

单词 人文主义
释义 文馨英漢☞人文主義人文主义 rénwénzhǔyìhumanism人文主义 rén wén zhǔ yì humanism 人文主义思想教育 humanism in education; humanistic education; 人文主义学派 humanist人文主义[rén wén zhǔ yì]欧洲文艺复兴时期的主要思潮,反对宗教教义和中古时期的经院哲学,提倡学术研究,主张思想自由和个性解放,肯定人是世界的中心。是资本主义萌芽时期的先进思想,但缺乏广泛的民主基础,有很大的局限性。humanism; major trend of thought of the Renaissance that is opposed to religious doctrines and scholasticism of the mediaeval times, advocates academic studies, freedom of thought and the emancipation of individuality, and asserts that human beings are the centre of the world; advanced trend of thought that occurred during the infancy of capitalism but rather limited for lack of a broad popular basis;另见 文艺复兴 wényì fùxīng人文主义a.humanistic人文主义(者)的;人文学科的;古典文化的n.humanism[常作H-] (欧洲文艺复兴时期的)人文主义(运动)人文主义1. humanism人文主义humanism双向☞人本主义--人道主义--人文主义双向☞人文主义--人本主义人文主义humanism




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