释义 |
人流 rénliú1) n. stream of people2) ab. réngōng liúchǎn 人工流产人流rénliústream of peopleabortionabbr. for 人工流产[rén gōng liú chǎn]人流 rén liú stream of people人流1[rén liú] 像河流似的连续不断的人群 stream of people:不尽的人流涌向广场。A constant stream of people flocked to the square.人流2[rén liú] 人工流产的简称 abbr. for 人工流产 réngōng liúchǎn人流1. stream of people♦ 不尽的~涌向天安门广场。 An endless stream of people swarmed towards Tian'anmen Square.2. ( 略 全称为‘人工流产’)induced abortion |