

释义 文馨英漢☞傷伤 shāngI v.1) injure; wound你的脚哪里伤了? Which part of your foot got injured?2) fall ill from3) damage; harmII n.injury; woundIII b.f.1) wounded (打伤)2) sad; distressed (伤心)3) surfeited (with food or some activity) (吃伤了)伤shāngto injureinjurywound伤 n. 人体或物体受到的损害injury重伤 serious injury轻伤 light wound浑身是伤 wounded all over因伤被俘 wounded and taken prisoner v. 参见:伤害[shānghài]他的腿受了伤。 His leg has been injured.伤筋骨 injure oneself伤感情 hurt one's feelings出口伤人 offend people with one's words恶语伤人 hurt people with vicious remarks他的话伤了许多人。 His remarks hurt a lot of people.悲伤to feel distressed伤叹 sorrowful sigh感到厌烦to get sick of吃糖吃伤了 eat so much sugar one is sick of it小孩吃伤了。 The child has eaten so much he feels sick.妨碍to be harmful这无伤大雅。 This does no harm.伤 shāng 名 (人体或其他物体受到的损害) wound ; injury:  刀伤 a knife wound;  冻伤 frostbite;  满身是伤 be covered with cuts and bruises;  轻伤 a slight injury;  烫伤 a scald ;  伤好了。 The wound has healed.  他左胸上有一处枪伤。 He has a bullet wound in the left breast. (姓氏) a surname:  伤省 Shang Xing 动 (伤害) injure; hurt:  被汽车撞伤 be knocked down and injured by a car;  出口伤人 speak bitingly;  伤感情 hurt sb.'s feelings;  摔伤 fall and hurt oneself;  她伤了腿。 She injured herself in the leg. (悲伤) be distressed:  哀伤 sad; sorrowful (因过度而感到厌烦) get sick of sth. ; develop an aversion to sth.:  他从小吃鸡蛋吃伤了。 He has eaten so many eggs since his childhood that he is fed up with them now.  这孩子吃糖吃伤了。 The child has got sick of eating sweets. (妨碍) be harmful to; hinder:  无伤大雅 involving no major principle; not matter much;  有伤国体 discredit one's country 伤[shāng](ㄕㄤ)(傷)1.人体或其他物体受到的损害 wound; injury:内伤 internal injury虫伤 insect bites探伤 flaw detection; defect detection; fault detection轻伤不下火线 remain at the battlefront despite minor wounds 2.伤害 injure; hurt:伤了筋骨 injure the muscles and bones出口伤人 make offensive remarks; speak offensively伤感情 hurt one's feelings 3.悲伤 be distressed; be grieved:忧伤 grief; sorrow哀伤 grief; sorrow伤感 sentimental; sick at heart 4.因过度而感到厌烦(多指饮食) get sick of sth. (esp. food and drink); develop an aversion to sth.:伤食 be sick from overeating; suffer from indigestion吃糖吃伤了 get sick from eating too many candies 5.妨碍 be harmful to; hinder:无伤大雅 not affect the major principles; not matter much有伤风化 be a moral disgrace相关词组哀伤 | 暗伤 | 悲伤 | 创伤 | 挫伤 | 冻伤 | 负伤 | 感伤 | 工伤 | 毁伤 | 火伤 | 鳞伤 | 内伤 | 杀伤 | 烧伤 | 神伤 | 受伤 | 死伤 | 损伤 | 探伤 | 烫伤 | 外伤 | 误伤 | 养伤 | 忧伤 | 中伤 | 重伤 | 无伤大雅 | 物伤其类 | 出口伤人 | 劳民伤财 | 遍体鳞伤 | 金属探伤 | 救死扶伤 | 两败俱伤 | 五劳七伤伤疤 | 伤悼 | 伤风 | 伤感 | 伤害 | 伤寒 | 伤号 | 伤耗 | 伤痕 | 伤口 | 伤神 | 伤生 | 伤势 | 伤逝 | 伤亡 | 伤心 | 伤员 | 伤脑筋 | 伤风败俗 | 伤天害理 | 伤心惨目伤n.hurt伤;痛;(精神上的)痛苦wound(人或动物体的)伤;伤口traumatism伤,伤口伤1. an injury; a wound2. to harm; to hurt双向☞ 伤-- 受伤--损伤双向☞伤--痛的--疮伤[shāng]名wound; injury♦ 刀~ a knife wound♦ 浑身是~ be covered with cuts and bruises♦ ~好了。 The wound has healed.动1. injure; hurt♦ 被汽车撞~ be knocked down and injured by a car♦ 摔~ fall and hurt oneself2. be distressed♦ 伤怀 3. get sick of sth.; develop an aversion to sth.♦ 这孩子吃糖吃~了。 The child has got sick of eating sweets.4. be harmful to; hinder♦ 有~国体 discredit one's country♦ 无~大体 not matter much




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