

单词 会审
释义 文馨英漢☞會審会审 huìshěn1) v. make a joint checkup2) n. joint hearing/trial会审huìshěnjoint hearingto review jointly (i.e. with other checkers)会审会同审理to hold a joint trial治外法权的会审。 Hold a joint trial over extraterritoriality.会同审查to conduct a joint review必须认真会审施工图纸。 You must carefully check the construction blueprints together.会审 huì shěn (会同审理) joint hearing; joint trial:  举行会审 conduct a joint trial (会同审查) make a joint checkup:  会审施工图纸 have a joint checkup on the blue prints for a project 会审[huì shěn]1.会同审理(案件等)conduct a joint trial or hearing 2.会同审查 joint review:会审施工图纸 jointly review the blueprints of a construction project会审1. to judge jointly; to try jointly2. to make a joint checkup; to examine jointly会审1. joint hearing (or trial)2. make a joint checkup♦ ~施工图纸 have a joint checkup on the blueprints for a project




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