

单词 人气
释义 人气 rénqìcharacteristic of human beings人气rénqìpopularitypersonalitycharacter人气受欢迎的程度popularity人气高的演员 popular performer人所具有的品质或作风<方>character这人好人气。 This person has a good character.他一点人气也没有。 He has a very poor character.人气[rén qì]1.人或事物受欢迎的程度 popularity of sb. or sth.:由于该影片获奖,扮演女主角的演员人气急升。As the film won the award, the popularity of the leading actress soars. 2.〈方 dial.〉指人的品格 character; quality:这人好人气。The man has a good character.村里谁不知道他的人气!Who in the village doesn't know his character!




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