

释义 代1. dynasty2. era3. generation4. to take the place of代 dàiI v.take the place ofII pref.actingIII b.f./m.1) period (古代)2) generation (上代)他家三代农民。 His family have been farmers for three generations.代dàito substituteto act on behalf of othersto replacegenerationdynastyageperiod(historical) era(geological) eon代 n. 历史分期historical period古代 ancient times近代 modern times朝代dynasty汉代 Han dynasty辈分generation后代 later generations第二代 second generation代代相传 handed down from generation to generation我们这一代的人 people of our generation新的发展阶段new stage of development第五代洲际导弹 fifth-generation intercontinental ballistic missile【地质】era古生代 Paleozoic era新生代 Cenozoic era v. 参见:代替[dàitì]代领 collect something on behalf of someone else代买 buy something on someone's behalf代人出售商品 sell goods on someone else's behalf代人受过 take the blame for someone else没有人代你。 There is nobody to replace you.我代你写。 I'll write it for you.参见:代理代主席 acting chairman我代了三个月的秘书。 I acted as secretary for three months.代 dài 动 (代替) take the place of; be in place of:  代人受过 suffer for the faults of another; bear the blame for sb. else;  新陈代谢 the new taking the place of the old;  请代我向他致意。 Please give him my regards.  我代他去。 I'll go in his stead. (代理) act on behalf of; acting:  代部长 acting minister 名 (历史上的分期) historical period:  古代 ancient times;  近代 modern times (朝代) dynasty:  汉代 the Han Dynasty;  唐代 the Tang Dynasty (世系的辈分) generation:  成长中的一代 the growing generation;  第一代人 the first generation;  垮了的一代 the beat generation;  迷惘的一代 the lost generation;  年轻的一代 the rising generation;  青年一代 a young generation;  世世代代 from generation to generation; generation after generation;  上(下)一代 the past (coming) generation;  造就一代新人 build up a new generation  {地} (地质年代分期的第一级) era:  古生代 the Palaeozoic Era;  新生代 the Cenozoic Era (姓氏) a surname:  代辉 Dai Hui 林语堂林语堂★◀▶代代 1268B20  91A.71-7  部居  畫數 5ㄉㄞˋ [dai4] N.(1)  Period, age: 古代 ancient age;當代,現代 contemporary age and modern age or period.(2)  Generation: 這一代人 people of this generation;下一代,上一代 the next, preceding generation;後代 posterity;代代 generation after generation, every generation;代有傳人 there were people who carried on in every generation.(3)  Dynasty: 唐代,明代, Tarng, Mirng Dyn.;歷代 in the different dynasties or in the past.(4)  Anc. kingdom.(5)  A surname.V.i. & t.(1)  To act, do for others, to be substitute: 代人受過 take the blame for others;請代我(代為)致意,致謝 please present my respects, or thank s.o. for me;代為傳達消息 to transmit news for person;代拆代行 phr., (official) authorized to open letters and act during another's absence: 代墊 advance money for another;替代 act for: 代理,代表 [dai4li3], [dai4biao3]↓.(2)  To replace, to succeed one another, take turns: 代換 take turns;取而代之 to succeed in s.o.’s or s.t.’s place;李代桃僵 (allu.) peach dies when neighboring pear is hurt by insects, (fig.) of changing lovers;瓜代 (of officials) one taking the place of another when one's official term is up, (of soldiers) changing guards;代謝 [dai4xie4]↓.Words1. 代辦 [dai4ban4], n., charg?d'affaires; v.i., to act as deputy; n., 代辦商 commission agent.2. 代表 [dai4biao3], n. & v.t., represent, -ative, delegate, deputy: 我代表他來 I come on his behalf; 你能不能代表他 are you authorized to represent him? 代表輿論 represent public opinion.3. 代筆 [dai4bi3], v.i., to add a few words or write letters for another; to sign for another.4. 代步 [dai4bu4], v.i., take vehicle in place of walking.5. 代茶 [dai4cha2], n., betrothal gift, in place of original present of tea.6. 代電 [dai4dian4], n., public statement usu. published in place of telegram.7. 代換 [dai4huan4], v.i., replace (each other).8. 代價 [dai4jia4], n., price one pays (for love, fame), some kind of sacrifice.9. 代理 [dai4li3], adj. & n. & v.i. & t., acting, deputy: 代理校長 acting president of school; 代理人 agent; v.i., 代理業務 act in such capacity in charge of business.10. 代名詞 [dai4ming2ci2], n., (gram.) pronoun.11. 代謝 [dai4xie4], n., esp. in 新陳代謝 or 代謝作用 metabolism; 春秋代謝 seasonal changes, change from spring to autumn.12. 代席 [dai4xi2], n., remuneration, “money in lieu of a feast.”13. 代行 [dai4xing2], v.i., to act for person: 代策代行 a deputy acting for his superior.14. 代書 [dai4shu1], n. & v.i., (person who) writes letters, draws up contracts for others.15. 代數 [dai4shu4], n., algebra.16. 代序 [dai4xU4], v.i., as in 春秋代序 see [dai4xie4]↑.17. 代為 [dai4wei2], v.i., act for: 代為辦理,執行,請求 to manage, act, request for another.18. 代議 [dai4yi4], n., representative; 代議制度 parliamentary system; 代議政治 representative government.代(名)詞pronoun;代1[dài](ㄉㄞˋ)1.代替 take the place of:代课 take over a class for sb.代笔 write for sb.; ghost-write代销 be commissioned to sell sth.; sell sth. on a consignment basis; consignment sale 2.代理 acting:代局长 acting director 3.(Dài) 姓 a surname代2[dài](ㄉㄞˋ)1.历史的分期;时代 historical period; times:古代 ancient times; antiquity近代 modern times现代 present days; modern times当代英雄 contemporary hero 2.朝代 dynasty:汉代 Han Dynasty改朝换代 dynastic changes 3.世系的辈分 generation:第二代 second generation老一代 older generation我们这一代 our generation爱护下一代 show care for the younger generation 4.地质年代分期的第一级,根据动植物进化的顺序分地质年代为太古代、元古代、古生代、中生代和新生代,代以下为纪。跟代相应的年代地层单位叫做界。 era; first division of geologic time, subdivided into the Archean Era, the Proterozoic Era, the Palaeozoic Era, the Mesozoic Era and the Cenozoic Era. The division subsequent to‘era’is‘period’, the corresponding stratigraphic system to which is called erathem.相关词组朝代 | 传代 | 当代 | 断代 | 古代 | 瓜代 | 后代 | 换代 | 交代 | 借代 | 近代 | 绝代 | 旷代 | 历代 | 末代 | 年代 | 庖代 | 亲代 | 取代 | 上代 | 时代 | 世代 | 替代 | 万代 | 五代 | 现代 | 子代 | 断代史 | 尔代节 | 现代化 | 现代戏 | 划时代 | 世代交替 | 现代五项 | 基础代谢 | 临时代办 | 取而代之 | 全权代表 | 三个代表 | 新陈代谢 | 越俎代庖 | 传宗接代 | 地质年代 | 改朝换代 | 黄金时代 | 石器时代 | 铁器时代 | 铜器时代 | 旧石器时代 | 青铜器时代 | 新石器时代 | 中石器时代 | 人民代表大会代办 | 代笔 | 代表 | 代步 | 代称 | 代词 | 代电 | 代沟 | 代号 | 代价 | 代金 | 代课 | 代劳 | 代理 | 代码 | 代庖 | 代培 | 代数 | 代替 | 代为 | 代谢 | 代序 | 代用 | 代表作 | 代代花 | 代理人 | 代名词 | 代乳粉 | 代数式 | 代数学 | 代言人 | 代议制 | 代位继承代n.age(一)代;时代;时期generation代,一代(约指20至30年);一代人,同代人【生】世代,代ERA【地】代dey代(1671-1830年阿尔及尔以及旧时突尼斯、的黎波里统治者的头衔)代1. a generation2. a dynasty in Chinese history3. temporarily acting (for)4. taking the place of代ear代era双向☞代--时代--纪元双向☞产出--代双向☞代--产生代[dài]动1. take the place of; be in place of♦ 请~我向他致意。 Please give him my regards.2. acting♦ ~部长 acting minister名1. historical period♦ 汉~ the Han Dynasty2.地质era♦ 古生代 3. generation♦ ~~相传 pass on (or hand down) from generation to generation♦ 一~新人在成长。 A new generation is growing up.




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