

单词 介绍
释义 文馨英漢☞介紹介绍 jièshào1) introduce; present2) recommend; suggest3) let know; brief系主任给新生介绍了课程。 The department chairman briefed new students on the curriculum.4) serve as intermediary介绍jièshàoto introduce (sb to sb)to give a presentationto present (sb for a job etc)introduction介绍使双方相识to introduce自我介绍 self introduction请让我给你介绍一下我的朋友。 Please let me introduce you to my friend.来,我给你介绍一下,这是我厂的工程师王明。 Come, let me introduce you – this is Wang Ming, an engineer in my factory.推荐to recommend介绍入会 join a club on recommendation介绍工作 introduce to a job职业介绍所 job centre新书介绍 recommend a new book凭朋友们的介绍 on a friend's recommendation请给我介绍一个秘书。 Please recommend me a secretary.使了解to brief介绍情况 describe the situation向新同志介绍情况 brief the new comrade on the situation介绍先进经验 share advanced experiences相互介绍经验 share each other's experiences把先进的工作方法介绍给其他单位 introduce advanced working practices to other work units介绍 jiè shào (使双方相识) introduce; present:  介绍对象 introduce sb. to a potential marriage partner; find sb. a boy or girl friend;  作自我介绍 introduce oneself (引进; 带入) recommend; suggest:  介绍某人入党 recommend sb. for Party membership;  介绍新的工作方法 introduce sb. to a new method of work;  为某人介绍工作 recommend sb. for a position;  他介绍我担任这项工作。 He recommended me for the job. (使了解或熟悉) let know; brief; provide information:  介绍经验 pass on experience;  介绍情况 brief sb. on the situation; put sb. in the picture; fill sb. in;  要是你想让我把你的案子处理得有说服力, 你先得原原本本地向我介绍情况。 If you want me to put your case forcibly, you must brief me thoroughly beforehand. 介绍费 middleman fee; procuration介绍[jiè shào]1.使双方相识或发生联系 introduce; present:介绍信 letter of introduction; reference (letter)介绍人 one who introduces or recommends sb.; referee; sponsor我给你介绍一下,这位是张先生。Let me introduce a new friend to you, this is Mr. Zhang. 2.引进;带入(新的人或事物)recommend; suggest:介绍入会 be sponsored to join a club中国京剧已被介绍到许多国家。The Peking Opera has been introduced into many countries. 3.使了解或熟悉 inform; let know; brief:介绍情况 let (sb.) in on the situation介绍先进经验 give a briefing on advanced experience介绍a.introductory引导的;介绍的n.presentation(正式场合的)引见,介绍introduction介绍;(正式)引见referral(动议等的)提交仲裁;(向招聘单位等的)介绍,推荐;(向专科医生的)转诊介绍intro(社交场合的)介绍knockdown〈澳新口〉介绍 (to)vt.give介绍(演讲者)present(尤指在正式场合)引见,介绍introduce介绍,引见;使相互认识;使熟悉prefer〈古〉推荐,介绍acquaint使认识,介绍;使了解emcee给…做司仪;主持;介绍(演出的节目等)介绍1. to introduce2. an introduction双向☞介绍--前言--序言双向☞介绍--推荐--建议双向☞引导--引入--引进双向☞介绍--导览介绍1. introduce; present♦ 作自我~ introduce oneself♦ ~对象 introduce sb. to a potential marriage partner; find sb. a boy or girl friend2. recommend; suggest 我给你~一本书。 I'll recommend you a book. 3. let know; brief♦ ~情况 brief sb. on the situation; put sb. in the picture; fill sb. in♦ ~经验 pass on experience




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