

单词 体察
释义 文馨英漢☞體察体察 tǐchá1) experience and observe2) examine/investigate with intensive personal attention3) be understanding/sympathetic toward4) put oneself in sb. else's place体察tǐcháto experienceto observe体察to observe体察细情 observe details of a situation体察民情 experience and have an understanding of public feeling有待体察 awaiting observation体察 tǐ chá experience and observe:  体察民情 observe the people's condition; be streetwise;  深入体察情况 be ready to look into matters with an open mind; not be prejudiced in sizing up situations 体察[tǐ chá] 体验和观察 experience and observe:体察民情 experience and observe the condition of the people体察vt.embrace看到;体察,领会体察1. to examine or investigate with intensive personal attention体察experience and observe♦ 虚心~情况 be ready to look into matters with an open mind; not be prejudiced in sizing up situations♦ ~下情 try to understand what is going on at the lower levels




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