

单词 仰人鼻息
释义 仰人鼻息1. to be dependent on the pleasure and whims of others仰人鼻息 yǎngrénbíxībe at sb.'s beck and call仰人鼻息yǎngrénbíxīto rely on others for the air one breathes (idiom); to depend on sb's whim for one's living仰人鼻息to be at someone's beck and call仰人鼻息depend on another's whims and pleasures (“snort and sneezes”);仰人鼻息[yǎng rén bí xī]〈比喻 fig.〉依赖人,看人的脸色行事 live at sb.'s mercy; subject to sb.'s slightest whim; be at sb.'s beck and call仰人鼻息1. to be dependent on the pleasure of others; to be slavishly dependent; to depend upon sb's whims and pleasures仰人鼻息be dependent on the whims of others; be slavishly dependent




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