

单词 休戚与共
释义 文馨英漢☞休戚與共休戚与共 xiūqīyǔgòngshare weal and woe休戚与共to stand together through thick and thin休戚与共的亲密战友 battle companion with whom weals and woes have been shared休戚与共 xiū qī yǔ gòng share weal and woe; go through thick and thin together; share joys and sorrows; share the common weal and woe with; stand together through thick and thin; throw (cast) in one's lot with sb.休戚与共1. to stand together through thick and thin休戚与共fellow the fortunes休戚与共share weal and woe; stand together through thick and thin♦ ~, 生死相依 share weal and woe, and stick together in life and death




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