

单词 人声
释义 人声 rénshēnghuman voice人声voice人声鼎沸 babble of voices大厅里人声嘈杂 there is a hubbub of voices in the hall人声 rén shēng voice:  远处传来人声。 Voices came from afar.; Voices were heard in the distance. 人声[rén shēng] 人发出的声音 human voice:人声鼎沸 babel of voices; din人声嘈杂 hubbub of voices人声n.voice【音】人声;歌唱才能;歌喉;声部双向☞声部--人声音栓--人声双向☞人声--声部--声音双向☞人声--声音--声部双向☞声音--声部--人声人声voice♦ 远处传来~。 Voices came from afar. or Voices were heard in the distance.~鼎沸 a hubbub of voices; a babel of voices




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