

释义 作1. to do2. to make3. to composeABCABCABC★◀▶作 zuòI v.1) do; make我们用他作诱饵。 We'll use him as bait.2) rise; get up3) write; compose4) pretend; affect; feign5) regard as; take sb. or sth. for6) feel; have7) act as; be; becomeII n.writings; literary/artistic work作 zuōworkshop (作坊)作 zuó(作料)作zuōworkerworkshop(slang) troublesomehigh-maintenance (person)zuòto doto growto write or composeto pretendto regard asto feelwritings or works作 n. 参见:作品[zuòpǐn]佳作 great work杰作 masterpiece精心杰作 carefully-wrought masterpiece这是作家的一部成功之作。 This is a successful work by the author. v. 起to rise日出而作 start work at sunrise枪声大作 the sound of gunfire flared up写to write作书 write books举行,进行to carry out作斗争 carry out a struggle作指示 give instructions作报告 draw up a report作重要讲话 make an important speech对形势作正确的分析 correctly analyze the situation作出决定 make a decision参见:作态[zuòtài]作作样子而已 just pretend参见:作为[zuòwéi]发作to feel疟疾发作 malaria paroxysm笑声大作 burst out laughing作 zuō 动 (从事某种活动) do:  作孽 do some cursed thing; be guilty of an act;  自作自受 suffer through one's own misdeeds; suffer from one's own actions 名 (作坊) workshop; mill:  洗衣作 laundry;  瓦作 mason's workshop 另见 zuó; zuò。 2) 作 zuó (构词成分)见下。另见 zuō; zuò。 3) 作 zuò 动 (起) rise; get up; stand up:  日出而作 get up at sunrise;  客作而辞。 The guest stood up to say good-bye.  振作起来! Brace up!; Pull yourself together! (写作) write; compose:  作文章 write articles or essays;  作一首诗 compose a poem;  泼墨作画 splash ink to paint a picture (装) pretend; affect; assume:  装聋作哑 pretend to be deaf and dumb;  故作姿态 assume the airs of magnanimity (当作; 作为) regard as; look on as; take for:  认贼作父 take the foe for one's father;  他们把我们作自家人看待。 They looked upon us as belonging to the family.  我把她看作自己的妹妹。 I regarded her as my own sister. (发作) have; feel:  肚子一阵作痛 have a stomach pain (充当; 担任) act as; be; become:  我来作翻译。 I'll act as interpreter.  人民当家作主人。 The people are the masters of their country. (举行; 进行) do; make:  作报告 make a report; deliver a speech;  作斗争 wage a struggle; combat;  作功课 do one's homework 名 (作品) writings; work:  杰作 masterpiece; masterwork;  新作 a new work;  有关电子学的著作 writings on electronics (姓氏) a surname:  作显 Zuo Xian 另见 zuō; zuó。林语堂林语堂★◀▶作作 1249B00  91A.22-9  部居  畫數 7ㄗㄨㄛˋ [zuo4]  (*ㄗㄨㄛ [zuo1] , *ㄗㄨㄛˊ [zuo2] ).N.A profession: 瓦作 mason, bricklayer;木作 carpenter;作坊 [zuo4fang0]↓;洗衣作 laundry.V.i. & t.(1)  V.i., arise, stand up: 聖人作 a sage arose;客作而辭 the guest stood up to say good-bye.(2)  V.t., do, make, work at (usu.) interch. 做, the vernacular form, except certain phrr. where 作 is preferred): 作工 do manual work (physical labor);作事 to busy oneself with, be engaged in (employed at), work for a living;作衣服(鞋子) make a dress (shoes).Words1. 作保 [zuo4bao3], v.t., stand guarantee, go security (bail) for (person): 作保見 be guarantor and witness.2. 作罷 [zuo4ba4], v.i., give up, dismiss as not worth more discussion.3. 作伴(兒) [zuo4ban4] ([zuo4ba4er0]), v.t., serve as companion for (person), keep (s.o.) company.4. 作子 *[zuo1bie3zi0], v.i., be embarrassed, condemned, reproached.5. 作別 [zuo4bie2], v.i., bid s.o. goodbye.6. 作弊 [zuo4bi4], v.i., practise irregularities (fraud); cheat (in examination, work).7. 作成 [zuo4cheng2], v.t., (1) have (s.t.) made or done; (2) help to do, make a success of; (3) play a trick on (person).8. 作情 [zuo4qin0], v.i. & t., (1) admire s.o. out of respect; (2) intercede, mediate; (3) make a pretense.9. 作輟 [zuo4chuo4], v.i., (1) see [zuo4ba4]↑; (2) work and stop.10. 作曲 [zuo4qU3], v.i., write a song, set a song to music, compose melody: 作曲家 composer.11. 作歹 [zuo4dai3], v.i., as in 為非作歹 do evil.12. 作抵 [zuo4di2], v.t., offer (s.t.) as compensation.13. 作對 [zuo4dui4], v.t., (1) to set against, be opposed to; (2) to match (person) with another in marriage.14. 作惡 [zuo4e4], (1) v.i., see [zuo4dai3]↑; (2) adj., moody, melancholy; (3) v.i., vomit, see [zuo4ou3]↓.15. 作伐 [zuo4fa1], v.i., to act as a go-between in marriage.16. 作法 [zuo4fa3], (1) n., a method of making, preparing, manufacturing, cooking; n., procedure, course of action, step taken; (2) v.i., practise magic; (3) legislate, make laws: 作法自斃 caught by one's own laws or device.17. 作反 [zuo4fan3], v.i., to rebel, revolt, turn against.18. 作坊 *[zuo1fang0], n., a workshop.19. 作廢 [zuo4fei4], v.t., annul, make null and void, declare invalid.20. 作風 [zuo4feng1], n., way of doing things.21. 作佛事 [zuo4fo2shi0], v.i., (Budd.) say mass.22. 作歌 [zuo4ge1], v.i., compose a song.23. 作梗 [zuo4geng3], v.i., obstruct, impede, hamper, hinder.24. 作館 [zuo4guan3], v.i., formerly, serve as a private tutor.25. 作怪 [zuo4guai4], v.i., make trouble, play tricks, act in a strange way: 少和我作怪 don't play any of your dirty tricks on me.26. 作古 [zuo4gu3], v.i., (euphem.) (LL) pass away (“join the ancients”).27. 作耗 [zuo4hao4], v.i., (coll.) (1) take up arms in revolt; (2) make trouble: 生事作耗 instigate incidents and make trouble.28. 作活(兒) [zuo4huo2]([er0]), v.i., work to earn a living.29. 作戰 [zuo4zhan4], v.i., to fight, make war.30. 作證 [zuo4zheng4], v.i., serve as a witness in court.31. 作家 [zuo4jia1], (1) n., an author, writer; (2) v.i., (AC) take care of personal finance.32. 作假 [zuo4jia3], (1) v.i., pretend, present a false front; (2) v.t., to take, make an imitation copy.33. 作繭 [zuo4jian3], v.i., (of silkworm) to spin a cocoon; (fig.) tie oneself up with duties (like a cocoon): 作繭自縛 ditto.34. 作嫁 [zuo4jia4]1, v.i., (of a woman) help another to get married (“make a trousseau for her”): 為人作嫁 to busy oneself with helping other people.35. 作價 [zuo4jia4]2, v.t., assess the value, set a price.36. 作踐 *[zuo2jian0], v.t., trample under foot, treat harshly.37. 作計 [zuo4ji4], v.t., intend, have in mind, aim at: 我本不為卿作計 (LL) this was not done with you in mind.38. 作勁 [zuo4jin4], v.t., render assistance to (s.o.): 他真給你作勁 he went all out to help you.39. 作就 [zuo4jiu4], v.i., get s.t. successfully done.40. 作急 [zuo4ji2], v.i., make haste, be snappy.41. 作主 [zuo4zhu3], v.t., make the final decision (also 做主).42. 作客 [zuo4ke4], v.i., (1) be a guest at a friend's; (2) sojourn in a strange land.43. 作闊 [zuo4kuo4], v.i., to show off, make a vain display.44. 作苦 [zuo4ku3], v.i., to work at arduous task.45. 作樂 [zuo4le4], v.i., (1) enjoy oneself, have a good time; (2) ([zuo4yUe4]) to play music; write scores.46. 作雷 *[zuo1lei2], v.i., bring disaster on one's own head.47. 作料(兒) *[zuo2liao4]([er0]), n., (of food) seasoning.48. 作亂 [zuo4luan4], v.i., rise in revolt, turn against the authorities.49. 作夢 [zuo4meng4], v.i., to dream; give free rein to one's imagination.50. 作媒 [zuo4mei2], v.i., act as go-between in marriage (also 做).51. 作摩 *[zuo2mo0], v.i., make conjectures, try to figure s.t. out.52. 作麼 [zuo4mo2], adv., (MC) what for? why? what is one doing? (also 作麼生).53. 作幕 [zuo4mu4], v.i., (LL) serve as a secretary (assistant, adviser) to an official, be on his staff.54. 作難 [zuo4nan2], v.i., find oneself in a predicament, don't know what to do.55. 作孽 [zuo4nie4], v.i., (abuse) do some cursed thing, be guilty of an act that will bring its own retribution.56. 作嘔 [zuo4ou3], v.i., (1) vomit, turn the stomach; (2) feel resentment, detest, loathe.57. 作派 [zuo4pai0], n., (1) gestures and movements of actors on stage; (2) affected manners.58. 作陪 [zuo4pei2], v.i., sit at the same table with the guest of honor.59. 作品 [zuo4pin3], n., a literary or artistic work.60. 作人 [zuo4ren2], v.i., (1) behave oneself properly, maintain correct relations with other people; (2) help develop the capabilities of young talents.61. 作色 [zuo4se4], v.i., to change color, as in anger.62. 作善 [zuo4shan4], v.i., do good turns.63. 作聲 [zuo4sheng1], v.i., break silence, begin to speak.64. 作興 *[zuo2xing0], (1) v.t., hold in high regard: 著實作興這幾個人 (MC) set these few men on a pedestal; (2) vb. phr., might as well let: 作興女待詔做個媒人 might as well let the lady-inwaiting be the go-between; (3) adj., sanctioned by tradition: 大盜相傳有這個規矩,不作興害鏢局的 robbers are bound by a traditional rule not to attack those operating an escort service for travellers; (4) adv., perhaps, maybe: 看這天氣,作興要下雨 given such weather, maybe it's going to rain.65. 作耍 [zuo4shua3], v.i., (1) to joke, poke fun; (2) to play, make merry.66. 作述 [zuo4shu4], v.i., make original contributions and be a transmitter of those of others.67. 作詩 [zuo4shi1], v.i., write poems, versify.68. 作勢 [zuo4shi4], v.i., gesticulate: 舉手作勢 make a gesture with hands; 裝腔作勢 put on airs.69. 作酸 *[zuo1suan1], v.i., (1) feel stomach acidity; (2) ([zuo4suan1]) be jealous of husband, or wife.70. 作祟 [zuo4sui4], v.i., (some evil spirit) cause trouble, make mischief.71. 作速 [zuo4su4], v.i., hurry up, make haste.72. 作死 *[zuo1si3], v.i., (abuse) dig one's own grave.73. 作態 [zuo4tai4], v.i., (1) put on pretenses; (2) strike an attitude.74. 作痛 [zuo4tong4], v.i., to ache, cause pain.75. 作外 [zuo4wai4], v.i., stand on ceremony (as “with outsiders”): 弟兄休作外 brothers don't need to stand on ceremony.76. 作為 [zuo4wei2] ([zuo4wei0]), (1) n., conduct and actions; n., accomplishments, achievements; (2) vb. phr., regard as: 作為罷論 let the matter be dropped (“regard as ended”).77. 作文 [zuo4wen2], v.i. & n., (write) an essay, composition, article.78. 作物 [zuo4wu4], n., (1) farm crop; (2) literary or artistic composition.79. 作押 [zuo4ya1], v.i., offer as security.80. 作眼 [zuo4yan3], v.i., (1) serve as an informer; (2) (Chin. game of “go”) make an encircling movement so as to occupy more space on the chessboard.81. 作癢 [zuo4yang3], v.i., to itch.82. 作業 [zuo4ye4], v.i. & n., (do) a school assignment, homework.83. 作揖 *[zuo1yi1], v.i., to make an obeisance.84. 作冤 *[zuo1yUan1], v.i., fall into a trap set by oneself.85. 作用 [zuo4yong4], n., (1) essential function: 機器的作用在節省人力 it's the function of machines to save manpower; (2) underlying purpose: 那有甚麼作用 what purpose can it serve? n.,(3) motive, reason: 他說那句話必有作用 he must have some good reason for saying so;86. 作俑 [zuo4yong3], phr., (AC) originate an immoral (vicious, wicked) practice: 始作俑者其無後乎 cursed be he who first introduced the practice of burying wooden images (and later living beings) with the dead (Mencius).作子 *[zuo1bie3zi0], v.i., be embarrassed, condemned, reproached.作[zuō](ㄗㄨㄛ)作坊 workshop:石作 stone mason's workshop小器作 workshop for the making of small articles另见 zuò作[zuò](ㄗㄨㄛˋ)1.起 rise; grow; get up:振作 brace up; cheer up日出而作 begin a day's work at sunrise一鼓作气 press on without a letup; brace one's nerve in one vigorous effort枪声大作。Heavy firing broke out. 2.从事某种活动 engage in certain activity:作孽 do evil; commit a sin自作自受 reap what one sows; suffer the consequences of one's own doing 3.写作 write; compose:著作 write (a book)作曲 compose music作书(写信)write a letter 4.作品 writings; work:佳作 excellent works杰作 masterpiece成功之作 successful work 5.装 pretend; affect:作态 pose; affect; strike an attitude装模作样 act with affected manners; be pretentious; put on a show 6.当作;作为 regard as; take sb. or sth. for:过期作废 cancel after expiration; invalid after the expiry date认贼作父 regard an evildoer as one's father 7.发作 feel; have:作呕 feel sick or nausea; feel like vomiting作怪 make trouble另见 zuō相关词组操作 | 炒作 | 创作 | 大作 | 单作 | 动作 | 发作 | 耕作 | 工作 | 合作 | 画作 | 佳作 | 间作 | 杰作 | 劳作 | 力作 | 连作 | 垄作 | 轮作 | 拟作 | 平作 | 诗作 | 伪作 | 仵作 | 习作 | 细作 | 下作 | 协作 | 写作 | 新作 | 夜作 | 译作 | 原作 | 运作 | 造作 | 振作 | 制作 | 著作 | 做作 | 动作片 | 恶作剧 | 反作用 | 副作用 | 工作餐 | 工作服 | 工作面 | 工作日 | 工作站 | 工作证 | 合作化 | 合作社 | 农作物 | 著作权 | 著作人 | 出世作 | 处女作 | 打夜作 | 代表作 | 小动作 | 小器作 | 操作规程 | 工作母机 | 胡作非为 | 始作俑者 | 天作之合 | 自作聪明 | 自作自受 | 打躬作揖 | 大秋作物 | 大田作物 | 大有作为 | 逢场作戏 | 高空作业 | 高温作业 | 谷类作物 | 光合作用 | 光化作用 | 光解作用 | 过冬作物 | 回嗔作喜 | 技术作物 | 经济作物 | 粮食作物 | 流水作业 | 拿腔作势 | 弄虚作假 | 平行作业 | 认贼作父 | 同化作用 | 推涛作浪 | 晚秋作物 | 为非作歹 | 为虎作伥 | 为人作嫁 | 无所作为 | 惺惺作态 | 兴风作浪 | 兴妖作怪 | 一鼓作气 | 以身作则 | 异化作用 | 油料作物 | 越冬作物 | 装模作样 | 装腔作势 | 自净作用 | 自我作古 | 案头工作 | 暗箱操作 | 规定动作 | 黑箱操作 | 矫揉造作 | 精耕细作 | 社会工作 | 述而不作 | 田野工作 | 无恶不作 | 五行八作 | 野外工作 | 自选动作 | 二一添作五 | 供销合作社 | 农业合作化 | 消费合作社 | 信用合作社 | 拉大旗,作虎皮作案 | 作罢 | 作保 | 作弊 | 作别 | 作成 | 作答 | 作对 | 作恶 | 作伐 | 作法 | 作坊 | 作废 | 作风 | 作梗 | 作古 | 作怪 | 作家 | 作假 | 作价 | 作件 | 作践 | 作客 | 作乐 | 作脸 | 作料 | 作乱 | 作美 | 作难 | 作孽 | 作弄 | 作呕 | 作陪 | 作品 | 作色 | 作势 | 作数 | 作死 | 作速 | 作祟 | 作态 | 作痛 | 作为 | 作伪 | 作文 | 作物 | 作息 | 作兴 | 作秀 | 作业 | 作揖 | 作艺 | 作俑 | 作用 | 作战 | 作者 | 作准 | 作壁上观 | 作法自毙 | 作奸犯科 | 作茧自缚 | 作威作福作vi.make[后接形容词,表示以某种方式行事或使成为某种状态等]作,弄;使成为某种状态vt.DO写(书等);作(曲、画等);出版;制作give发出(光、热、声音等);做(一个动作);作SET为(诗、歌词等)谱曲,为(曲)填词(to);(为乐器、歌唱声部)作(曲)(for)pull〈口〉实行,做,干;做成;犯(罪),作(案)strike〈废〉作(战)construct【数】作(图)spin(蚕等)吐(丝),作(茧);(蜘蛛)结(网)erect(几何学用语)作(垂直线)indite〈古〉写;赋(诗);作(文)phr.be delivered of生(孩子);作(诗)作1. to get up; to rise2. to make; to do3. to write; to compose4. writings; work5. to pretend; to affect6. to regard as; to treat as; to take..·for7. to act; to be作[zuō]名workshop♦ 木工~ carpenters' workshop♦ 洗衣~ laundry另见 zuò作[zuò]动1. rise; grow♦ 枪声大~。 Heavy firing broke out.2. write; compose♦ ~诗 compose a poem♦ ~书一封 write a letter♦ ~画 paint a picture3. pretend; affect♦ 故~怒容 pretend to be angry4. regard as; take sb. or sth. for♦ 看作 ♦ 作废 5. feel; have♦ 作呕 名writings ; work♦ 新~ a new work♦ 成功之~ a successful work




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