn't come;過來吧 come over here;來呀,來吧 come come;眉來眼去 exchange glances between them.(2) V.i., do: 來得及 can be done, there is time enough;來不及 cannot be done, time won't allow it;來一下 come and try it;你來 you come and try;你來不來 will you join us? 不來了 won’t do it, won't come, give up;胡來,亂來,瞎來 you are making a mess of it;白來 wasted one's time in coming;照樣再來一回 let's do it over again;別來這一套 don't give me that! 慢來,慢慢來 ed it slowly, take your time;來來[lai2lai0]↓;這樣一來,這一來 by so doing, in this way.(3) V.t., bring, let's do (s.t.): 來酒,來飯 bring some wine, rice;來他五斤 let me have five catties;來八圈 (of mahjong) let's play eight rounds;來兩盤 (of chess) let's play a couple of games.(4) (*[lai4] (Interch. 徠) v.t., to comfort, encourage (s.o.) to come over to one's side.Vb. complement.(1) Used after vb. to complement its meaning: (a) be able to, be worth: 說不上來 don’t know how to say it, don't remember it now;辦不來 be unable to do it;買不來 be unable to buy it;搶不來 be unable to get it by fair means or foul;趕不起來 be unable to finish it in time;做不來 don't know how to do it;合得來 be able to get along with (s.o.);(b) be worth the effort or money;花得來 be not worth the money;花不來 be not worth it.(2) Expressing an action begun: 颳起風來 a wind starts blowing;鬧出事來 have got into trouble;打起架來 a fight has broken out;提起筆來 take up a pen to write.(3) Having the sense of “having done!”: 你同誰吵嘴來 with whom are you quarrelling?你剛才說甚麼來 what were you saying just then?(4) Oft. equiv. Eng. “to”: 看來,想來,說來,聽來好笑 it's ridiculous to see it, to think of it, to speak of it, to hear it;說來話長 it's a long story to tell.(5) Expressing direction toward speaker: 走過來 come over here;拿張紙來 bring a piece of paper;上來 please come up;下來 please come down.(6) With 去 (一來一去) having the sense of “over,” “about,” “in both directions”: 唸來唸去 read it over and over again;想來想去 after thinking it over;寫來寫去 write it over and over again.(7) Used as a final particle: 盍歸乎來 (AC) why not come home?你這是何苦來 why have you done such an abominable thing? 為的甚麼來 what have you come or done such a thing for?Adj.(1) Future, later on: 來年[lai2nian2], 來日 [lai2ri4]↓;來春 next spring;來月 next month;來歲 next year;來世 [lai2shi4]2, 來生 [lai2sheng1]↓.(2) (Of person or thing) coming, incoming;來人 [lai2ren2], 來使 [lai2shi3], 來者 [lai2zhe3]↓;來函,來札,來翰 your letter;來意 [lai2yi4]↓;來情去意 mutual expressions of affection;來勢 [lai2shi4]4↓;送往迎來 be busy welcoming and bidding good-bye to friends.Adv.(1) About, approximately: 三十來歲 about 30 years old;十來個 approximately ten or so;尺來長 about one foot long.(2) As (big, small, etc.) as: 你色膽有天來大 your daring in sex exploits is fantastic( “big as the sky”).Special formations.(1) Forming words meaning “since,” “originally”: 本來,原來 original(ly);由來 since.(2) Part of n. denoting time: 近來 recent(ly);將來,未來 in the future;後來 later on;日來 the other day;以來,而來 since then;從來,向來 usually, in the past.(3) Adv. conj., in order to, so that, to: 唱個歌來湊熱鬧 sing us a song (in order) to make the party more lively (equiv. 以 in LL);開口來說話 open one's mind and (to) talk.(4) In enumeration: 一來,二來,三來 firstly, secondly, thirdly.Words1. 來賓 [lai2bin1], (1) n., guest(s); (2) v.i., (AC) come as guest(s).2. 來禽 [lai2qin2], n., (bot) the apple, Pirus malus var. tomentosa (also 林檎 ).3. 來去 [lai2qU4], n., (1) a round trip; (2) distance between two places; (3) friendly contacts and intercourse.4. 來到 [lai2dao4], v.i., arrive at, come to (place).5. 來得 [lai2de0], v.i., as usual followed by a complement: (1) have the capacity for, be able to: 他很來得一兩杯 he is able to drink quite a few cups; (2) act or speak with great force: 你這一句話來得利害 your words are most telling; 這一招兒來得好 this move (parry) of yours is well aimed; (3) happen, come: 來得不巧 happens at the wrong (unfortunate) moment.6. 來頓瓶 [lai2dun1ping2], n., a Leyden jar or vial.7. 來附 [lai2fu4]1, v.i., submit as vassal state.8. 來復 [lai2fu4]2, n., a seven-day cycle (as used in the Book of Change; 來復鎗 a rifle (translit. also 來福槍).9. 來服 [lai2fu2], n., (bot. MC) the turnip (also 萊服)=modn. 蘿 蔔[luo2bo0], 20A.1110. 來稿 [lai2gao3], n., manuscript submitted to an editor.11. 來歸 [lai2gui1], v.i. & t., (1) (AC) (of women) be married into husband's home; (2)submit as vassal; (3) return, come home.12. 來亨雞 [lai2heng1ji1], n., the Leghorn.13. 來回(兒) [lai2hui2] ([lai2huerer0]), n., return: 打來回 make a return trip; 來回一趟 ditto; 一個來回 a return trip; 來回來去的 ever coming and going; 來回票 a return ticket.14. 來朝 (1) [lai2zhao1], n., (AC) tomorrow; (2) [lai2chao2], v.i., (LL) come to pay homage or tribute.15. 來著 [lai2zhe0], aux. vb., expressing a continuing or completed action: 他說甚麼來著 what has he been saying? 聽見說你認得他來著it's said that you know him.16. 來者 [lai2zhe3], n., (1) anything in the future: 來者猶可追 (AC) the future is yet for oneself to shape or mold; (2) anyone who has come: 來者不善,善者不來 (AC) those who have come are not friendly, those who are friendly have not come; 來者不拒 all comers welcome.17. 來件 [lai2jian4], n., incoming communication or other articles received.18. 來今 [lai2jin1], n., days to come.19. 來客 [lai2ke4], n., guests, visitors.20. 來來 [lai2lai0], v.t., try to do (s.t.): 他做的不好,你來來看 if he doesn't know how to do it, you come and try.21. 來歷 [lai2li4], n., a person's background, career.22. 來臨 [lai2lin2], (1) v.i., come, arrive; (2) n., advent, arrival.23. 來路 [lai2lu4], n., (1) see [lai2li4]↓; (2) anything from abroad: 來路貨 imported goods.24. 來龍 [lai2long2], n., (geomancy) a hill exerting a decisive influence (in selecting a site for a building or grave): 來龍去脈 a sequence of events, cause and effect.25. 來牟 [lai2mou2], n., (AC) wheat and barley.26. 來年 [lai2nian2], n., next year.27. 來派 [lai2pai4], n., onset, first symptoms (of a disease): 這病的來派可不輕: the disease comes with serious first symptoms.28. 來人 [lai2ren2], n., (1) a messenger, bearer of note; (2) in 來人兒 middleman in business deals or employment service.29. 來日 [lai2ri4], n., (1) tomorrow; (2) the future: 來日方長 there are many days yet to provide for or think about; 來日大難 difficult days are ahead.30. 來生 [lai2sheng1], n., future life.31. 來手 [lai2shou3], n., the bearer of a letter: 請交來手帶下 please give to the bearer.32. 來示 [lai2shi4]1, n., (court.) your letter or note (same as 來諭).33. 來世 [lai2shi4]2, n., (1) later generations; (2) future life.34. 來事 [lai2shi4]3, n., future events.35. 來勢 [lai2shi4]4, n., (1) manner of approaching enemy, landslide, etc.: 來勢洶洶 break in in full fury, also come to look for trouble; (2) onset, first symptoms (of a disease).36. 來使 [lai2shi3], n., a messenger; representative from another country.37. 來頭(兒) [lai2tou1]([er0], n., (1) position or social status: 大有來頭 very influential socially or politically; 來頭不小 not to be taken lightly; 此人來頭大 this person has influential backing; (2) fun in doing anything: 這種賭博還有甚麼來頭兒 what's the fun with this kind of gambling?38. 來茲 [lai2zi0], n., (LL) the future.39. 來往 (1) [lai2wang3], v.i., come and go: 來往奔波 ceaselessly come and go; v.i., (2) [lai2wang0], n., friendly intercourse: 您和他有來往麼 do you have dealings with him? 常來常往 frequently see each other; v.i., 來往文件 correspondence, communication.40. 來意 [lai2yi4], n., purpose of one's coming.41. 來儀 [lai2yi2], phr., (AC) arrival of phoenixes as a good omen for the country: 鳳凰來儀.42. 來由 [lai2you2], n., (also wr. 來繇) (1) cause: 我尋思著甚來由 I've tried to find out its cause; (2) background: 問起他的來由 asked where he had come from or purpose of his visit; 沒來由 wihtout rhyme or reason, (person) of unknown identity.43. 來源 [lai2yUan2], n., origin, source (of water, news, word).來來 [lai2lai0], v.t., try to do (s.t.): 他做的不好,你來來看 if he doesn't know how to do it, you come and try. |
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