

单词 人工
释义 人工1. artificial2. man-made人工 réngōngI n.1) manual work; manpower2) man-dayII attr.man-made; artificial人工réngōngartificialmanpowermanual work人工人为的artificial; artificial人工杂交 artificial breeding人工孵化 artificial incubation人力manual work人工挤乳 manual milking人工成本 labour cost这是人工制造的。 This was made manually.工作量单位person-day需要五个人工 needs five person-days人工 rén gōng (人为的) man-made; artificial:  人工湖 man-made lake (人力) manual work; work done by hand:  用机器代替人工 install machines to replace manual labor;  抽水机坏了, 只好用人工车水。 We had to move water by a chain pump because the electric pump had broken down. (工作量计算单位, 指一个人做工一天) manpower; man-day; a calculating unit of the amount of work done:  修这条渠道要多少人工? How many man-days will be needed to construct this irrigation canal? 人工矮化 nanization; 人工白电平信号 artificial white signal; 人工瓣膜 artificial valve; 人工包装 hand-filling; 人工爆炸 {地物} secondary reflection; shoot; 人工备件 manual back-up unit; 人工崩落 {采矿} artificial caving; 人工闭塞系统 manual block system; 人工鼻 artificial nose; 人工闭塞 manual block; 人工闭塞装置 manual block apparatus; 人工闭锁 manual block; 人工变量 {计} artificial variables; 人工剥离胎盘术 manual removal of placenta; 人工补给地下水 {土} artificial recharge; 人工哺乳 artificial suckling; 人工哺乳婴孩 bottle baby; 人工裁切 {地} artificial cut-off; 人工采掘 hew; 人工采苗 artificial seeding; 人工采苗养殖 artificial spore-collecting cultivation; 人工采光 artificial daylight; 人工采试样 {采矿} hand sampling; 人工操纵推进 man operated propulsion; 人工草场 artificially sown pastures; 人工草地 artificial pasture; 人工产物 artefact; 人工尘 manmade dust; 人工陈化 artificial aging; 人工成本 labor cost; 人工成核 artificial nucleation; 人工程序 manual program; 人工池 {土} cistern; 人工磁化法 artificial magnetizing method; 人工充填 hand packing; 人工重调 hand reset; 人工抽样 artificial sampling; 人工处理 manual handling; 人工触发器 manual trigger; 人工促进更新 artificial forcing regeneration; 人工传染 artificial infection; regeneration; 人工催育植物 forcing plant; 人工存储器 manual memory; 人工打捆 manual banding; 人工打眼 hand-holing; kirn; 人工单性生殖 artificial parthenogenesis; 人工岛 artificial island; 人工岛港 port island; 人工等离子体云 artificial plasma cloud; 人工低体温 artificial hypothermia; 人工堤 artificial levee; 人工地茎 artificial foundation; 人工地平线 artificial horizon; 人工地平仪 {航空} artificial horizon; 人工地物 man-made features; 人工地震 artificial earthquake; man-made earthquake; 人工电报机 manual telegraph set; 人工电报交换机 manual telegraph switching equipment; 人工电离 {讯} artificial ionization; 人工电位 artificial potential; 人工电压调节器 manual voltage regulator; 人工钓铒 artificial bait; 人工港 artificial harbour; 人工顶板 {采矿} artificial roof; 人工冬眠 artificial hibernation; 人工冬眠疗法 artificial hibernation therapy; 人工读入 manual read; 人工短路跳闸 fault throwing; 人工耳 artificial ear; 人工饵料 artificial food (stuff); 人工发热 artificial fever; 人工发热器 hypertherm; 人工法 artificial process; 人工方式 manual type; 人工放顶 {采矿} artificial caving; 人工放射性 artificial radioactivity; 人工放射性元素 artificial radioactive element; 人工繁殖 artificial propagation; 人工分群 {养蜂} snook swarming; 人工分钟 man-minute; 人工风化 {工} artificial weathering; 人工辐射带 {地物} artificial radiation belt; 人工孵化 artifical incubation; 人工辅控植物群系 paranthropophytia; 人工辅助授粉 artificial supplementary pollination; 人工复位继电器 manual-reset relay; 人工改变系统结构 manual reconfiguration; 人工干预输入装置 manual data input equipment; 人工干燥 artificial drying; 人工肝 artificial liver; 人工肛门 enteroproctia; 人工感觉 {航空} artificial feel; 人工港 {土} artificial harbor; 人工更新 artificial regeneration; 人工鼓包 tumulus (pl. tumuli); 人工骨料制备 manmade aggregate preparation; 人工刮研 hand scraping; 人工关节 joint prosthesis; 人工灌注 artificial recharge; 人工海岛 {采矿} artificial island; 人工海水 artificial seawater; 人工海滩 artificial beach; 人工航行水道 navigation; 人工核反应 artificial nuclear reaction; 人工合成蛋白质 {生} synthetic protein; 人工合成结晶胰岛素 {生} synthetic crystalline insulin; 人工合成类晶石 spinel; spinelle; 人工合成土 synthetic soil; 人工合成种 hybrid synthesis; 人工河 race; 人工河道 (非) sloot; 人工黑电平信号 artificial black signal; 人工烘干 artificial drying; 人工红外辐射源 artificial infrared source; 人工喉 {医} artificial larynx; 人工后天免疫 artificial acquired immunity; 人工后援 manual back-up; 人工呼吸 {医} artificial respiration; artificial breathing; 人工呼吸器 artificial respirator; biomotor; spirophore; 人工环境 artificial environment; 人工环境生态学 hemerocology; 人工混响 artificial reverberation; 人工获得性免疫 {免疫} artificially acquired immunity; 人工击碎 cobbing; 人工极光 artificial aurora; 人工计时 manual time-keeping; 人工记录 manual record; 人工加料 hand stock; 人工监测仪 personal monitor; 人工尖晶石 {矿} hope sapphire; 人工检测雷达 personnel-detection radar; 人工降低地下水 underground dewatering; 人工降水 artificial precipitation; 人工降雨机 artificial rain device; 人工降雨装置 rainer; 人工交换机 manual exchange; {讯} manual switchboard; 人工礁 artificial reef; 人工交配 artificial cross; 人工浇铸 hand teeming; 人工妊娠 artificial pregnancy; 人工搅拌 hand stirring; 人工接种 artificial infection; inoculation; 人工接替 manual backup; 人工截割 manual cut; 人工解锁 manual release; 人工进料 hand feed; 人工举升 {油工} artificial lift; 人工绝育 artificial sterilization; 人工抗原 artificial antigen; 人工空间电离干扰 artificial space ionization jamming; 人工空中交通管制系统 manual air traffic control system; 人工控制 manual control; 人工控制器 manual controller; 人工馈送穿孔机 hand-feed punch; 人工老化 artificial aging; 人工冷却 artificial cooling; 人工裂解 artificial lysis; 人工林 planted forest; 人工流产 abactus; venter; induced abortion; abactio; artificial abortion; artifical miscarriage; 人工流产法 abortion law; 人工露头 artificial outcrop; 人工煤气储柜 gas tank; 人工密闭生态系统 artificial closed ecosystem; 人工免疫 artificial immunity; 人工免疫法 artificial immunization; 人工磨矿 bucking; 人工膜 artificial membrane; 人工牧草 artificial grass; 人工牧场 artificial pasturage; 人工耐毒法 mithradatism; mithridatism; 人工鸟巢 artificial nest; 人工牛黄 calculus bovis factitius; 人工培养 artificial rearing; 人工培养基 synthetic medium; 人工培养珍珠 cultured pearl; 人工培育母蜂 artificial queen rearing; 人工配种 {牧} artificial breeding; 人工器官 artificial organ; 人工气腹 pneumoperitoneum; artificial pneumoperitoneum (APP); 人工气腹术 artificial pneumoperitoneum; 人工气候 manmade climate; 人工气候老化 artificial weathering aging; 人工气候曝露试验 artificial weathering test; 人工气候室 {植} phytotron; artificial climate chamber; 人工气候台座 growth bench; 人工气候箱 growth cabinet; 人工气晖 artificial airglow; 人工气胸 {医} artificial pneumothorax; 人工气胸术 artificial pneumothorax; 人工羟基云母 synthetic hydroxyl mica; 人工强化地热发电站 artificial stimulated geothermal plant; 人工切换 {电子} manual switching; 人工全息图 artificial hologram; 人工群落 {植} artificial community; 人工热源照射法 ignisation; 人工润滑 manual application of lubricant; 人工色 technicolor; 人工砂 manufactured sand; 人工沙源滩 feeder beach; 人工神经 artificial neuron; 人工肾 artificial kidney; 人工生态系(统) {环} artificial ecosystem; 人工石板 {房} artificial flags; 人工石墨 {冶} electrographite; 人工时效 {冶} artificial aging; 人工识别 artificial cognition; artificial perception; 人工授粉 hand-pollinate; 人工授精 {医} artificial insemination; 人工授精器 impregnator; 人工授精育种法 eutelegenesis; 人工输入 manual input; manual read; 人工输入寄存器 manual input register; 人工输入设备 manual input unit; manual number generator; manual word generator; 人工数据输入 manual data input; 人工水道 dike; 人工水驱 {油工} flooding; waterflooding; 人工说 artificialism; 人工饲料 artificial diet; 人工饲育(喂) artificial feeding; 人工太阳 artificial sun; 人工天穹 artificial sky; 人工填料 hand-stuff; 人工调谐 manual tuning; 人工通风 artificial draft; forced-air supply; 人工同步 manual synchronization; 人工同位素 man-made isotope; 人工土丘 tepe; 人工吸血管 bdellepithecium; 人工系统 {自} manual system; man-made system; 人工线 bootstrap; artificial line; 人工消雾 artificial fog dissipation; 人工消云 artificial cloud dissipation; 人工小丘 tumulus (pl. tumuli); 人工小时法 labor hour method; men hour method; 人工效率差异 labor efficiency variance; 人工效应物 {组织} artifact; 人工心瓣膜手术 heart valve prosthesis; 人工心肺机 {医} heart-lung machine; artificial heart-lung machine; 人工心脏 artificial heart; 人工心脏瓣膜 heart valve prosthesis; 人工旋压法 conventional spinning; {冶} manual spinning; 人工选择 artificial selection; 人工血管手术 blood vessel prosthesis; 人工循环 artificial circulation; 人工眼 artificial eye; 人工养王 artificial queen rearing; 人工养殖 artificial culture; 人工养嚎场 stew; 人工氧腹 oxyperitoneum; 人工氧化铝 borolon; 人工抑雹 hail suppression; 人工抑制闪电 lightning suppression; 人工异花授粉 palmification (枣椰的); 人工译码系统 manual decode system; 人工音量调整 hand volume control; 人工引产 {医} induction of labour; 人工引种植物 hemerophyte; 人工隐蔽 {军} artificial concealment; 人工影响降水 precipitation stimulation; rain stimulation by artificial means; 人工影响气候 climate modification; 人工影响天气 weather modification; 人工油胸 {医} oleothorax; 人工用量差异 labor usage variance; 人工语言 artificial language; fabricted language; formal language; {自} synthetic language; 人工越夏 artificial over summer; 人工云母 synthetic mica; 人工栽培放牧地 tame pasture; 人工增殖 artificial fecundation; 人工凿井 hand sinking; 人工造林(法) artificial afforestation; 人工造雪机 snowmaker; 人工造雨 rainmaking; 人工增甜剂 {食} artificial sweetener; 人工战争对策模拟 manual battle simulations; 人工照明 artificial lighting; 人工整枝 artificial pruning; 人工震源 artificial hypocenter; artificial seismic source; 人工振铃 {讯} manual ringing; 人工指 finger prosthesis; 人工制 manual system; 人工制品 artifact; 人工重力 artificial gravity; 人工重力模拟器 artificial gravity simulator; 人工周转成本 cost of labour turnover; 人工筑岛法(深基础施工时下沉井、沉箱用) artificial island method; 人工转换(程序的) force; 人工装罐 hand caging; 人工装料 hand charging; 人工装载 artificial loading; 人工自动免疫 artificial active immunity; 人工自花授粉 {植} illegitimate pollination; 人工注水 artificial recharge; 人工驻极体 manual electret; 人工阻尼 artificial damping; 人工嘴 artificial mouth林语堂林语堂★◀▶人工 [ren2gong1], (1) n., a man-day; (2) n., human effort; (3) adj., artificial, man-made (opp. 自然 natural); 人工呼吸 artificial respiration; 人工呼吸器 respirator; 人工授精 artificial insemination; 人工腎臟 artificial kidney.人工human labor, manpower;人工[rén gōng]1.人为的(区别于‘自然’或‘天然’ as compared with‘natural’)man-made; artificial:人工呼吸 artificial respiration人工降雨 artificial rainfall 2.人力;人力做的工 manpower; manual labour:人工操作 manual operation抽水机坏了,暂时用人工车水。The pump had broken down and we had to draw water by pedalling the waterwheel. 3.工作量的计算单位,指一个人做工一天 man-day; work done by one person in one day:修建这条水渠需用很多人工。Digging this canal calls for a lot of manpower.人工a.artificial人工的,人造的;人为的induced由外部力量引起(或诱发)的,人工的;非自发的artful人工的;不自然的faux假的,伪的;人工的,人造的factitious人为的,人工的n.Art人工(指与自然相对而言)人工1. work done by hand2. man-made; artificial; factitious3. manpower; a man-day人工artifactuality人工labor双向☞人工--人为的人工1. man-made; artificial2. manual work; work done by hand3. manpower; man-day♦ 修建这条渠道不需要很多~。 It won't take a lot of manpower to construct this irrigation canal.♦ 修这所房子用了多少~? How many man-days were put in on repairing the house?~繁殖 [农]artificial propagation~放顶 [矿]artificial caving~孵化 artificial incubation~更新 forestry artificial regeneration~合成蛋白质 synthetic protein~合成结晶胰岛素 synthetic crystalline insulin~呼吸 artificial respiration~湖 man-made lake~降水 artificial precipitation~降雨 artificial rainfall~流产 induced abortion~免疫 artificial immunization~气腹 [医](artificial) pneumoperitoneum~气胸 [医](artificial) pneumothorax~器官 artificial organ~肾 artificial kidney~授粉 [农]artificial pollination~授精 [动]artificial insemination~心肺机 heart-lung machine~选择 [生]artificial selection~智能 artificial intelligence英華英華★◀▶英華☞COOLIE英華☞ART




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