

释义 任1. duty2. surname3. to letABCABC★◀▶任 rènI v.1) serve in a position2) appoint to a position3) allowII n.official postIII m.term of office美国总统一任四年。 One term of office for an American President is four years.IV conj.no matter (what/how)任他怎么说,我都不信。 I don't believe him no matter what he says.V b.f.1) trust (信任)2) any (任何)任 RénSurname任Rénsurname RenRen County 任县[Rén Xiàn] in Hebeirènto assignto appointto take up a postofficeresponsibilityto letto allowto give free rein tono matter (how, what etc)classifier for terms served in office, or for spouses, girlfriends etc (as in 前任男友)任 rèn 动 (任用) appoint:  新任的市长 the newly appointed mayor;  他被任为那所大学的终身教授。 He was appointed professor in the university for life. (担任) assume a post; take up a job:  他任教多年了。 He has been a teacher for many years.  他连任十年大使。 He took up office as an ambassador for ten years continuously.  他在法国内阁中任过许多重要职务。 He had held many important offices in the French cabinet.  一毕业她就被分配任学校的会计。 Upon graduation she was assigned to the position of treasurer of the school. (任凭; 听任) let; allow; give free rein to:  任想像纵情奔放 give full reins to one's imagination;  去还是不去,任你决定。 It's up to you to decide whether you go or not.  任你挑选一个。 Choose any one you like. 名 (职务) official post; office:  返任 resume charge of the office; return to one's post;  赴任 proceed to take up one's post;  就(离)任 assume (leave) office;  离任期间 during one's absence;  任满 expiration of one's term of office;  任内 during one's term (tenure) of office;  上任 take up an official post; assume office 量 (用于任职的次数):  做过两任大使 have twice been ambassador 连 (不论; 无论) no matter (how, what, etc.):  任他怎么说,也别信他。 Don't trust him, no matter what he says.  任我们怎样劝说, 他也不听。 No matter how hard we tried to persuade him, he wouldn't listen. 另见 rén。 2) 任 rén 名 (姓氏) a surname:  任华 Ren Hua 另见 rèn。任任 1245B10  91A.11-9  部居  畫數 6ㄖㄣˋ [ren4]  (*ㄖㄣˊ [ren2] ).N.(1)  One's duty, assignment, responsibility: 任務 [ren4wu4]↓;責任 official duties;重任 heavy responsibility;任重道遠 ability to carry heavy responsibilities through thick and thin.(2)  An official post: 赴任 go to assume office;卸任 step down from office;到任 take up a post;受任 receive an appointment to office;接任 take office;走馬上任 go to take office;在任 during one's tenure of office;前任,後任 former, present incumbent;新任,舊任 new, old appointee;原任 original officeholder;歷任 successive officeholders;薦任 (of section chiefs, secretaries, etc.) appoint on recommendation;任 (of vice-ministers, counsellors, etc.) appoint by selection;特任 (of Cabinet members, ambassador, etc.) appoint by special decree.(3)  (*[ren2]) U.f. 妊: pregnancy.(4)  A surname.V.t.(1)  Appoint, assign: 任命 [ren4ming4]↓;任賢 select good men for service;任免 [ren4mian3], 任用 [ren4yong4], 任期 [ren4qi2], 任使 [ren4shi3]↓;委任 (of clerks, copyists, etc.) to appoint or commission;聘任 (of teachers, professors, advisers, etc.) appoint by invitation;調任 to transfer.(2)  Be responsible for: 任勞 [ren4lao2]↓;任怨 bear blame;擔任 serve as, occupy the position of;出任 assume the duties of;專任 hold a full-time job;兼任 serve concurrently as;任內 during one's tenure of office;初任 assume office for the first time;勝任愉快 be fully qualified for work (duties, assignment);連任 serve for a second term;革職留任 be stripped of official title but not dismissed.(3)  Let, allow: 任憑 [ren4ping2], 任便 [ren4bian4]↓;任由 let it be;任從 [ren4cong2], 任意 [ren4yi4], 任性 [ren4xing4]↓;任所欲為 let him do as he pleases, give him a free hand.(4)  To trust: 信任 entrust, have confidence in.(5)  Let anyone: 任何人都不許進來 no one shall come in no matter who he is.Adj.Any, no matter who, what, how: 任甚麼話都不聽 won't listen no matter what you say.Words1. 任便 [ren4bian4], phr., just as you (he) please(s), be free (at liberty) to.2. 任氣 [ren4qi4], adj., hotheaded, quick-tempered, impetuous, rash.3. 任期 [ren4qi2], n., tenure of office, a tour of duty.4. 任情 [ren4qing2], adj., (=任性 [ren4xing4]↓).5. 任達 [ren4da2], adj., easygoing, happy-go-lucky, free from worldly worries.6. 任何 [ren4he2], adj., any, whatever (person, place, thing).7. 任咎 [ren4jiu4], v.i., take upon oneself all the blame.8. 任勞 [ren4lao2], v.i., bear responsibility for task, devote oneself wholeheartedly to duty.9. 任免 [ren4mian3], v.t. & n., appoint(ment) and dismiss(al).10. 任命 [ren4ming4], v.t. & n., appoint(ment) to office.11. 任憑 [ren4ping2], phr., (1) (=任便 [ren4bian4]↑); (2) no matter what, see Adj.↑.12. 任人 *[ren2ren2], (1) n., (AC) a flatterer, a toady, a sycophant, a deceitful person (=佞人); (2) adj., open to everybody.13. 任俠 [ren4xia2], n., a gallant and chivalrous person.14. 任性 [ren4xing4], (1) v.i., do as one pleases, follow one's natural bent; (2) adj., intractable, refractory, recalcitrant: 不可任性 don't be self-willed.15. 任率 [ren4shou4], adj., ingenuous, artless, simple, natural.16. 任事 [ren4shi4]1, (1) v.i., to shoulder responsibility, discharge one’s duties: 勇於任事 fulfill one's duties faithfully and energetically; (2) v.i., assign duties to (s.o.).17. 任是 [ren4shi4]2, conj., even if.18. 任使 [ren4shi3], v.t. & n., (1) (appoint to) service; (2) duties, responsibilities; (3) conj., even if.19. 任天 [ren4tian1], v.i., leave everything to divine will.20. 任從 [ren4cong2], phr., let s.o. do as he pleases.21. 任縱 [ren4zong4], adj., unrestrained.22. 任務 [ren4wu4], n., an assigned task, duties, responsibilities.23. 任意 [ren4yi4], v.i., do as one pleases.24. 任用 [ren4yong4], v.t., appoint to service.任[rén](ㄖㄣˊ)1.任县 (Rén Xiàn)、任丘 (Rénqiū),地名,都在河北 Renxian and Renqiu, names of places in Hebei Province 2.(Rén) 姓 a surname另见 rèn任1[rèn](ㄖㄣˋ)1.任用 appoint; assign to a post:委任 appointment to a post被任为厂长 be appointed director of a factory 2.担任 take office; assume a post:任职 take up a post连选连任 elected to a consecutive term of office 3.担当;承受 bear; endure:任劳任怨 be hard-working and never complain 4.职务 office; official post:就任 take office担负重任 be assigned to an important post 5.〈量词 classifier〉用于担任官职的次数 term (of office); number of terms served on an official post任2[rèn](ㄖㄣˋ)1.任凭;听凭 let; allow; permit:放任 give rein to任意 wilfully听之任之 let things run unchecked衣服的花色很多,任你挑选。There are a big variety of garments here, and you can choose any way you want. 2.不论;无论 no matter; regardless of:东西放在这里,任什么也短不了。If you put your things here none of them will be lost no matter what happens.任谁也不准乱动这里的东西。Nobody is allowed to fiddle with what's stored here whoever you are.另见 rén相关词组常任 | 充任 | 出任 | 担任 | 放任 | 后任 | 级任 | 己任 | 继任 | 兼任 | 简任 | 荐任 | 接任 | 就任 | 历任 | 莅任 | 连任 | 留任 | 履任 | 聘任 | 前任 | 去任 | 荣任 | 上任 | 升任 | 胜任 | 特任 | 调任 | 听任 | 委任 | 无任 | 现任 | 卸任 | 新任 | 信任 | 选任 | 一任 | 责任 | 重任 | 主任 | 专任 | 硬任务 | 责任感 | 班主任 | 信任投票 | 责任编辑 | 责任事故 | 听之任之 | 刑事责任 | 走马上任 | 新官上任三把火任便 | 任从 | 任何 | 任教 | 任课 | 任免 | 任命 | 任凭 | 任期 | 任情 | 任务 | 任性 | 任意 | 任用 | 任职 | 任劳任怨 | 任人唯亲 | 任人唯贤 | 任重道远任vt.serve任(职)任1. to appoint (to a post)2. a post; an office3. a term of office4. to allow; to let be任JÊN任[rèn]动1. assign sb. to a post; appoint♦ 新~的厂长 the newly appointed director of the factory2. assume a post; take up a job♦ ~军长 hold office as an army commander3. undertake; bear♦ 任劳任怨 4. let; allow; give free reign to♦ ~其泛滥 let it (e.g. a flood, etc.) spread unchecked♦ ~你挑选一个。 Choose any one you like.♦ 衣服的花色很多, ~你选择。 There are clothes of all different designs and colours for you to choose from.名official post; office♦ ~满 expiration of one's term of office♦ ~内 during one's term (or tenure) of office量(for the number of terms served on an official post)♦ 他做过两~大使。 He has twice been ambassador.连no matter (how, what, etc.)♦ ~我们怎样劝说, 他也不听。 No matter how hard we tried to persuade him, he wouldn't listen.♦ 东西放在家里, ~怎么也丢不了。 As long as we leave these things in the house, they can't possibly get lost.




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