

单词 付账
释义 文馨英漢☞付帳付账 fùzhàngpay a bill付账fùzhàngto settle an account付账to pay付账 fù zhàng pay a bill; foot the bill:  用支票付账 pay the bill with a cheque;  你点菜, 我来付账。 You order the dishes and I'll foot the bill. 付账[fù zhàng] 赊购货物后,理发洗澡后,或在饭馆、茶馆吃喝后,付给应付的钱 foot the bill; pay a balance (after relying on credit to shop, getting a haircut, going to a bathhouse, eating or drinking at a restaurant or tea house)付账vi.spring〈美口〉〈澳口〉付账,请客 (for)phr.stand shot付费,付账stand the racket承担后果;承担费用,付账stand Sam〈英俚〉付账(尤指付酒账)pick up the tab〈主美口〉(代他人)付账,会钞;承担全部费用付账pay a bill♦ 我付过账了。 I've already paid the bill.




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