

单词 估摸
释义 估摸 gūmocoll. reckon; guess我估摸着飞机该到了。 I guess the plane should arrive soon.估摸gūmoto reckonto guess估摸参见:估计[gūjì]我估摸着他月底就能回来。 I'm guessing he'll be back by the end of the month.估摸 gū mo (口) reckon; guess; guesstimate:  我估摸着她月底就能回来。 I reckon she'll be back by the end of this month. 估摸 [gu1mo0], v.t. & n., (1) (make) a rough estimate; (2) (be on) guard against.估摸[gū mo] 同 same as 估计 gūjì:我估摸着他会来。I surmise he will come.估摸phr.sus out估摸,推算出,推断出;调查,发现…的真相;发现估摸口 reckon; guess♦ 我~着她月底就能回来。 I reckon she'll be back by the end of this month.英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞CONJECTURE




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