

单词 伤情
释义 伤情 shāngqíng1) condition of an injury2) sentiment伤情参见:伤势[shāngshì]伤情好转 the wound has started to heal参见:伤感[shānggǎn]他抚今追昔,不胜伤情。 He stirred up memories of the past, which caused him great sorrow.伤害感情to harm feelings对朋友不真诚容易伤情。 Being dishonest to one's friends can easily harm feelings.伤情 shāng qíng {中医} traumatic condition; state of an injury伤情1. the condition of an injury or wound2. sick at heart; sentimental; sad; sorrowful♦ 听了这话, 他有点~。 When he heard this, he felt rather sad.3. hurt sb.'s feelings♦ 这会~的。 This will be very hurtful.




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