

释义 以1. because of2. by means of以 yǐI cov.1) using; taking以合成橡胶代替天然橡胶 use synthetic rubber in place of natural rubber2) because of以盛产红茶著名 famous for abundantly producing black tea3) in order to; so as to以应急需 in order to meet an urgent needII suf.“empty” verb suffix给以 giveIII cons.1) 以 A wéi B: take/regard A as B2) 以 A lái shuō: as far as A is concernedIV b.f.from a point on (以下, 以北)以yǐold variant of 以[yǐ]yǐold variant of 以[yǐ]Yǐabbr. for Israel 以色列[Yǐ sè liè]yǐto useby means ofaccording toin order tobecause ofat (a certain date or place)以 conj. 参见:以便[yǐbiàn]以待时机 wait for the time to be right以壮声势 so as to make a bigger impression以资弥补 in order to make up for a shortage以广视听 in order to widen one's knowledge以正视听 in order to set the record straight而<书>and城高以厚。 The city walls are high and wide. prep. 表示凭借by means of以排山倒海之势 with the momentum of an avalanche以坚强意志克服困难 use one's strength of will to overcome difficulties以部长的身份 in one's capacity as minister依according to以次就座 be seated in order以我所见 in my opinion因for何以知之? how do you know?于<书>on; at; in中华人民共和国以1949年成立。 The People's Republic of China was established in 1949. v. 用,拿to use以计谋取胜 win by scheming对孩子们要晓之以理,而不能动之以武。 You have to use reasoning with children and not force.以平等对待的精神进行协商 carry on negotiations in the spirit of equality以平等的态度待人 treat people fairly以国际主义和爱国主义相结合的精神教育全体劳动者 use the combined spirits of internationalism and patriotism to educate all workers他们以损人开始,以害己告终。 They started by harming others but ended up harming themselves.认为是to be considered as以劳动为光荣 gain glory from work以助人为乐 take pleasure from helping others以国家利益为重 put the country's interests first以...自居 pose as a ...以 yǐ 动 (用; 拿) use; take:  以我之长, 攻敌之短 utilize our strong points to attack the enemy's weak points;  以共同对敌的大局为重 set the general interest of fighting against the common enemy above everything else 介 (用; 拿) with; by:  以理服人 convince people by reasoning;  赠以鲜花 present sb. with a bouquet (依; 按照) according to:  以成绩录取新生 enroll students according to their merits;  以时启闭 open and close according to schedule;  以姓氏笔画为序 be listed in the order of the number of strokes in their surnames (因) because of:  不以人废言 not reject a saying because the speaker is what or who he is;  不以失败自馁, 不以成功自满 not lose heart because of failure nor feel conceited because of success;  以风景优美著称 be celebrated for its scenic beauty;  何以知之? How do you know?  苏州以其美丽的园林而闻名。 Suzhou is celebrated for her beautiful gardens.  他以有学问而出名。 He is famous for his learning. (表示目的) in order to; so as to:  以示区别 so as to distinguish this from other cases;  以应急需 in order to answer an urgent need  (书) (于; 在) at (a certain time); on (a fixed date):  余以3月1日返。 I returned on March the first. (放在单纯的方位词前, 表示时间、方位、数量的界限):  20年以前 twenty years ago or earlier;  黄河以北 (to the) north of the Huanghe River;  5千以内 less than five thousand;  县团以上 of county or regiment level and higher 连 (书) (跟 “而 ”用法相同) and; as well as:  淅沥以潇飒 raindrops pattering and wind rustling;  城高以厚。 The city wall is high and thick. 名 (姓氏) a surname:  以相 Yi Xiang 林语堂林语堂★◀▶以以 343B15  21S.81-8  部居  畫數 5ㄧˇ [yi3] N.Short for 以色列 Israel (cf. 意 for Italy).V.i. & t.(1)  Do: 可以 vb. aux., may;視其所以 see what he does.(2)  Consider as: 以為 [yi3wei2], 以謂 [yi3wei4]↓.(3)  In order to;like Eng. “to”, used to introduce infinitive: 以免,以妨 in order to avoid, prevent;以備萬一 to provide against any contingency;以杜後患 to forestall future trouble;以釋群疑 to allay doubt in public's mind;以補所失 to repay the loss;以救眉急 to answer urgent needs;以資參考 to provide for reference;以致身亡 as a result, he died;以昭信用 to show good faith.Prep.(Usu.) placed before nn. (1)  Giving direction or time sequence: 以上,以下 above, below;以東,以西,以左,以右 to the east, west, left, right;以前,以後 before, after;以往 formerly;以來 since that time;以外,以內 excluding, including.(2)  Giving cause: 以此,以此之故,以故 for this reason;是以,所以 therefore;良有以也 (LL) indeed that was why.(3)  With, indicating implement, instrumentality;以毒攻毒 fight poison with poison;以德報怨 to return good for evil;以手加額 place hand over one's forehead (in greeting);以身作則 make oneself serve as example to others;以淚洗面 “wash my face with tears” (in extreme misery);以逸待勞 hold one's position awaiting enemy attack after long march;以訛傳訛 pass on rumors, incorrect reading, etc.Words1. 以便 [yi3bian4], phr., in order to facilitate (doing): 以便回報,回家 so that I can make a report, return home.2. 以前 [yi3qian2], adv. & prep., before: 啟程以前 before departure; 以前不是這樣 it was not so before.3. 以待 [yi3dai4], phr., in order to wait for (what is expected).4. 以防 [yi3fang2], phr., in order to prevent.5. 以故 [yi3gu4], adv. & conj., therefore.6. 以後 [yi3hou4], adv., (1) since (used after vb.); (2) later on, afterwards.7. 以還 [yi3huan2], adv., (LL) since (=以來 used after vb.).8. 以降 [yi3jiang4], adv., (LL) since (some past date or event), from (event) down.9. 以致 [yi3zhi4], phr., resulting in (division, destruction, death, etc.); with the result that (I came late, etc.).10. 以來 [yi3lai2], adv., since, after (doing): 民國以來 since the founding of the Republic.11. 以免 [yi2mian3], phr., in order to prevent, forestall.12. 以內 [yi3nei4], prep., phr. including.13. 以色列 [yi3se4lie4], n., Israel.14. 以上 [yi3shang4], (1) adv. & prep., above (certain number, age, etc.): 以上所說 what is said above; (2) n., the above (passage).15. 以下 [yi3xia4], adv. & prep., below (number, age): 三十以下 below thirty; 以下所說 what follows.16. 以次 [yi3ci4], adv., according to order.17. 以此 [yi3ci3], (1) conj., because of this, therefore; (2) phr., with this (conclude, etc.); (3) accordingly: 以此進行 proceed thus.18. 以資 [yi3zi1], phr., to help along (doing); to provide for (reference, etc.).19. 以往 [yi2wang3], ad. & adv., former, -ly: 以往的事 past events.20. 以外 [yi3wai4], (1) phr., excluding; (2) conj., furthermore.21. 以謂 [yi3wei4], phr., (AC) see [yi3wei2]↓.22. 以為 [yi3wei2] ([yi3wei0]), v.i., regard as, take for (usu. mistakenly): 以為好人 thought or took s.o. as a good man; 我以為 I thought (by mistake).以…自居pretend to be…;以1[yǐ](ㄧˇ)1.用;拿 with; by means of:以少胜多 defeat an opponent superior in number喻之以理 reason with sb.; try to make sb. see reason赠以鲜花 present sb. with a bouquet 2.依;按照 according to:以次就座 take seats in order以时启闭 open and close according to schedule 3.因 because of:何以知之?How do you know?不以人废言。Don't reject a view because you dislike the speaker. 4.表示目的 in order to; so as to:以广视听 so as to make it known to more people以待时机 wait for a chance 5.〈书 fml.〉于;在(时间)at; on; in:中华人民共和国以1949年10月1日宣告成立。The founding of the People's Republic of China was proclaimed on October 1, 1949. 6.〈书 fml.〉〈连词 conj.〉跟‘而’相同 same as 而 ér:城高以厚,地广以深。The city wall is high and thick and the area is wide and deep.以2[yǐ](ㄧˇ)用在单纯的方位词前,组成合成的方位词或方位结构,表示时间、方位、数量的界限 [used before certain nouns of locality to form compound nouns of locality to indicate the limits of time, position and quantity]:以前 before以上 above三日以后 three days later; in three days县级以上 above the county level长江以南 south of the Yangtze River五千以内 within 5,000二十岁以下 under 20 years of age相关词组得以 | 给以 | 何以 | 加以 | 借以 | 可以 | 难以 | 所以 | 予以 | 足以 | 所以然 | 饱以老拳 | 不以为然 | 不以为意 | 掉以轻心 | 聊以自慰 | 聊以卒岁 | 日以继夜 | 无以复加 | 物以类聚 | 习以为常 | 夜以继日 | 自以为是 | 坐以待毙 | 嗤之以鼻 | 持之以恒 | 好整以暇 | 梦寐以求 | 拭目以待 | 相濡以沫 | 虚位以待 | 严阵以待 | 有生以来 | 长此以往 | 自郐以下 | 忘乎所以 | 一言以蔽之 | 差之毫厘,谬以千里 | 失之毫厘,谬以千里 | 星星之火,可以燎原以便 | 以次 | 以还 | 以后 | 以及 | 以近 | 以来 | 以免 | 以内 | 以期 | 以前 | 以上 | 以外 | 以往 | 以为 | 以下 | 以远 | 以至 | 以致 | 以暴易暴 | 以德报怨 | 以毒攻毒 | 以讹传讹 | 以己度人 | 以儆效尤 | 以邻为壑 | 以卵投石 | 以貌取人 | 以人废言 | 以身试法 | 以身作则 | 以汤沃雪 | 以一当十 | 以逸待劳 | 以怨报德 | 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 | 以子之矛,攻子之盾以prep.TO〈口〉带有;以(= with)IN[表示形式、方式、排列等]以,按照;符合于[表示数量、程度、比例]以,按;从…中[表示表达方式、手段和原材料等]用;以with[表示使用的工具、手段、材料等]用;以;借AT(指价格、速度、数额、程度等)以;达by[表示方法、手段、方式]凭借,靠,用,通过,以through以,用,凭借;经由以1. to use as2. according to3. because of以[yǐ]介1. with; by means of♦ ~诚相待 treat sb. with all sincerity♦ ~我之长, 攻敌之短 utilize our strong points to attack the enemy's weak points2. according to♦ ~时启闭 open and close according to schedule♦ ~此类推 on the analogy of this♦ ~到达先后为序 in order of arrival3. because of♦ 不~失败自馁, 不~成功自满 not lose heart because of failure nor feel conceited because of success♦ 何~知之? How do you know?4. 书 at (a certain time); on (a fixed date)♦ 余~三月一日返。 I returned on March the first.5. (used before certain localizers to form compound localizers)♦ 以前 ♦ 以内 ♦ 以上 6. in order to; so as to♦ ~示区别 so as to distinguish this from other cases♦ ~应急需 in order to answer an urgent need连书 and; as well as♦ 淅沥~潇飒 raindrops pattering and wind rustling♦ 城高~厚。 The city wall is high and thick.




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