

单词 人造卫星
释义 文馨英漢☞人造衛星人造卫星 rénzào wèixīngman-made satellite人造卫星rénzàowèixīngartificial satellite人造卫星参见:人造地球卫星[rénzào dìqiú wèixīng]人造卫星 rén zào wèi xīng {航空} artificial satellite; satellite vehicle; man-made satellite 人造卫星伴体 afterbody; 人造卫星测地 satellite geodesy; 人造卫星测高 satellite altimetry; 人造卫星大地测量 satellite geodesy; 人造卫星多普勒导航系统 satellite Doppler navigation system; 人造卫星观测站 man-made satellite monitoring station; 人造卫星跟踪 satellite tracking; 人造卫星跟踪系统 tracking system for satellite; minitrack; 人造卫星跟踪照相机 satellite tracking camera; 人造卫星轨迹 perigeum; 人造卫星激光测距 satellite laser ranging; 人造卫星日冕照相术 satellite coronagraphy; 人造卫星三角测量 satellite triangulation; 人造卫星摄影机 cameras for observing satellite; 人造卫星寿命 satellite life; 人造卫星天线 satellite antenna; 人造卫星照相机 satellite camera人造卫星[rén zào wèi xīng] 用火箭发射到天空,按一定轨道绕地球或其他行星运行的物体 man-made satellite; object rocketed into space and orbits around the earth and other planets人造卫星a.satellite卫星的;人造卫星的satellitic人造卫星的n.satellite人造卫星phr.artificial satellite人造卫星人造卫星1. an artificial satellite; a man-made satellite人造卫星Satellites, Artificial人造卫星satellite; artificial人造卫星artificial satellite人造卫星man-made satellite人造卫星Satellite




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