

单词 住房
释义 住房1. housing住房 zhùfánghousing; lodging住房改革 housing reform住房zhùfánghousing住房参见:住宅[zhùzhái]住房面积 area of a house三室一厅的住房 house with three bedrooms and one reception群众的住房问题 housing problems of the masses住房制度的改革 reform of the housing system住房补贴 housing subsidy住房商品化 housing commoditization改善低收入居民的住房条件 improve the housing conditions of low-income residents住房 zhù fáng housing; lodgings:  住房问题 the housing problem; accommodation;  目前的住房制度正在彻底改革。 A drastic reformation of the present housing system has been carried out. 住房按揭 housing mortgage; 住房布线 domestic wiring; 住房分配 distributing housing; 住房改革 reform of the housing system; 住房供暖 house heating; 住房建筑动工数 housing starts; 住房交换 housing exchange; 住房津贴 house allowance; housing allowance; rental allowance; accommodation allowance; 住房紧张 acute housing shortage; 住房难 housing problem; 住房汽车 motor home; 住房商品化 the commercialization of housing; 住房市场 housing market; 住房卫生设备安装 house plumbing; 住房污水管 house sewer; 住房营造业者 housebuilder; 住房制度 housing system住房[zhù fáng] 供人居住的房屋 housing; lodgings住房a.tenemental住房的;共同房屋的,经济公寓的;套间的n.machine-for-living房子,住房quarter[quarters]住处;营房,营舍;(舰船上的)住舱区;(在印度由雇主或政府提供的)住房habitation住房tenement(尤指供出租的)住房,住宅住房1. housing; lodgings; habitations住房living chamber住房housing; lodgings♦ ~问题 the housing problem; accommodation~面积 floor space~汽车 motor home~商品化 commercialization of housing~制度改革 housing system reform英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞DWELLING-HOUSE英華☞HABITATION英華☞CHAMBER




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