

单词 人造
释义 人造1. artificial人造 rénzào1) attr. synthetic; artificial; man-made天上有多少人造卫星? How many man-made satellites are there in the sky?2) n. imitation人造rénzàoman-madeartificialsynthetic人造man-made人造橡胶 synthetic rubber人造 rén zào man-made; artificial; imitation 人造板 artificial board; 人造宝石 imitation jewel; manufactured gem; hard mass; 人造标石 {工} artificial monument; 人造冰 artificial ice; 人造冰晶石 cryolith; 人造草 pedaline; 人造草坪 (墨) chinampa; 人造池塘 piscina; 人造雌酚 synestrol; synestrin; 人造磁场 artificial field; 人造磁铁 artificial magnet; 人造大理石 manu-marble; imitation marble; 人造蛋白质纤维 azlon; azelon; 人造地 man-made land; 人造地球卫星 artificial earth satellite; sputnik; 人造电离层 artificial ionization; 人造冻土 artificial frozen soil; 人造短纤维切断机 staple-fibre cutting machine; 人造短纤维清洗机 staple-fibre washing machine; 人造短纤维纱 fibrene; spun rayon; 人造堆肥 artificial compost; 人造反射层通信 artificial reflection communication; 人造反射体通信 artificial reflection communication; 人造凡士林 artificial vaseline; 人造放射元素 artificial radioelement; 人造放射性同位素 induced radioisotope; 人造飞船 artificial spacecraft; 人造沸石 artificial zeolite; permutite; 人造肥料 artificial fertilizer; chemical fertilizer; artificials; 人造蜂窝 foundation; 人造辐射带 artificial radiation belt; 人造富矿 agglomeration of iron ore; 人造刚玉 Alundum; adamite; boules; corubin; 人造刚玉磨料 (美) aloxite; 人造革 artificial leather; leatherette; imitation leather; pegamoid; leatheroid; Cloth; 人造拱形洞 grotto; 人造关节 nearthrosis; 人造光亮 luminary; 人造光卤石 synthetic carnallite; 人造光瞳 artificial pupil; 人造光源 artificial light source; 人造海水 artificial sea water; 人造壕沟 sheugh; sheuch; 人造红宝石 {宝} synthetic ruby; 人造琥珀 ambroid; ambrain; 人造花岗石面 granitoid; 人造花岗岩 granolith; 人造环形山 artificial crater; 人造黄油 oleo oil; {食} margarin(e); 人造回波 {电磁} artificial echo; 人造彗星 artificial comet; 人造尖晶石 {宝} synthetic spinel; emerada; 人造胶体 artificial colloid; 人造胶质 artificial gum; 人造金刚石 diamond; 人造金红石 synthetic rutile; 人造晶体 artificial crystal; 人造矿块 artificial rich ore; 人造矿物 artificial mineral; 人造扩展 F 层 artificial spread F; 人造蓝宝石 {宝} synthetic sapphire; 人造粒子 artificially produced particles; 人造流星 artificial meteor; 人造路标 landmark; 人造绿宝石 igmerald; 人造毛 artificial wool; 人造毛皮 fake fur; 人造毛皮润色 fur shading; 人造煤气 {材} manufactured gas; 人造棉 staple rayon; 人造棉纱 spun rayon; 人造棉细布 {纺} staple fibre; 人造棉织物 {纺} spun rayon; 人造磨料 manufactured abrasive; 人造奶油 {食} margarine; butterine; oleotine; 人造耐火绝缘油 artificial refractory insulating oil; 人造耐油橡胶 Ameripol; 人造皮 leatheret(te); 人造皮肤 {医} artificial skin; man-made skin; 人造皮革 dermatine; fun fur; 人造偏振片 polaroid sheet; 人造喷泉 (装置) fountain; 人造品 synthetic; 人造蹼 fin; flapper; flipper; 人造器官 artificial organ; 人造气氛 artificial atmosphere; 人造羟基云母 synthetic hydroxyl mica; 人造染料 {化} artificial dye-stuff; 人造日光 {摄} artificial daylight; 人造闪电发生器 {电工} lightning generator; 人造闪长岩 haplodiorite; 人造山岗 {考古} tel; tell (盖住古代社会遗迹的); 人造射弹 man-made projectile; 人造麝香 synthetic musk; 人造神经纤维 neuristor; 人造食物 artificial food; 人造食用香料 artificial flavour; 人造石 {房} {医}artificial stone; -lith; 人造石墨{化} Delanium; Delanium graphite; synthetic graphite; 人造石英 synthetic quartz; 人造石英晶体 synthetic quartzcrystal; 人造石油 artificial petroleum; 人造树脂 artificial resin; 人造双折射 synthetic birefringence; 人造水晶 {宝} synthetic quartz; 人造丝 artificial silk; rayon; 人造丝纺绸 {纺} pine silk; 人造糖 glutose; 人造天体 artificial object; 人造铁氧体 artificial ferrite; 人造同位素 transmutation product; 人造突触神经元 syneuristor; 人造无机纤维 manmade inorganic fibre; 人造吸烟材料 synthetic smoking material; 人造细胞 artificial cell; 人造纤维 {纺织} artificial fibre; manmade fibre; 人造纤维板 beaver board; 人造纤维换能火警预测器 synthetic-filament transducer; 人造橡胶 artificial rubber; masticated rubber; synthetic chloroprene rubber; synthetic rubber; 人造橡皮 ameripol; 人造象牙 compo; composition; 人造心脏 {医} artificial (man-made) heart; 人造行星 {航空} artificial planet; 人造玄武岩 haplobasalt; 人造血管 artificial blood vessel; 人造压电晶体 synthetic piezoelectric crystal; 人造烟 synthetic smoking material; 人造岩礁 rockwork; 人造眼 synthetic eye; visilog; 人造羊毛 artificial wool; 人造鱼蝇 hackle; 人造语 artificial language; 人造云 cloudier; 人造云母 artificial mica; micanite; 人造鬃丝 {纺} artificial bristle; 人造重力 {航空} artificial gravity; 人造祖母绿 {宝} synthetic emerald人造 [ren2zao4], adj., artificial, man-made: 人造絲 artificial silk;人造[rén zào] 人工制造的,非天然的 man-made; artificial:人造纤维 synthetic fibre人造地球卫星 man-made earth satellite人造a.plastic不真实的;不自然的;人造的false假的;伪造的;人造的artificial人工的,人造的;人为的synthetic合成的;人造的;合成燃料的man-made人造的;合成的;人为的imitation人造的;仿制的;伪造的inorganic非自然生长而成的;人造的reconstructed(钻石)再加工的;(作为建筑材料的石块)人造的ersatz代用的;人造的;合成的;假的;仿制的imitative人造的;仿制的;伪造的faux假的,伪的;人工的,人造的pasteboard不坚实的;假冒的,人造的trumped-up捏造的,编造的;人造的test-tube合成的;人造的plasticated塑炼的;合成的;人造的人造1. man-made; artificial2. [Chemistry] synthesis国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞人造--人为人造man-made; artificial; imitation♦ ~宝石 artificial jewel; imitation jewel~冰 artificial ice~地球卫星 artificial earth satellite; sputnik~革 imitation (or artificial) leather; leatherette~光 artificial light~黄油 margarine~浪 artificial wave~毛 artificial wool; man-made feather~棉 artificial cotton; staple rayon~丝 artificial silk; rayon~卫星 man-made satellite~纤维 man-made fibre~橡胶 artificial rubber; synthetic rubber~羊毛 artificial wool




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