

单词 以上
释义 以上1. above2. upwards以上 yǐshàng1) more than; over; above这个西瓜有十斤以上。 This watermelon weighs more than five kilos.2) the above/foregoing/above-mentioned以上各章 the above chapters以上yǐshàngthat level or higherthat amount or morethe above-mentioned(used to indicate that one has completed one's remarks) That is all.以上超出某一点above一吨以上 over a ton五年以上 more than five years五岁以上的孩子们 children over five years old县以上的各级党委 party committees at all levels above the county level继续六个小时以上 continue for more than six hours前面the above以上所述 above-mentioned以上所举的事实 facts cited above以上已经谈到 have mentioned in the preceding discussion以上 yǐ shàng (某一个点以上) more than; over; above:  司局级以上 of departmental level and higher;  10岁以上的女孩 girls of ten and upwards;  10人以上 more than ten people (前面的) the above; the foregoing; the above-mentioned:  鉴于以上 in view of the foregoing;  以上各章 the above chapters;  我作了以上发言, 请予考虑。 I have made the above statement for your consideration.  以上是这一小时的消息。 These are the news of the hour. 林语堂林语堂★◀▶以上 [yi3shang4], (1) adv. & prep., above (certain number, age, etc.): 以上所說 what is said above; (2) n., the above (passage).以上,以下 above, below以上[yǐ shàng]1.表示位置、次序或数目等在某一点之上 more than; over; above; indicating the position, order, number, etc. is above a given point:半山以上石级更陡。From halfway up the mountain, the stone steps become even steeper.县级以上干部 cadres at and above the county level 2.指前面的(话),总括上文 above; foregoing; aforementioned:以上所说的是方针问题。What I've said in the foregoing is a question of principle.以上a.Odd[常用以构成复合词]…以上的,挂零的ad.above(在级别、权力、数目等方面)在上,以上upward以上phr.upwards of以上,多于…upward of以上,多于…以上1. above-mentioned2. over and above3. upward以上1. more than; over; above♦ 五十人~ over (or more than) fifty people2. the above ; the foregoing; the above-mentioned♦ 我完全同意~几位代表的发言。 I fully agree with the delegates who have already spoken.英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞ABOVE




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