

释义 仰1. to adore2. to look up3. to rely on仰 yǎng1) face upward (仰卧)2) admire; respect; look up to (敬仰)3) rely/depend on (仰赖)4) trad. hope; request (used in official documents transmitting orders/requests) (仰望)仰Yǎngsurname Yangyǎngto face upwardto look upto admireto rely on仰 v. 参见:仰面[yǎngmiàn]仰着身子躺着 lie on one's back仰天大笑 lean back and laugh仰天一交 fall flat on one's back仰起头来 raise one's head参见:仰慕[yǎngmù]久仰大名。 I've heard so much about you.人所共仰 be respected by everyone参见:仰仗[yǎngzhàng]旧时公文用语to hope仰即遵照。 We hope that you will act accordingly at once.仰 yǎng 动 (脸向上) face upward:  仰起头 raise one's head;  仰着睡 sleep on one's back;  前俯后仰 bend forwards and backwards (敬慕) admire; respect; look up to:  敬仰 revere; venerate;  瞻仰 look at with reverence; pay one's respects to (依靠; 依赖) rely on ; depend on:  仰给于人 rely on others for support;  仰食父兄 sponge on father and brother (旧时公文用语) hope:  仰即遵照 Hope you will obey and do accordingly. 名 (姓氏) a surname:  仰忻 Yang Xin 仰仰 1249A00  91A.22-9  部居  畫數 6ㄧㄤˇ [yang3] V.i. & t.(1)  To face upward: 仰天長嘯 to make a long whistle or cry into the air;仰面朝天 to fall down face up;俯仰之間 in a short moment (of “facing up and down”).(2)  To hope: 仰望 [yang3wang4]↓;仰能合意 hope it is what you want.(3)  To look up to (person): 敬仰 admire and respect;仰慕 [yang3mu4]↓;久仰 short for 久仰大名 formula for first meeting of well-known person;信仰 to believe in (God, s.t.).(4)  (Documentary to subordinate official or common people) hope: 右仰知悉 hope you take note of the above;仰即遵照 hope you will obey and do accordingly.(5)  To rely on, depend on: 仰給,仰賴 [yang3ji3], [yang3lai4]↓;仰人鼻息 depend on another's whims and pleasures (“snort and sneezes”);仰食於人 to depend on another for living.Adv.Up, upwards: 仰視,仰觀 looking upwards.Words1. 仰八叉 [yang3ba1cha1], v.i., to fall down on one's back with legs pointing up: 仰八腳兒(子) ditto.2. 仰毒 [yang3du2], phr., to take poison (drinking face up).3. 仰光 [yang3guang1], n., Rangoon.4. 仰仗 [yang3zhang4], v.t., to rely on, see [yang3lai4]↓.5. 仰角 [yang2jiao3], n., (math.) angle of elevation.6. 仰給 [yang2ji3], v.t., to support (parents).7. 仰止 [yang2zhi3], v.t., to admire greatly (as one stops looking up at a peak).8. 仰賴 [yang3lai4], v.t., to rely on (favor, support).9. 仰慕 [yang3mu4], v.t., to admire (person).10. 仰攀 [yang3pan1], v.i., to climb up; (fig.) to climb socially.11. 仰望 [yang3wang4], v.i. & t., hope.12. 仰藥 [yang3yao4], phr., to quaff medicine.仰[yǎng](ㄧㄤˇ)1.脸向上(跟‘俯’相对 as opposed to‘bow’)face upward:仰视 look up仰望 look up仰天大笑 laugh boisterously 2.敬慕 admire; respect; look up to:仰慕 admire; respect; look up to敬仰 revere信仰 faith, believe 3.依靠;依赖 rely on:仰仗 rely on; look to sb. for support仰人鼻息 be depen-dent on the whims of others; be slavishly dependent 4.〈旧时 old〉公文用语。上行文中用在‘请、祈、恳’等字之前,表示恭敬;下行文中表示命令,如‘仰即遵照’。[used before 请 qǐng, 祈 qǐ or 恳 kěn in old times, in submitting official documents to a superior to show respect, or used in transmitting orders or requests to a subordinate, e.g. 仰即遵照。We hope that you will act accordingly at once.] 5.(Yǎng) 姓 a surname相关词组崇仰 | 倒仰 | 俯仰 | 景仰 | 敬仰 | 久仰 | 钦仰 | 信仰 | 瞻仰 | 宗仰 | 俯仰由人 | 俯仰之间 | 马仰人翻 | 前仰后合 | 人仰马翻 | 马翻人仰仰承 | 仰给 | 仰角 | 仰壳 | 仰赖 | 仰面 | 仰慕 | 仰视 | 仰天 | 仰望 | 仰卧 | 仰泳 | 仰仗 | 仰八叉 | 仰人鼻息 | 仰韶文化仰1. to face upward2. to look up to3. to rely on仰[yǎng]动1. face upward♦ ~着睡 sleep on one's back♦ ~头 raise one's head; raise one's eyes2. admire; respect; look up to♦ 瞻仰 3. rely on♦ 仰仗




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