

释义 介1. upright2. to interrupt3. to intervene4. to introduce介 jièI b.f.1) be situated between; interpose (介绍)2) take seriously; mind (介意)3) wr. upright (耿介)4) armor; shell (介胄)5) tiny6) great and honorableII m.for common people and scholars一介书生 a mere scholar介jièto introduceto lie betweenbetweenshellarmor介 n. 甲armour(Britain); armor(US) measure word 个for people一介书生 an intellectual pron. 这么,这样<方>this介许多 this many v. 在两者当中to be in between这座山介于两县之间。 This hill lies in between two counties.存留to keep in mind参见:介绍[jièshào]内容简介 brief synopsis adj. 耿直frank有骨气upright auxiliary word (用于古典戏剧剧本中)【剧】used after verbs in stage directions for old plays笑介 laugh饮酒介 drink问介 ask介 jiè 动 (在两者当中) be situated between; interpose:  介于二者之间 be situated between the two;  这座山介于两县之间。 The mountain lies between two counties. (存留; 放在心里) take seriously; take to heart; mind:  介意 take offence; mind;  不介意 do not mind 形 (书) (耿直; 有骨气) upright; straightforward:  耿介 honest and frank; upright 名 (甲) armour:  介胄之士 men in armour; ancient warriors (有甲壳的虫和水族) shell (介词) preposition (姓氏) a surname:  介之推 Jie Zhitui 林语堂林语堂★◀▶介介 1086A25  81.22  部居  畫數 4ㄐㄧㄝˋ [jie4]  (*ㄍㄚˋ [ga4] ).N.(1)  Armor, mail: 介夫 [jie4fu0], 介冑 [jie4zhou2]↓.(2)  (Zoo.) crustaceans: 介瞉 [jie4ke2], 介蟲 [jie4chong2]↓;鱗介類 fish and crustaceans.(3)  (Interch. 芥) a thing of little or no value, a trifle: 一介不取 will not take a cent.(4)  Stage direction for certain movements: 飲酒介 drinking wine;相見介 (of two persons) meeting;張生笑介 Chang smiles or laughs.(5)  (U.f. 价) a manservant.(6)  A surname.V.i. & t.(1)  To lie between, interpose, serve as intermediary: 介紹 [jie4shao4]↓;介於二者之間 situated between the two;介紹 introduce one person to another;媒介 a medium or go-between;介詞 [jie4ci2]↓.(2)  Pray for blessing:以介眉壽 to pray for blessing of long life;介壽 [jie4shou4]↓.(3)  Keep in mind, take seriously: 介意 [jie4yi4], 介懷 [jie4huai2], 介介 [jie4jie4]↓.Adj.(1)  Simple, plain: 一介書生 a mere scholar;一介武夫 a plain soldier.(2)  Huge, big: 介福 [jie4fu2]↓.(3)  ([ga4]) Such a : 像煞有介事 (Shanghai dial.) make such a fuss about it, put on such airs.(4)  Upright, straightforward, conscientious: 耿介 scrupulous, acting on principles;介然 [jie4ran2]↓.Adj. & adv.Alone:介立 [jie4li4], 介特 [jie4te4]↓.Words1. 介蟲 [jie4chong2], n., (zoo.) crustaceans.2. 介弟 [jie4di4], n., (court.) your brother.3. 介夫 [jie4fu0], n., (AC) an armed soldier.4. 介福 [jie4fu2], n., great happiness, untold blessings; also v.i., pray for blessings.5. 介懷 [jie4huai2], v.i., bear a grievance, take offense.6. 介介 [jie4jie4], adj., uneasy, troubled, full of misgivings.7. 介冑 [jie4zhou2], n., ancient military dress (“armor and helmet”).8. 介彀 [jie4ke2], n., shells of crabs, oysters, lobsters or snails.9. 介立 [jie4li4], v.i., stand alone.10. 介然 [jie4ran2], adj. & adv., steadfast(ly), uncompromising(ly).11. 介紹 [jie4shao4], v.t., (1) introduce (one person) to another (also 紹介); (2) serve as an intermediary.12. 介壽 [jie4shou4], n., offer of birthday congratulations.13. 介特 [jie4te4], n., (AC) one without family or friend: 養老疾,收介特 (AC) take care of the aged and the sick and give shelter to the homeless.14. 介詞 [jie4ci2], n., (gram.) a preposition.15. 介子 [jie4zi3], n., (phys.) a mesotron.16. 介意 [jie4yi4], v.i., feel hurt: 請不要介意 please do not take it to heart, see [jie4huai2]↑.介介 [jie4jie4], adj., uneasy, troubled, full of misgivings.介1[jiè](ㄐㄧㄝˋ)1.在两者当中 between:介绍 introduce媒介 media这座山介于两县之间。The mountain lies between the two counties. 2.介绍 introduce; introduction:内容简介 brief introduction to the contents 3.存留;放在(心里)take to heart:介意 take offence介怀 mind 4.(Jiè) 姓 a surname介2[jiè](ㄐㄧㄝˋ)甲 armour:介胄 armour介虫 scale insect介3[jiè](ㄐㄧㄝˋ)〈书 fml.〉耿直;有骨气 upright:耿介 honest and frank介4[jiè](ㄐㄧㄝˋ)古戏曲剧本中,指示角色表演动作时的用语,如笑介、饮酒介等 term used in ancient opera-play scripts to indicate movements in a performance, e.g. laughing, drinking wine, etc.相关词组刚介 | 耿介 | 婚介 | 简介 | 狷介 | 鳞介 | 媒介 | 评介 | 绍介 | 推介 | 引介 | 中介 | 电介质 | 卡介苗 | 煞有介事 | 像煞有介事介词 | 介怀 | 介壳 | 介入 | 介绍 | 介意 | 介音 | 介质 | 介子介1. situated between2. to introduce介[jiè]动1. be situated between; interpose♦ 这座山~于两县之间。 The mountain lies between two counties.2. take seriously; take to heart; mind♦ ~意 take offense; mind量书 (now usu. used in) 一~书生 a mere scholar / 一~武夫 a plain soldier




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