

单词 任意
释义 任意1. arbitrarily2. wantonly任意 rènyìwillfully; arbitrarily谁也不能任意修改宪法。 No one can amend the Constitution at will.任意rènyìarbitraryat willat random任意任凭自己的意愿as one likes任意行动 act however one likes任意挥霍 spend wantonly任意摆布 order around however one pleases任意发泄怒气 vent one's rage任意作出决定 make arbitrary decisions任意胡来 do whatever one wants任意妄为 act arrogantly and wilfully任意挑选 pick arbitrarily可以任意畅谈 can talk to one's heart's content无任何条件的unconditional任意三角形 arbitrary triangle任意 rèn yì wantonly; arbitrarily; wilfully; just as one wishes; at will:  任意捏造事实 indulge in pure fabrication;  任意摆布 order sb. about at will; get sb. by the short hairs; have sb. under one's thumb; turn (twist; wind; wrap) sb. round one's little finger;  任意诬蔑 wantonly vilify;  任意编造 arbitrarily invent;  任意歪曲历史 wilful distortion of history;  任意打击 wilfully attack; attack others as one pleases;  任意欺侮 bully others at will;  任意通行 free traffic;  任意涨价 raise prices arbitrarily 任意标度arbitrary scale; 任意参数 arbitrary parameter; 任意常数 {数} arbitrary constant; 任意处理订单 discretionary order; 任意存取 arbitrary access; 任意点 arbitrary point; 任意定相 arbitrary phasing; 任意单位 arbitrary unit; 任意港 optional port; 任意格网 {图} arbitrary grid; 任意函数 arbitrary function; 任意函数发生器 arbitrary-function generator; 任意航向计算机 arbitrary course computer; 任意基准值 arbitrary reference value; 任意加税 slap additional taxes on; 任意截面波导 waveguide of arbitrary cross section; 任意截切 {地} arbitrary cut-off; 任意输入信号 arbitrary input; 任意顺序 random order; 任意条款 optional clause; permissive provision; 任意投影 {图} aphylactic map projection; 任意脱离啮合 walking-out of mesh; 任意卸货港交货 optional delivery; 任意型号 disposable type; 任意形状波导 arbitrary-shaped waveguide; 任意序列 arbitrary sequence; 任意仲裁 voluntary arbitration; 任意准备 voluntary reserve林语堂林语堂★◀▶任意as one pleases, without inhibition or restraint;任意 [ren4yi4], v.i., do as one pleases.任意[rèn yì]1.没有拘束,不加限制,爱怎么样就怎么样 arbitrary; wilful:任意行动 act wantonly任意畅谈 have a nice and free chat 2.没有任何条件的 unconditional:任意三角形 unconditional triangle任意a.random胡乱的,无一定之规的;任意的;任意选取的loose任意的;轻率的;不加约束的shotgun〈口〉漫无目标的,任意的arbitrary任意(性)的indiscriminate任意的uninhibited不受抑制的;不受约束的;无拘无束的;任意的facultative任意的;可选择的scattershot四下散开的,散射的;随便的,任意的,漫无目标的ad.random[常用以构成复合词]胡乱地;任意地;规格不一地n.indiscrimination任意;任性phr.out of a hat随便地,任意地ad libitum〈拉〉即兴;随意,任意(标在乐谱上表示演奏者可任意改变这段音乐的表演色调和速度;在重奏中表示这段的声部可以删去)of itself出于己意;任意任意1. arbitrarily; wantonly; at will; at random; by haphazard; at one's own choice任意ad lib.,ad libitum任意ad lib.双向☞选择的自由--任意双向☞随机--任意任意wanton; arbitrary; wilful♦ ~诬蔑 wantonly vilify♦ ~捏造事实 indulge in pure fabrication♦ ~欺负别人 bully people at will~常数 [数]arbitrary constant~球 [体][足球] free kick(手球)free throw英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Fantastically英華☞Ad arbitrium英華☞Humorsomely英華☞Ad libitum英華☞ARBITRARY英華☞Adlibitum英華☞ABSOLUTE英華☞FANCIFUL英華☞CAPRICE英華☞FOLLOW英華☞FREELY英華☞ANY英華☞AT




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