

单词 何在
释义 何在 hézài1) where?; what place?2) what is (that particular reason)?原因何在? What is the reason for it?何在hézàiwhere?what place?何在<书>where原因何在? for what reason?何在 hé zài where:  用心何在? What's the motive!  原因何在? What is the reason for it? 何在 [he2zai4], phr., where is (s.t.): 那人何在 where is that person? 用意何在 what is the motive?何在[hé zài]〈书 fml.〉在哪里 where:理由何在?What is the reason for it?何在1. where何在书 where♦ 困难~? Wherein lies the difficulty?♦ 原因~? What is the reason for it?




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