

单词 使
释义 使1. to make2. to send3. to use4. to cause使 shǐI v.1) send (as envoy)2) have sb. do sth.3) use; employ; apply你先使吧。 You may use it first.4) make; cause; enable咖啡会使我失眠。 Coffee can make me unable to sleep.II b.f.envoy (大使)III conj.if使shǐto maketo causeto enableto useto employto sendto instruct sb to do sthenvoymessenger使 conj. 假如<书>if n. 参见:使节[shǐjié];使者[shǐzhě]特使 special envoy公使 minister v. 派遣to send使人去请医生 send for a doctor使人来取行李 send somebody to collect the luggage参见:使用[shǐyòng]使拖拉机耕地 use a tractor to plough the land使粪肥 apply manure使手腕 use finesse拿棍子、石头当武器使 use stick and stones as weapons这支钢笔还能使。 This fountain pen still works.这支钢笔很好使。 This fountain pen writes well.那支毛笔不好使。 That paintbrush is not easy to use.让,叫;促使;迫使to make; to enable; to cause使有可能 make possible使有机会 create an opportunity使有权利 confer rights使人为难 put somebody in a pickle使发生混乱 cause confusion使人人愤慨 anger everyone使人感到不安 make people feel uncomfortable使儿童发生兴趣 arouse the interest of children使局势更加尖锐化 make the situation more acute我军的猛烈攻击使敌人不得不投降。 Our fierce attack left the enemy with no choice but to surrender.要尽可能做到使大家满意 should try one's best to satisfy everyone锻炼能使人坚强。 Exercise makes you stronger.别使大家等你一个人。 Don't hold everyone up.情势使然。 The situation dictates it.使 shǐ 动 (派遣; 支使) send; tell sb. to do sth.:  使人去打听消息 send sb. to make inquiries (用; 使用) use; employ; apply:  使化肥 use chemical fertilizer;  心往一处想, 劲往一处使 with everyone's thoughts and efforts directed towards one (the same) goal;  我们贮存的火柴使完了。 Our stock of matches is used up.  我使一下你的小刀好吗? May I use your knife for a while?  这支笔很好使。 This pen writes well (nicely). (让; 叫; 致使) make; cause; enable:  使高山低头 , 叫河水让路 make the mountains bow and the rivers give way;  使每个学生在德、智、体几方面都能得到发展 enable every student to develop morally, intellectually and physically;  修改原计划使之适合于新的情况 revise the original plan so as to gear it to the need of the new situation;  寒冷的天气使树叶变红了。 The cold weather turned the leaves red.  热情使他的头脑不够冷静。 He was carried away by his enthusiasm.  什么使你这样想呢? What makes you think so?  他的话使在场的人都受到感动。 His words moved everyone present.  他妻子的死使他伤心已极。 The death of his wife almost broke his heart.  突然的暴雨会使山洪暴发。 Sudden rainstorms would bring the mountain torrents rushing down.  虚心使人进步, 骄傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one to go forward (make progress); conceit makes one lag behind.  这使他们处境很尴尬。 This put them in a very awkward position. 名 (奉使命办事的人) envoy; messenger:  出使国外 be accredited to a certain country; be sent abroad as an envoy;  特命全权公使 an envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary;  总统派了一名特使参加和平谈判。 The President sent a special envoy to the peace talks. (姓氏) a surname:  使典 Shi Dian 连 (假如) if; supposing:  纵使 even if; even though 林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶使使 1275B40  91A.82-1  部居  畫數 8ㄕˇ [shi3]  (*ㄕˋ [shi4] ).N.(*[shi4]) (1)  A messenger, servant: 來使 bearer, messenger;專使 special envoy, (by) special messenger;使婢,使役 [shi4bei4], [shi4yi4]↓.(2)  (Usu. [shi3]) emissary, minister: 公使 minister accredited to foreign country;大使 ambassador;大使館 embassy.V.i. & t.(1)  Causative vb., make, let, allow (+vb. or n., pron., +vb.): 使(他)來,使(他)去 make (him) come, go;使(使得)高興,使(得)憂鬱 make (person) pleased, depressed;使不必來 tell him not to come;使國亡 cause nation to perish.(2)  To send, order: 使他去做 send him to do it;差使 to send s.o.;使喚 [shi3huan0]↓.(3)  To use, employ, apply: 使用 [shi3yong4]↓;使不得 [shi3bu0de0]↓;使不了 [shi3bu0liao3]↓;使信號 employ signals;使武力 use force;使勁 [shi3jin4]↓;使手段,使詭計 use strategy, tricks;使乖弄巧 ditto.(4)  To let go: 使脾氣,使性子 vent anger, be temperamental;使酒 [shi3jiu3]↓.(5)  (*[shi4]) (LL) be sent abroad as minister: 使於楚 was minister to [chu3].Conj.If: 設使,假使 if;縱使,即使 even if, even though;使有不虞 if s.t. untoward, unforeseen should happen.Words1. 使絆兒 [shi3ba4er0], v.i. & n., (a boxing move, a rope) cause s.o. to stumble by catching his leg.2. 使婢 [shi3bei4] (*[shi4bei4]), n., maidservant.3. 使不得 [shi3bu0de0], v.i., (utensil, person) cannot be used, will not do.4. 使不了 [shi3bu0liao3], v.i., (1) [shi3bu0de0]↑; (2) more than one needs: 使不了這麼許多 do not need this much.5. 使臣 *[shi4chen2], n., representative of country abroad.6. 使氣 [shi3qi4], v.i., act on impulse or in fit of anger.7. 使得 [shi3de0], v.i., (1) (article, dress) will do; (2) see V.i. & t.1↑.8. 使館 [shi2guan3] (*[shi4guan3]), n., legation: 大使館 embassy.9. 使壞 [shi3huai4], v.t., (1) wilfully make (s.o.) suffer; (2) hurt, destroy: 給他使壞了 destroyed by him.10. 使喚 [shi3huan0], v.t., to order (servants) about; 使喚人 a servant, attendant.11. 使者 *[shi4zhe3], n., messenger, royal messenger.12. 使節 *[shi4jie2], n., ministership or official mission abroad.13. 使勁(兒) [shi3jin4] ([shi3jie4er0]), v.i., exert effort, put out strength, energy: 使勁兒讀書,拔草 work, pull out weeds, with energy.14. 使酒 [shi2jiu3], v.i., to shout, make a row on strength of alcohol.15. 使君 *[shi4jUn1], n., (1) (LL) official sent to country; (2) (LL) (court. address) like Eng. “this gentleman.”16. 使君子 [shi3jUn1zi3], n., (bot.) the Rangoon creeper, Quisqualis indica.17. 使命 [shi3ming4] (*[shi4ming4]), n., official mission.18. 使女 *[shi4nU3], n., maidservant.19. 使徒 [shi3tu2], n., (Christ.) disciples.20. 使役 [shi3yi4] (*[shi4yi4]), n., servants, attendants.21. 使用 [shi3yong4], v.t., to employ, use (utensil, person).使(使得)高興,使(得)憂鬱make (person) pleased, depressed;使(他)來,使(他)去 make (him) come, go使1[shǐ](ㄕˇ)1.派遣;支使 send; have (sb. do sth.):使唤 order about or around使人去打听消息 send sb. to make enquiries 2.使用 use; employ; apply; exert:使拖拉机耕地 use a tractor to plough the fields这支笔很好使。This pen writes nicely.使上点肥料 use a little fertilizer 3.让;叫;致使 make; cause; enable; help:办事使群众满意 work to satisfy the masses加强质量管理,使产品合格率不断上升 tighten up quality control to ensure steady improvement in the acceptance rate of products 4.〈书 fml.〉假如 if; supposing使2[shǐ](ㄕˇ)奉使命办事的人 envoy; emissary; messenger:使节 diplomatic envoy; envoy大使 ambassador公使 minister特使 special envoy学使(科举时代派到各省去主持考试的官员) study emissary; official sent to the provinces as the chief examiner during the period of the imperial civil service examination相关词组差使 | 出使 | 促使 | 大使 | 奉使 | 公使 | 行使 | 即使 | 假使 | 密使 | 迫使 | 强使 | 驱使 | 设使 | 嗾使 | 唆使 | 倘使 | 特使 | 天使 | 向使 | 信使 | 役使 | 支使 | 指使 | 致使 | 主使 | 专使 | 纵使 | 祈使句 | 鬼使神差 | 神使鬼差 | 借风使船 | 看风使舵 | 如臂使指 | 白衣天使 | 神差鬼使 | 颐指气使使得 | 使馆 | 使坏 | 使唤 | 使假 | 使节 | 使劲 | 使命 | 使然 | 使性 | 使役 | 使用 | 使者 | 使绊儿 | 使不得 | 使眼色 | 使用价值使vt.have使;邀请,接待;放置make[宾语后常接不带 to的不定式,但用被动语态时不定式不省略 to] 使;促使;劝使;迫使cause使,促使let使send(迫)使;使进入(特定状态)(into, to)wink眨(眼);眨眼表示,使(眼色)使1. to indulge in2. to use; to employ; to apply3. to make; to enable4. to send as diplomatic personnel5. diplomatic envoys\\使节\\使节1. an envoy; an emissary; a minister2. to be appointed as a diplomatic envoy; to be an ambassador to使[shǐ]动1. send; tell sb. to do sth♦ ~人去打听消息 send sb. to make inquiries2. use; employ; apply♦ 我们早就~上电脑了。 We've been using computers for quite a long time.♦ 心往一处想, 劲往一处~ with everyone's thoughts and efforts directed towards one goal3. make; cause; enable♦ 修改原计划, ~之适合于新的情况 revise the original plan so as to gear it to the needs of the new situation♦ 他的话并不~人感到意外。 What he said was not surprising.名envoy; messenger♦ 出使




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