释义 |
人中1. philtrum人中 rénzhōng1) indentation on the upper lip; philtrum2) Ch. med. Middle of Man人中rénzhōngphiltruminfranasal depressionthe "human center" acupuncture point人中 rén zhōng {解} philtrum {穴位} Renzhong (GV 26)人中 [ren2zhong1], n., (physiol.) the middle line of upper lip;人中[rén zhōng] 人的上唇正中凹下的部分 philtrum; vertical groove on the median line of the upper lip人中n.philtrum【解】人中人中1. [Anatomy] the philtrum人中Philtrum (Philthrum)人中philtrum; philthrum人中philtrum人中[中]the vertical groove on the median line of the upper lip; philtrum英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞DIMPLE |