

单词 使唤
释义 文馨英漢☞使喚使唤 shǐhuan1) order about; be bossy2) run errands for3) topo. use; handle这工具不好使唤。 This tool isn't easy to use.使唤shǐhuànto order sb aboutto use sb使唤差遣to orderabout他喜欢使唤人。 He likes to boss people about.谁也不使唤谁。 Nobody is ordering anyone around.参见:使用[shǐyòng]听使唤 be responsive这汽车很听使唤。 This vehicle is very responsive.这机器老不听使唤。 This machine never does what it's meant to.手脚冻得不听使唤了。 So cold one's hands and feet went numb.舌头不听使唤 lose control of one's tongue插秧机使唤起来很方便。 The transplanter is very easy to handle.使唤 shǐ huan  (叫人替自己做事) order about:  爱使唤人 be in the habit of ordering people about; be bossy  (口) (使用) use; handle:  你可随意使唤我的这些工具。 You are welcome to use my tools. 使唤[shǐ huan]1.叫人替自己做事 order about or around; have sb. do sth.:孩子大了,使唤不动了。The child has grown up, and refuses to be ordered about. 2.使用(工具、牲口等 of tools, draught animals, etc.)use; handle; manage:新式农具使唤起来很得劲儿。The new types of farm implements are fit for use.这匹马不听生人使唤。This horse won't obey a stranger.使唤1. to answer the beck and call of; to run errands for2. to order others to do sth.使唤1. order about♦ 爱~人 be in the habit of ordering people about; be bossy2. 口 use; handle♦ 这匹马不听生人~。 This horse won't obey a stranger.




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