

释义 伥 chāngtiger spirit (伥子)伥chāngghost of sb devoured by a tiger who helps the tiger devour others伥 n. 参见:伥鬼[chāngguǐ]为虎作伥 help a bad person to do evil伥 chāng 名 (伥鬼) ghost of one devoured by a tiger:  为虎作伥 such ghost helps the tiger to devour others; help a villain do evil 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞倀伥[chāng](ㄔㄤ)(倀)伥鬼 ghost of a man devoured by a tiger:为虎作伥 ghost of a man devoured by a tiger helps the tiger devour others相关词组为虎作伥伥鬼伥1. a ghost controlled by the tiger2. wild; rash伥[chāng]名the ghost of one devoured by a tiger, who helps the tiger to devour others♦ 为虎作伥




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