

单词 传媒
释义 传媒 chuánméicommunication media传媒chuánméimedia传媒传播媒介media疾病传染的媒介means of transmission传媒[chuán méi]1.传播媒介,特指报纸、广播、电视等各种新闻工具 media, esp. the news media of newspaper, radio, and TV:国内外数十家新闻传媒对这一有趣的民俗作了介绍。Dozens of domestic and overseas news media reported on the interesting folk custom. 2.疾病传染的媒介或途径 agent or channel for the transmission of a disease:游泳池会成为红眼病的传媒。The swimming pool may become a vehicle of conjunctivitis.传媒1. 略 见〖传播媒介〗2. media; vehicle




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