

释义 似1. as if2. to seemABCABC★◀▶似 sìI b.f.1) be similar/like (相似)2) seem; appear (似乎)II cons.1) 似 A fēi A: looks like but is not A似马非马 looks like a horse but isn't2) 似 V fēi V: seemingly V but not actually V3) SV 似: more SV生活一年强似一年。 Life is getting better every year.似 shì(是的)似shìsee 似的[shì de]sìto seemto appearto resemblesimilar-likepseudo-(more) thansìold variant of 似[sì]似 v. 如同to be like白似雪 white as snow快似风 fast as the wind似蓝非蓝,似青非青 like blue but not quite blue, like green but not quite green形似串通 look like collusion湖水涨得好似大海一样。 The water in the lake rose until it was like an ocean.石榴花儿红似火。 The pomegranate flowers are red as fire.这孩子说话的样子好似大人。 This child talks like they were an adult. adv. 参见:似乎[sìhū]似属可行 appear to be feasible似应从速办理。 It should maybe be handled quickly.似 sì 动 (像; 如同) be similar; look like:  归心似箭。 A mind bent on returning is like an arrow.  骄阳似火。 The sun was scorching hot.  我和他的看法相似。 My opinions are similar to his. (好像) seem; appear:  似曾相识 seem to have met before;  这计划似属可行。 It seems this plan is feasible. (表示超过) exceed:  日子一年胜似一 年。 Life has been getting better year by year. 副 (似乎) it seems; as if:  似应由学校领导处理。 It would be better if the school authorities should see to it. 名 (姓氏) a surname:  似先知 Si Xianzhi 另见 shì。 2) 似 shì (构词成分)见下。另见sì。似似 1273A25  91A.81-2  部居  畫數 7ㄙˋ [si4] V.i.Seem, appear, seem like: 似乎 [si4hu0]↓;似是而非 appears right but really wrong;似此 like this;似有似無 seems to exist and again not to exist;used oft. as aux. or as adv., apparently: 似可 it seems possible to;似必 it seems one must;似應,似宜 it seems one should;似非無因 it seems (s.t.) happens not without a reason--there is a reason.Adj.Like, alike (Eng. “like” in “like this” is considered an unusual adj. which takes an object): 相似 alike;似我 like me;好似 (very common) is like;好似沒見過 seem not to have seen (person) before;宛似 just like;類似 look like;無似 lacking in courtesy (of speech, conduct);似的 (used at the end of sentence): 好像沒見過似的 it looks like we have not met before.Prep.(Used as a comparative) than: 一個高似一個 each is taller than another.Words1. 似的 [shi1de0], phr., see Adj.↑.2. 似價 [si4ga0], phr., (dial.) used like [si4de0]↑: 黑炭頭也似價的鬢角子 a side knot like a ball of charcoal.3. 似乎 [shi1hu0], adv., (commonly used in vern. in place of 似) apparently: 似乎太早 apparently too early; 似乎做不完 it seems not possible to finish it.4. 似續 [si4xU4], v.t., (AC) u.f. 嗣續 40S.50 to continue ancestral line.似[shì](ㄕˋ)[似的] (shì·de)〈助词 aux.〉用在名词、代词或动词后面,表示跟某种事物或情况相似 [used after a noun, pronoun, or verb to indicate similarity]be like ...; as ... as ...; as if:像雪似那么白 as white as snow仿佛睡着了似 as if asleep乐得什么似 as happy as a lark亦 also 是的 shì·de另见 sì似[sì](ㄙˋ)1.像;如同 similar; like:相似 resemble; be similar to; be alike近似 approximate; similar类似 similar (to); analogous (to)似是而非 apparently right but actually wrong 2.似乎 seem; appear:似属可行 seem to be feasible似应从速办理。It seems as though the matter should be dealt with as soon as possible. 3.表示超过 [used in a comparative] than:人民生活一年强似一年。People's lives are getting better every year.另见 shì相关词组好似 | 浑似 | 近似 | 酷似 | 类似 | 貌似 | 恰似 | 强似 | 神似 | 胜似 | 宛似 | 相似 | 形似 | 一似 | 疑似 | 近似值 | 相似形 | 如花似锦 | 如饥似渴 | 如胶似漆似乎 | 似…非… | 似是而非似ad.like〈口〉好像,(像)…似地suf.-ish表示“…一样的”,“…似的”,“有…特征的”: childish, girlish似1. similar; alike2. similar to; resembling3. to seem; to appear似-like双向☞准--似似[shì](构词成分)另见 sì似[sì]动1. be similar; look like♦ 相似 2. seem; appear♦ ~属可行 seem to be feasible介(used in a comparative) than♦ 生活一年强~一年。 Life is getting better every year.




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