

单词 以逸待劳
释义 文馨英漢☞以逸待勞以逸待劳 yǐyìdàiláowait for the enemy to exhaust himself以逸待劳yǐyìdàiláoto wait at one's ease for the exhausted enemyto nurture one's strength and bide one's time (idiom)以逸待劳wait for the enemy to wear themselves out以逸待劳 yǐ yì dài láo wait at one's ease for the fatigued (for an exhausted enemy or opponent); be fresh and fit, waiting for those fagged out with a long march; be rested and ready to face the attack of the fatigued enemy; hold one's position waiting for the enemy attack after a long march; lie in wait for; meet worn-out troops in ease; meet (them) when (they were) tired out以逸待劳[yǐ yì dài láo] 指作战的时候采取守势,养精蓄锐,等待来攻的敌人疲劳后再出击 wait at one's ease for an exhausted enemy以逸待劳1. to wait at one's ease for an exhausted enemy or opponent以逸待劳wait at one's ease for an exhausted enemy




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