人望所归 rénwàngsuǒguīenjoy popularity人望所归 rén wàng suǒ guī be popular with men -- to be in favour with many; enjoy popularity
to take the seat of honor
to take the second place
to take the supervision of
to take the tangle out of the hair
to take the test
to take the tide
to take the to veil
to take the trouble
to take the veil, to take on the religious habit
to take the vote
to take the wall
to take the water
to take the wind of somebody's sail
to take the wind out of somebody's sail
to take thought
to take tiffin
to take time by the forelock
to take to
to take tobacco
to take to business
to take to heart
to take to jail
to take toll
to take too much
to take to one's bed
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更新时间:2024/12/23 2:35:20