

单词 会师
释义 文馨英漢☞會師会师 huìshījoin forces; effect a junction会师huìshīto collaborateto join forcesto effect a junction会师to join forces胜利会师 triumphantly join forces与主力会师 team up with the main forces会师 huì shī join forces; effect a junction:  胜利会师 join forces triumphantly 会师[huì shī] 几支独立行动的部队在战地会合 (of two or more armies) combine forces; several independent military units join forces on a battlefield:胜利会师 join forces in victory各地革新能手在首都会师。Innovators and those with creative talent from all over the country converged on the capital.会师phr.join forces(同…)会师;(同…)联合,与 合作会师1. to join forces; to effect a junction会师join forces; effect a junction




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