

释义 件1. document2. piece件 jiàn1) m. for articles/items/etc.2) b.f. correspondence; paper; document (文件)件jiànitemcomponentclassifier for events, things, clothes etc件 n. 可以计算的事物item铸件 casting工件 workpiece文件document来件 received document密件 classified document measure word 用于个体事物used for individual items两件衬衣 two shirts三件行李 three pieces of luggage买一件衣料 buy a piece of cloth按件计工 pay by the piece有三件工作要做。 Three jobs need to be done.有件事想和你商量。 There is something I would like to discuss with you.有件事使我感到不安。 There is something making me feel anxious.件 jiàn 量 (用于个体事物) piece; article; item:  三件行李 three pieces of luggage;  一件衬衫 a shirt;  一件工作 a piece of work; a job;  一件事 a matter; a thing 名 (指可以一一计算的事物):  案件 (law) case;  锻件 forged piece; forging;  工件 workpiece (文件) letter; correspondence; paper; document:  急件 urgent document or dispatch;  来件 a communication, document, etc. received;  密件 confidential (classified) documents; secret papers 件件 1242A35  91A.10-1  部居  畫數 6ㄐㄧㄢˋ [jian4] N. & n. adjunct.A unit or item of anything: 一件大事 a memorable (important) event;一件案子 a lawsuit, an incident;一件新聞 a piece of news;一件衣服 a dress;一件行李 a piece of luggage;件件 each and every item, all items;件數 number of items of pieces;論件計酬 payment by the piece;條件 a provision, condition;物件 articles, things.件[jiàn](ㄐㄧㄢˋ)1.〈量词 classifier〉用于个体事物 (for individual matters or things):一件事 a matter; a thing两件衣裳 two dresses; two suits of clothes 2.(件儿 jiànr)指可以一一计算的事物 item; piece:铸件 castings工件 work pieces零件儿 spare parts案件 cases 3.文件 documents:来件 message, parcel, letter or document received急件 urgent document or dispatch密件 restricted (or confidential) document or dispatch相关词组案件 | 摆件 | 备件 | 部件 | 抄件 | 锻件 | 附件 | 稿件 | 工件 | 构件 | 挂件 | 函件 | 机件 | 急件 | 快件 | 来件 | 零件 | 慢件 | 密件 | 配件 | 批件 | 器件 | 软件 | 事件 | 条件 | 文件 | 物件 | 信件 | 要件 | 硬件 | 邮件 | 元件 | 原件 | 证件 | 制件 | 铸件 | 作件 | 什件儿 | 无条件 | 计件工资 | 条件刺激 | 条件反射 | 电子函件 | 电子邮件 | 红头文件 | 劳动条件 | 预制构件 | 非条件刺激 | 非条件反射件n.lot(出售或拍卖时的)(一)件(货品);(一)批(货),(一)组(商品)piece(一套或一组中的)件,个;[常作 pieces 或与数词连用] (乐队人员的)一名(事例的)桩,项,番,条;(工作量或产品的)件stick(家具的)件tut〈英〉件(矿业中的计件工作量单位)件1. quantifier for countable articles2. a document件PCS(pcs, pieces)件member件piece双向☞件 --每件--双向☞件--包装双向☞包--件件[jiàn]量1. (for matters in general)♦ 一~事 a matter; a thing♦ 一~工作 a piece of work; a job2. (for clothing, furniture, luggage, etc.)♦ 一~大衣 an overcoat♦ 一~家具 a piece of furniture♦ 三~行李 three pieces of luggage名1. single item♦ 工件 ♦ 零件 2. letter; correspondence; paper; document♦ 来件 ♦ 密件




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