

释义 文馨英漢☞傳ABCABC★◀▶传 chuánI v.1) pass (on); hand down把经验传给下一代。 Pass on the experience to the next generation.2) impart; teach3) spread4) infect; be contagiousII b.f.1) transmit; conduct (传电)金属传热比塑料快。 Metal conducts heat faster than plastic does.2) summon3) convey; express (传情)传 zhuàn1) commentaries on the classics2) biography他写了毛泽东传。 He wrote the Biography of Mao Zedong.3) historical novel传chuánto pass onto spreadto transmitto infectto transferto circulateto conduct (electricity)zhuànbiographyhistorical narrativecommentariesrelay station传 v. 转给to pass on传消息 pass on information古代传下来的 passed down from ancient times请往下传。 Please pass it on.参见:传授[chuánshòu]把自己的技能传给别人 teach one's skills to others参见:传播[chuánbō]捷报频传。 News of victory keeps pouring in.导电,导热to conduct金属传电。 Metal conducts electricity.光比声音传得快。 Light travels faster than sound.表达to express叫to summon传某人到人民法院 summon someone to the People's Court参见:传染[chuánrǎn]这病传人。 This disease is contagious among humans.传 chuán 动 (由一方交给另一方) pass; pass on:  右边锋把球传给中锋。 The right wing passed the ball to the centre forward.  请阅读并传给王先生。 Read this and pass it on to Mr. Wang.  星期五晚上他传来了这句话。 On Friday evening he passed this word along. (由上代交给下代) hand down; bequeath; pass from ...to...:  家传秘方 a secret recipe handed down in the family;  祖传宝剑 a sword bequeathed to the family by their forefathers;  前一代将其文明传给后一代。 One age bequeaths its civilization to the next.  我们不能永远遵守过去传下来的传统。 We cannot always observe the traditions handed down to us from the past.  这些风俗是世世代代传下来的。 These customs have been handed down through the ages. (传授) pass on (knowledge, skill, etc.); impart; teach:  老中医把自己的医术传给年轻一代。 The old man passed on his knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to the younger generation.  老工人对青年工人不仅言传而且身教。 The old workers instruct the young workers not only in words but in deeds. (传播) spread:  传为佳话 become a favorite tale;  恶事传千里。 Ill news spreads everywhere.; Ill news circulates rapidly.; Ill news goes far off.  消息很快传开了。 The news spread quickly.; The news soon got around. (传导) transmit; conduct; transfer:  传热 transmit heat;  金属传电。 Metals conduct electricity. (表达) convey; express:  眉目传情 flash amorous glances (发出命令叫人来) summon:  传某人出庭 summon sb. to court;  传证人 summon a witness (传染) infect; be contagious:  传上了霍乱 be infected with cholera;  小心别让你孩子传上流感。 Mind that your children don't catch the flu. 另见 zhuàn。 2) 传(傳) zhuàn 名 (解释经文的著作) commentaries on classics:  经传 Confucian classics and commentaries on them;  春秋三传 the three records or elucidations relative to events covered in Confucius' Spring and Autumn Annals (传记) biography:  小传 biographical sketch; profile;  自传 autobiography;  列传 biographies;  外传 unauthorized biography (叙述历史故事的作品) novels about historical events:  《水浒传》 Water Margin; Outlaws of the Marsh;  《吕梁英雄传》 The Lüliang Heroes 另见 chuán。传[chuán](ㄔㄨㄢˊ)(傳)1.由一方交给另一方;由上代交给下代 pass from one to another; hand down from one generation to the next:流传 pass down由前向后传 pass from front to back古代传下来的文化遗产 cultural legacy bequeathed from ancient times 2.传授 teach:师传 trained by a master把自己的手艺传给人 pass one's skills on to someone else 3.传播 promulgate:宣传 publicize胜利的消息传遍全国。News of victory spread all over the country. 4.传导 transmit:传电 transmit electricity传热 transmit heat 5.表达 express:传神 graphic, lifelike传情 express one's feelings 6.发出命令叫人来 demand the presence of sb.:传讯 summon sb. for interrogation; subpoena把他传来。Call him in. 7.传染 infect:这种病传人。This disease is contagious.另见 zhuàn传[zhuàn](ㄓㄨㄢˋ)(傳)1.解释经文的著作 commentaries on classics:经传 Confucian classics and commentaries on them《春秋公羊传》The Gongyang Commentary 2.传记 biography:列传 collected biographies of ancient dynastic histories别传 supplementary biography (not contained in official collected biographies)外传 unauthorized biographies自传 autobiography《三国志》上有诸葛亮的传。Records of Three Kingdoms contains a biography of Zhuge Liang. 3.叙述历史故事的作品(多用做小说名称 usu. used in titles)story or novel:《水浒传》 Outlaws of the Marsh《吕梁英雄传》 Heroes of the Lüliang Mountain另见 chuán相关词组别传 | 单传 | 嫡传 | 讹传 | 风传 | 哄传 | 经传 | 拘传 | 口传 | 列传 | 留传 | 流传 | 内传 | 频传 | 评传 | 亲传 | 盛传 | 失传 | 世传 | 外传 | 相传 | 小传 | 心传 | 宣传 | 言传 | 谣传 | 遗传 | 真传 | 自传 | 祖传 | 纪传体 | 热传导 | 宣传弹 | 宣传画 | 宣传品 | 遗传学 | 言传身教 | 遗传工程 | 以讹传讹 | 不见经传 | 名不虚传 | 圣经贤传 | 树碑立传 | 薪尽火传 | 言归正传 | 一脉相传传本 | 传播 | 传布 | 传唱 | 传抄 | 传承 | 传达 | 传代 | 传单 | 传导 | 传道 | 传灯 | 传递 | 传动 | 传粉 | 传告 | 传观 | 传呼 | 传话 | 传唤 | 传记 | 传家 | 传见 | 传教 | 传戒 | 传经 | 传令 | 传流 | 传略 | 传媒 | 传票 | 传奇 | 传情 | 传染 | 传人 | 传神 | 传世 | 传授 | 传输 | 传述 | 传说 | 传送 | 传诵 | 传颂 | 传统 | 传闻 | 传习 | 传檄 | 传写 | 传讯 | 传言 | 传扬 | 传艺 | 传译 | 传语 | 传阅 | 传真 | 传种 | 传动带 | 传感器 | 传家宝 | 传教士 | 传染病 | 传声器 | 传声筒 | 传输线 | 传送带 | 传出神经 | 传呼电话 | 传入神经 | 传宗接代传n.memoir(尤指本人亲友写的)传,传记,传略vi.pass(财物等的所有权)转移,转让;传;转变,转化vt.pass传(球) (给己方队员);【网】给(对方)超身球;【棒】使(击球手)自由上垒transmit传(热、声等);透(光等);使(光、热、声等)通过空气(或其他介质);传递(力、动作等)demise传(王位、君权等);禅让(王位、君权等)传1. to hand down; to pass (on)2. to spread (information or a contagious disease)3. to summon (by the court, etc.)\\zhuan\\ㄓㄨㄢˋ\\1·commentaries on classics2. a biography3. a novel or story written in historical style国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞传染--传传[chuán]动1. pass; pass on♦ 此件请按名单顺序向下~。 Please pass on this document in the order of the name list.2. hand down♦ 这种药方没能~下来。 That herbal prescription has been lost to posterity.3. pass on (knowledge, skill, etc.); impart; teach♦ 老师傅把他的技术全~给徒弟了。 The old master passed all his skills on to his apprentices.4. spread♦ 消息很快~开了。 The news spread quickly. or The news soon got around.♦ 这个秘密是他~出去的。 He's the one who let out the secret.5. transmit; conduct♦ ~热 transmit heat♦ 铜~电。 Copper conducts electricity.6. convey; express♦ 传神 ♦ 传情 7. summon♦ ~证人 summon a witness8. infect; be contagious♦ 小心别让你孩子~上流感。 Mind that your children don't catch the flu.另见 zhuàn传[zhuàn]名1. commentaries on classics♦ 《左~》 The Zuo Commentary (on The Spring and Autumn Annals)2. biography♦ 名人~ biographies of famous people♦ 《贝多芬~》 The Life of Beethoven3. story or novel (usu. used in titles)♦ 《白蛇~》 The Story of the White Snake♦ 《水浒~》 Water Margin or The Outlaws of the Marsh♦ 《新儿女英雄~》 Daughters and Sons




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