

释义 人1. adult2. man3. people4. the human being人 rén1) n. person; people2) b.f. human (人口, 人格)这是人干的吗? Was this done by a human being?人rénmanpersonpeopleCL:个[gè],位[wèi]人 n. 能从事劳动,并能用语言进行思维的高等动物person年轻人 young people男人 man女人 woman与众不同的人 person out of the ordinary自己人 one of us南方人 southerner北方人 northerner形迹可疑的人 suspicious-looking person萍水相逢的人 people who have met by chance了不起的人 amazing person不受欢迎的人 unpopular person一大群人 a huge crowd of people不当人待 not treat as a human being不像人样 not like a proper human这是什么人? who is this person?她是什么人? who is she?人与人不同 everyone is different人各一方 live apart街上一个人也没有。 There is not a single person on the street.他们一共五人。 There are five of them altogether.她是个多么快活的人。 She is such a cheerful person.这事似乎有人知道。 It looks as if someone knows about this.有人办,你放心好了。 Someone is taking care of this. Don't worry.每人everybody人手一册。 Everyone has a copy.人所共知 be known to everyone人总是要死的。 Death comes to everyone.成年人adult长大成人 be grown up把子女抚养成人 bring up children to adulthood某种人used to indicate person of a certain type or occupation工人 worker军人 soldier别人other people关心人 care about other people帮助人 help someone待人好 treat others well参见:人品[rénpǐn]这个同志人很老实。 This comrade is very honest.人的身体或意识used to indicate a person's physical or mental condition人不舒服 someone is not feeling well人昏迷过去了。 Someone has fainted.人醒过来了。 Someone has woken up.人手;人才manpower; talent我们这里正缺人。 We're short of talented people here.人 rén 名 (能制造并使用工具进行劳动的高等动物) human being; man; person; people:  城里人 townman;  非洲人 African;  好人 good person;  黄种人 the yellow race; yellow;  辽宁人 a native of Liaoning; Liaoningese;  男人 man;  女人 woman;  人对自然界的认识 man's knowledge of nature;  团结得像一个人 be united as one;  外国人 foreigner; foreign national;  乡下人 countryman;  你一个人行吗? Can you manage on your own?  他人在那儿, 心可想着别的事。 He was there all right, but his mind was elsewhere.  她是个吸引男人的人。 She is an attractive person.  我们一共60人。 We are sixty in number.  这个座位有人吗? Is this seat occupied (taken)?  昨天有3个人来找你。 Three people came to see you yesterday. (每人;一般人) everybody; each; all:  人所共知 be known to all (everybody) (成年人) adult; grown-up:  长大成人 become a grown-up (指某种人) a person engaged in a particular activity:  工人 worker;  军人 soldier;  主人 host;  监护人 guardian;  领导人 leader (别人)other people; people:  待人诚恳 treat people sincerely; be sincere with people;  助人为乐 take pleasure in helping people;  别小看人! Don't look down on people! (人的品质、性格或名誉) personality; character:  为人公正 upright in character;  他人很好。 He's a very nice man. (人的身体或意识) state of one's health; how one feels:  送到医院,人已经昏迷过去了。 When the patient was taken to hospital, he had already lost consciousness.  这几天我人不大舒服。 I haven't been feeling well for several days. (人手; 人才) manpower; hand:  我们这里正缺人。 We are shorthanded at the moment. (姓氏) a surname:  人杰 Ren Jie 林语堂林语堂★◀▶人人 1096C50  81.81  部居  畫數 2ㄖㄣˊ [ren2] N.(1)  Human beings: 人類 [ren2lei4], 人群 [ren2qUn2]↓;人窮志短 poverty and ambition make strange bedfellows;人面獸心 a brute under a human mask;人模狗樣 pretending to be what one is not, also said of a pederast;人頭畜鳴 an animal in human form;人中騏驥 (compliment) a very clever child;人不知,鬼不覺 done in complete secrecy;人大心大 (usu. of a girl) become gradually more assertive as one grows older;人小鬼大 a child daring to do great mischief, (facet.) a boy with a high ambition;人敬不高 to be respected encourages one to be worthy of such respect;人義水甜 perfect harmony between friends;人有臉,樹有皮 “face” is as important to man as the bark is to tree;人命關天 a case involving life and death;人命案 a case of manslaughter;人肉巿場 a brothel;人浮於食 too many workers with little to do;人浮於事 ditto, more applicants than available jobs;人定勝天 man is the master of his own fate;人多嘴雜 a babel of voices, divided counsel, “too many cooks spoil the soup”;人頭份兒 to share a thing equally among all (“to each a share”);人傑地靈 a place propitious for giving birth to great men;人間地獄 a veritable hell on earth;人間天堂 heaven on earth;人山人海 huge crowds (“a sea of human beings”);人生於世 living in a time like this;to live this life;人生朝露 the evanescence of life (“human life is like the morning dew”);人微言輕 (self-derogatory) lowly placed as I am, my words can carry little or no weight;人言可畏 advice to behave correctly for fear of incurring gossip;人不可貌相 don't judge anyone by appearances;做人 behave oneself properly;為人 to conduct oneself in a certain way;大人 a superior man (opp. 小人 a mean fellow, a scoundrel), (lit.) a grown-up (opp. 小人 a child);偉人 a great man.(2)  Everybody: 人皆讚美 praised by one and all;人人 all without exception;people in general;人所共知 as everybody knows.(3)  A grown-up: 他的兒子業已成人了 his son has come of age.(4)  A person of a certain character: 法人 a legal (juridical) person;自然人 a natural person;公證人 a notary public;辯護人 (law) the defense counsel (attorney);保護人 protector;申請人 an applicant;監護人 (law) the guardian of a minor.Pron.Other: 人棄我取 I will take whatever others don't want;人取我與 I will part with whatever others may want;人一己百 if others succeed by making one ounce of effort, I will make a hundred times as much effort;己所不欲,勿施於人 don't do to others what you would not have others do to you;推己及人 do as you would be done by others, judge others as you would like to be judged by others.Words1. 人保 [ren2bao3], n., a personal guarantee (opp. 舖保 guarantee offered by a business firm).2. 人表 [ren2biao3], n., a person of exemplary conduct, a paragon of virtue.3. 人稱 [ren2cheng1], (1) n., (gram.) the first, second or third person; (2) a nickname by which a person is known.4. 人臣 [ren2chen2], n., a minister of State.5. 人情 [ren2qing2], n., (1) what comes naturally to man, what is inherent in human nature; (2) a favor done to s.o.; (3) a present (gift); (4) a wedding or birthday party, a funeral service, (5) attendance at such a party or service; (6) affection, love, personal attachment; (7) a gesture of kindness or generosity: 人情貨 a person holding a job on the strength of a recommendation by an influential individual; 人情兒 a favor done to another; 人情味(兒)genuine human warmth.6. 人權 [ren2qUan2], n., the rights of man, human rights: 人權宣言 (Fr. history) Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen; 人權法案 (British history) the Bill of Rights of 1689.7. 人群 [ren2qUn2], n., (1) a crowd of people; (2) mankind: 人群兒 ([ren2qUe2er0]) a crowd.8. 人道 [ren2dao4], n., (1) kindness, humanity, mercy: 人道主義 humanitarianism; (2) sexual intercourse: 不能人道 impotency,-t; (3) (Budd.) the stage of human existence.9. 人燈 [ren2deng1], n., a person thin and frail (“like a lamppost”).10. 人地 [ren2di4], n., the environment in which a person finds himself: 人地生疏 (be placed) in an unfamiliar environment; 人地不宜 finding oneself in an unsuitable environment.11. 人丁 [ren2ding1], n., (1) persons who have come of age; (2) people in general.12. 人堆兒 [ren2dueer0], n., a crowd of people.13. 人犯 [ren2fan4], n., a criminal (suspect).14. 人販子 [ren2fan4zi0], n., one who traffics in human beings.15. 人夫 [ren2fu1], n., coolies.16. 人根 [ren2gen1], n., (Budd.) the human reproductive organ.17. 人格 [ren2ge2], n., (1) personal character, personality: 人格化 personify, -ication; (2) a legal entity.18. 人工 [ren2gong1], (1) n., a man-day; (2) n., human effort; (3) adj., artificial, man-made (opp. 自然 natural); 人工呼吸 artificial respiration; 人工呼吸器 respirator; 人工授精 artificial insemination; 人工腎臟 artificial kidney.19. 人股(兒) [ren2gu3]([er0]), n., formerly, annual bonus given to the manager of a business partnership.20. 人海 [ren2hai3], n., huge crowds: 人海浮沈 to experience all the vicissitudes of life; 人海戰術 human wave tactics of warfare.21. 人豪 [ren2hao2], n., the ablest and bravest of men, a man among men.22. 人和 [ren2he2], n., group morale.23. 人話 [ren2hua4], n., seemly words, utterances becoming a decent man.24. 人寰 [ren2huan2], n., the world of men.25. 人戶 [ren2hu4], n., the people.26. 人證 [ren2zheng4], n., testimony given by a witness in a law court.27. 人家 [ren2jia1], n., (1) a dwelling house; (2) s.o. else's home; (3) a high-class family: 清白人家 a decent family; 富貴人家 a rich and politically influential family; (4) a family engaged in a certain occupation: 務農人家 a farm family; 作工的人家 an artisan’s (workingman's) family; (5) a wife: 娶個人家 get married; (6) (*[ren2jia0]) some one, one, used to denote (a) somebody else: 人家的事你不用管 don’t meddle with somebody else's business; [ren2jia0], (b) used to denote others:人家可不能像你那麼胡說 others, another, will not talk such nonsense as you do; (c) or to denote the speaker himself: 你成天拿人家開玩笑 you are making fun of me all the time; (d) to denote persons of a particular class: 男人家 the menfolk, 女人家 womenfolk; 婦道人家 ditto; 女孩人家 girls; [ren2jia1], (7) the husband's family before marriage: 給她找個人家 choose a prospective husband for her; 已經有人家兒了 she is already engaged.28. 人鑑 [ren2jian4], n., a loyal minister who can correct the prince’s failings (“a human mirror in which one's true self is reflected”), (also 人鏡).29. 人間 [ren2jian1], n., (1) this human world, this human life (with all that it may imply): 生於此人間 born into this world of ours; (2) social intercourse: 吾無宦情兼拙於人間 (LL) I don't care to be an official, nor am I a good mixer; 人間味 the flavor of human life; 人間苦 bitter human life.30. 人傑 [ren2jie2], n., a hero among men.31. 人境 [ren2jing4]1, n., human habitations, a place where men make their homes.32. 人鏡 [ren2jing4]2, n., (=人鑑 [ren2jian4]↑).33. 人精 [ren2jing1], n., a child with the ways of grown-ups; uncanny person.34. 人粥 [ren2zhou1], n., (fig.) a crowded mass of human beings.35. 人眾 [ren2zhong4], n., the masses, the people at large.36. 人中 [ren2zhong1], n., (physiol.) the middle line of upper lip; 人中白 (herb med.) urine sediments used as a drug; 人中黃 (herb med.) a drug to cure fever, made of powdered licorice root put in a bamboo tube and soaked in a cesspool for several months.37. 人主 [ren2zhu3], n., the reigning monarch, ruler.38. 人種 [ren2zhong3], n., the human species, a person's race.39. 人治 [ren2zhi4], n., (Confu.) government by men, the rule of men (opp. 法治 government by law, the rule of law).40. 人爵 [ren2jUe2], n., official titles (opp. 天爵 moral greatness).41. 人君 [ren2jUn1], n., the monarch.42. 人客 [ren2ke4], n., guests (=客人, opp. 主人 the host).43. 人口 [ren2kou3], n., (1) population: 人口統計 census taking; (2) all the members of a family; (3) the mouth as an organ of speech: 膾炙人口 (of literary works) be spoken of with relish.44. 人兒 [re2er0], n., (1) a person; (2) a concubine; (3) a human figure or picture; (4) a person's looks and conduct.45. 人籟 [ren2lai4], n., sounds of the human voice (opp. 天籟 the sounds of nature).46. 人來瘋 [ren2lai2feng1], n., childish pranks in the presence of guests.47. 人類 [ren2lei1], n., mankind, human beings, humanity at large, the human species.48. 人力 [ren2li4], n., manpower, manual labor, human force; 人力車 a rickshaw; 人力股(兒)=人股 [ren2gu3]↑.49. 人倫 [ren2lun2], n., (1) ethical relations; (2) personal character.50. 人馬 [ren2ma3], n., (1) coolies and beasts of burden; (2) people on the move as a group; (3) soldiers and horses.51. 人們 [ren2men0], n., people in gen., the indefinite “they”.52. 人面 [ren2mian4], n., the human face: 人面獸心 the brute of a man (“an animal under a human mask”).53. 人命 [ren2ming4], n., human life: 人命官司 a case of murder or manslaughter; 人命攸關 a matter of life and death.54. 人民 [ren2min2], n., the people: 人民陣線 popular front; 人民公社 Commune; 人民票 (幣) currency of Communist China.55. 人謀 [ren2mou2], n., plans (schemes) made by men, opp. god's will.56. 人品 [ren2pin3], n., (1) personal character; (2) personal looks.57. 人人 [ren2ren2], n., everybody: 人人為我,我為人人 all for one and one for all.58. 人瑞 [ren2rui4], n., a great benefactor of men, oft. a venerable highly respected character.59. 人日 [ren2ri4], n., the 7th day of the first lunar month.60. 人勝 [ren2sheng4], n., formerly, ornamental flowers (花勝) or figures cut from colored material and used as presents on the 7th day of the first lunar month.61. 人參 [ren2shen1]1, n., the ginseng.62. 人身 [ren2shen1]2, n., (1) the human body: 人身保護狀 a writ of habeas corpus; (2) man's physical frame: 投生人身 (Budd.) be reincarnated in human form; (3) personal character: 人身權 (law) personal rights.63. 人生 [ren2sheng1], n., the life of man, human life: 人生如夢 life is but a dream: 人生觀 one's outlook on life, philosophy of life.64. 人相 [ren2xiang1]1, n., physiognomy.65. 人像 [ren2xiang4]3, n., a portrait.66. 人性 [ren2xing4], n., (1) human nature (opp. 獸性 animal nature; n., 神性 divine nature); n., (2) human feelings, emotions, and impulses; (3) ([ren2xing0]) a person's temperament and character: 他的人性不好 he is ill-tempered; (4) ([ren2xing0]) man's emotional and rational faculties: 這個人不通人性 this man know nothing of human feelings, remains unmoved and unsympathetic.67. 人心 [ren2xin1], n., (1) a person's disposition; (2) one's inclination: 人心不齊 people are of different minds; (3) human conscience, one's better self: 他要有人心,才怪呢 it would be strange, indeed, if he had a conscience! (4) gratitude: 必有一份人心 I must express my human gratitude; 人心兒 [ren2xie1er0], n., the middle of a crowd: 在人心兒裡站著 stand in the midst of a crowed.68. 人行 [ren2xing2], n., human decency: 他簡直不是人行 he doesn't behave like a man at all; 人行道 a sidewalk.69. 人形兒 [ren2xing2er0], n., a human shape (form).70. 人手 [ren2shou3], n., personnel engaged in a specific task, employees.71. 人壽 [ren2hou4], n., one's span of life; 人壽保險 life insurance.72. 人師 [ren2shi1], n., a person of exemplary conduct.73. 人士 [ren2shi4]1, n., men or scholars in get.74. 人氏 [ren2shi4]2, n., persons born of a particular locality: 就是本地人氏 is a native son here.75. 人巿 [ren2shi4]3, n., a densely populated place.76. 人世 [ren2shi4]4, n., this human world or life.77. 人事 [ren2shi4]5, n., (1) the conscious world: 昏迷過去,人事不知 fainted and lost all consciousness; (2) ways of the world: 不懂人事 ignorant of the ways of the world; (3) human efforts: 盡人事,聽天命 do one's human best and leave all else to God; (4) a present: 送黃金一百兩,權當人事 sent one hundred ounces of gold as a present; (5) sexual knowledge: 她已漸省人事 she is growing to be sex-conscious; (6) personnel affairs: 人事處 (科) personnel department (section).78. 人熊 [ren2xiong2], n., (zoo.) the brown bear.79. 人體 [ren2ti3], n., the human body: 人體美 beauty of the human figure, as exemplified in nudes.80. 人頭兒 [ren2tou2er0], n., one's character, looks or ability.81. 人頭稅 [ren2tou2shui4], n., the poll tax.82. 人才 [ren2cai2] ([ren2cai0]), n., (1) a talented person; (2) good looks: 有幾分人才 pretty good-looking (also wr. 人材).83. 人造 [ren2zao4], adj., artificial, man-made: 人造絲 artificial silk; 人造奶油 (牛油) margarine.84. 人擇 [ren2ze2], n., artificial selection.85. 人望 [ren2wang4], n., social prestige, good repute.86. 人味兒 [ren2weher0], n., the joy of living, joie de vivre: 活著沒人味兒 there is no joy in continuing to live.87. 人位 [ren2wei4], n., (1) personnel: 寶號人位一共多少 how many employees are there in your shop? (2) one's ability and the job he holds: 人位相宜 is the right man for the right job.88. 人為 [ren2wei2], adj., artificial man-made: 人為淘汰 artificial selection (opp. 天然淘汰 natural selection).89. 人文 [ren2wen2], n., human culture: 人文主義 humanism; 人文地理 human (social, anthropo-) geography; 人文科學 the humanities.90. 人物 [ren2wu4], n., (1) an outstanding personage; (2) men and things.91. 人煙 [ren2yan1] ([ren2yan0]), n., (1) smoke from the kitchen chimney; (2) an inhabited area: 人煙稠密 a densely populated locality.92. 人樣 [ren2yang0], n., decent personal appearance or conduct: 把小孩子慣得一點人樣沒有 the child has been so spoiled that he doesn't know how to behave; 人樣兒 the human shape: 許多逃難的都不成人樣兒了 many refugees looked so wretched that they were hardly recognizable as human beings; 人樣子 a good, decent-looking person.93. 人牙子 [ren2ya2zi0], n., formerly, one who traffics in human beings.94. 人言 [ren2yan2], n., (1) human speech; (2) public opinion: 何恤於人言 pay no attention to what others say (of oneself); (3) a rumor: 人言不可信 don't believe rumors.95. 人妖 [ren2yao1], n., (1) a devil in human form, an evil genius; (2) a freak, a person showing abnormal sex characteristics; (3) a person fond of fancy dress and excessive make-up.96. 人影兒 [ren2ying3er0], n., (1) the human form; (2) one's whereabouts.97. 人員 [ren2yUan2]1, n., staff members, personnel.98. 人猿 [ren2yUan2]2, n., the ape, anthropoid.99. 人緣(兒) [ren2yUan2]3 ([ren2yuarer0]), n., ability to like people and be liked100. 人欲 [ren2yU4]1, n., human wants, pleasures of the flesh, esp. those of sex and food.101. 人慾 [ren2yU4]2, n., ditto.102. 人魚 [ren2yU2], n., a mermaid, merman; 美人魚 a good woman swimmer.人人 [ren2ren2], n., everybody: 人人為我,我為人人 all for one and one for all.人[rén](ㄖㄣˊ)1.能制造工具并使用工具进行劳动的高等动物 humanity; higher animal that can make tools and use them in labour:男人 man女人 woman人们 people人类 human being 2.每人;一般人 everyone:人手一册 a copy to everyone人所共知 be known to all 3.指成年人 adult man or woman:长大成人 grow up; become adult 4.指某种人 certain category of people:工人 worker军人 serviceman主人 host介绍人 matchmaker 5.别人 others; other people:人云亦云 parrot; echo待人诚恳 be sincere to people 6.指人的品质、性格或名誉 personality; character; reputation:丢人 be disgraced; lose face这个同志人很好。The comrade is a good person.他人老实。He is an honest man. 7.指人的身体或意识 one's state of health or mind:这两天人不大舒服 not feel well the last couple of days送到医院人已经昏迷过去了 lose consciousness upon being rushed to the hospital 8.指人手、人才 hand; talent:人浮于事 be overstaffed我们这里正缺人。We are short of hands here.相关词组爱人 | 白人 | 保人 | 报人 | 背人 | 本人 | 鄙人 | 敝人 | 便人 | 别人 | 冰人 | 病人 | 常人 | 超人 | 吵人 | 成人 | 仇人 | 传人 | 蠢人 | 词人 | 粗人 | 大人 | 歹人 | 道人 | 得人 | 敌人 | 丢人 | 动人 | 恶人 | 恩人 | 法人 | 凡人 | 烦人 | 犯人 | 飞人 | 非人 | 废人 | 夫人 | 感人 | 高人 | 个人 | 工人 | 古人 | 故人 | 寡人 | 官人 | 贵人 | 国人 | 过人 | 汉人 | 行人 | 好人 | 黑人 | 恨人 | 红人 | 后人 | 华人 | 坏人 | 佳人 | 家人 | 贾人 | 匠人 | 今人 | 近人 | 惊人 | 举人 | 巨人 | 军人 | 可人 | 客人 | 狂人 | 困人 | 阔人 | 来人 | 老人 | 丽人 | 恋人 | 良人 | 猎人 | 路人 | 盲人 | 媒人 | 美人 | 魅人 | 门人 | 迷人 | 名人 | 明人 | 牧人 | 拿人 | 男人 | 难人 | 恼人 | 内人 | 能人 | 泥人 | 拟人 | 农人 | 侬人 | 女人 | 偶人 | 怕人 | 旁人 | 仆人 | 旗人 | 前人 | 强人 | 亲人 | 情人 | 穷人 | 求人 | 容人 | 孺人 | 骚人 | 商人 | 上人 | 神人 | 生人 | 圣人 | 诗人 | 时人 | 士人 | 示人 | 世人 | 熟人 | 耍人 | 谁人 | 私人 | 俗人 | 损人 | 他人 | 糖人 | 通人 | 同人 | 瞳人 | 头人 | 土人 | 外人 | 完人 | 妄人 | 为人 | 伟人 | 文人 | 闻人 | 吾人 | 武人 | 喜人 | 下人 | 吓人 | 仙人 | 先人 | 闲人 | 贤人 | 线人 | 小人 | 新人 | 羞人 | 学人 | 雪人 | 雅人 | 阉人 | 洋人 | 养人 | 要人 | 野人 | 伊人 | 宜人 | 艺人 | 用人 | 游人 | 友人 | 原人 | 猿人 | 贼人 | 丈人 | 哲人 | 真人 | 证人 | 中人 | 众人 | 主人 | 专人 | 走人 | 族人 | 罪人 | 醉人 | 做人 | 不人道 | 大人物 | 得人儿 | 得人心 | 二人台 | 二人转 | 法人股 | 疯人院 | 害人虫 | 行人情 | 好人家 | 尽人事 | 来人儿 | 老人家 | 老人星 | 泪人儿 | 类人猿 | 卖人情 | 美人蕉 | 面人儿 | 上人儿 | 双人舞 | 送人情 | 燧人氏 | 唐人街 | 托人情 | 仙人球 | 仙人掌 | 小人儿 | 小人物 | 主人公 | 主人翁 | 做人家 | 白相人 | 半边人 | 保护人 | 保证人 | 被害人 | 辩护人 | 场面人 | 出家人 | 茨冈人 | 代理人 | 代言人 | 当事人 | 稻草人 | 底下人 | 第三人 | 丁村人 | 读书人 | 发言人 | 公诉人 | 过来人 | 候选人 | 回头人 | 机器人 | 继承人 | 监护人 | 鉴定人 | 经纪人 | 局内人 | 局外人 | 老好人 | 两性人 | 亮眼人 | 买卖人 | 没事人 | 明眼人 | 纳税人 | 女主人 | 嫂夫人 | 色目人 | 同路人 | 未亡人 | 文化人 | 屋里人 | 心上人 | 意中人 | 阴阳人 | 犹太人 | 有心人 | 债权人 | 债务人 | 植物人 | 中间人 | 著作人 | 庄稼人 | 自己人 | 自然人 | 傍人门户 | 步人后尘 | 成人教育 | 成人之美 | 乘人之危 | 痴人说梦 | 稠人广众 | 出人头地 | 出人意料 | 待人接物 | 低人一等 | 动人心弦 | 发人深省 | 感人肺腑 | 高人一等 | 个人主义 | 工人阶级 | 骇人听闻 | 诲人不倦 | 吉人天相 | 寄人篱下 | 加人一等 | 尽人皆知 | 扣人心弦 | 快人快语 | 盲人摸象 | 盲人瞎马 | 耐人寻味 | 杞人忧天 | 强人所难 | 沁人心脾 | 仁人君子 | 仁人志士 | 任人唯亲 | 任人唯贤 | 杀人越货 | 拾人牙慧 | 耸人听闻 | 损人利己 | 铁人三项 | 万人空巷 | 为人作嫁 | 小人儿书 | 羞人答答 | 言人人殊 | 掩人耳目 | 仰人鼻息 | 贻人口实 | 以人废言 | 因人成事 | 引人入胜 | 庸人自扰 | 有人家儿 | 渔人之利 | 与人为善 | 予人口实 | 正人君子 | 知人之明 | 不近人情 | 不省人事 | 惨绝人寰 | 惨无人道 | 草菅人命 | 差强人意 | 大快人心 | 法定人数 | 反面人物 | 风云人物 | 公教人员 | 狗仗人势 | 好为人师 | 荒无人烟 | 家给人足 | 脍炙人口 | 马翻人仰 | 马仰人翻 | 蒙古人种 | 面无人色 | 渺无人烟 | 木头人儿 | 勤杂人员 | 神职人员 | 事在人为 | 双重人格 | 顺水人情 | 天怒人怨 | 头面人物 | 一表人才 | 有色人种 | 政通人和 | 阿拉伯人 | 悲天悯人 | 北京猿人 | 不可告人 | 产业工人 | 出口伤人 | 从井救人 | 第一夫人 | 咄咄逼人 | 俯仰由人 | 哥萨克人 | 孤家寡人 | 光彩照人 | 含血喷人 | 后发制人 | 吉卜赛人 | 借刀杀人 | 蓝田猿人 | 冷语冰人 | 目中无人 | 泥足巨人 | 农业工人 | 旁若无人 | 平易近人 | 前无古人 | 日耳曼人 | 荣誉军人 | 山顶洞人 | 舍己为人 | 圣诞老人 | 盛气凌人 | 斯拉夫人 | 推己及人 | 未成年人 | 息事宁人 | 下里巴人 | 先发制人 | 先声夺人 | 血口喷人 | 血统工人 | 一鸣惊人 | 以己度人 | 以貌取人 | 印第安人 | 元谋猿人 | 怨天尤人 | 月下老人 | 治病救人 | 自欺欺人 | 个人所得税 | 杀人不见血 | 杀人不眨眼 | 慷他人之慨 | 欧罗巴人种 | 墙倒众人推 | 爱斯基摩人 | 犯罪嫌疑人 | 个人数字助理 | 起死人,肉白骨 | 中国人民解放军 | 赔了夫人又折兵 | 盎格鲁撒克逊人 | 一人得道,鸡犬升天 | 老鼠过街,人人喊打 | 鹬蚌相争,渔人得利 | 尼格罗澳大利亚人种 | 十年树木,百年树人 | 司马昭之心,路人皆知人才 | 人材 | 人参 | 人潮 | 人称 | 人次 | 人大 | 人道 | 人丁 | 人儿 | 人犯 | 人份 | 人夫 | 人格 | 人工 | 人海 | 人和 | 人寰 | 人祸 | 人际 | 人迹 | 人家 | 人间 | 人杰 | 人精 | 人均 | 人口 | 人类 | 人力 | 人流 | 人伦 | 人马 | 人们 | 人民 | 人命 | 人品 | 人气 | 人情 | 人权 | 人群 | 人人 | 人日 | 人蛇 | 人身 | 人生 | 人声 | 人士 | 人氏 | 人世 | 人事 | 人手 | 人梯 | 人体 | 人头 | 人望 | 人为 | 人文 | 人物 | 人像 | 人心 | 人性 | 人选 | 人烟 | 人样 | 人意 | 人鱼 | 人员 | 人猿 | 人造 | 人证 | 人质 | 人治 | 人中 | 人种 | 人贩子 | 人格化 | 人格权 | 人公里 | 人行道 | 人尖子 | 人口学 | 人来疯 | 人类学 | 人力车 | 人马座 | 人民币 | 人民性 | 人情味 | 人身权 | 人生观 | 人性论 | 人影儿 | 人缘儿 | 人造革 | 人造土 | 人道主义 | 人地生疏 | 人定胜天 | 人浮于事 | 人工呼吸 | 人工降雨 | 人工流产 | 人工授精 | 人工智能 | 人行横道 | 人机界面 | 人杰地灵 | 人困马乏 | 人老珠黄 | 人面兽心 | 人民法院 | 人民警察 | 人民团体 | 人民武装 | 人民战争 | 人民政府 | 人莫予毒 | 人情世故 | 人山人海 | 人身事故 | 人身自由 | 人寿年丰 | 人微言轻 | 人文科学 | 人文主义 | 人仰马翻 | 人云亦云 | 人造磁铁 | 人造行星 | 人造石油 | 人造卫星 | 人造纤维 | 人民检察院 | 人民陪审员 | 人民代表大会 | 人民民主专政 | 人民内部矛盾 | 人造地球卫星 | 人同此心,心同此理 | 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉人a.human人的;人类的personal人的,有关人的;有人性的Christian〈口〉〈方〉人的,非动物(或兽类)的mortal人的;凡人的,普通人的anthropic人的,人类的;人类时期的hominine人的;类人的;有人类特征的n.people[用作person的复数]人;人们thing〈口〉人;家伙,东西(指人或动物,带有怜悯、 爱或轻蔑等感情色彩)man【宗】(基督教科学派所说的反映上帝的)人(不论性别、年龄的)人person人;喜欢(或适应)…的人Job〈俚〉人body[用以构成复合词]人;〈口〉〈旧〉(尤多用以指女性)人head人;个人face〈俚〉[表示某种程度的轻蔑或羡慕]人;名人individual〈口〉(常指有趣的或有点特别的)人party〈口〉〈谑〉人human人client〈俚〉人,家伙piece〈古〉〈方〉人,个人character(有某种行为或个性的)人heart心肝,宝贝;人(指被称赞者)GUY〈口〉家伙;青年;(男)人;〈主英〉衣着古怪的人skin〈谑〉家伙,人baby〈俚〉(尤指使人胆寒的)人Ball〈俚〉人,家伙apple〈美俚〉[常由形容词修饰]家伙,人Fish〈口〉人,家伙;怪人CAT〈俚〉家伙,人Christian〈口〉〈方〉(与动物、兽类相对而言的)人egg人,家伙;东西BIRD〈口〉人,家伙soul[常冠以数词或带有情感色彩的形容词]人;家伙horse〈谑〉〈贬〉人,家伙;〈美俚〉粗坯;笨蛋mouth(需要赡养的)人;(需要饲养的)动物being存在物;人;生物Cookie〈口〉家伙,人fellow人;任何人;我plug无能的人,平凡的人;人,家伙cake〈美俚〉(黑人用语)人blade人;女人;〈口〉〈旧〉英俊潇洒的男子;花花公子creature人NUT〈俚〉人,家伙(尤指男子);花花公子vessel【宗】(被视为某种精神或品质的接纳者的)人onion〈美俚〉人;笨蛋;讨厌的家伙scout〈口〉〈旧〉[常用作亲热的称呼]伙计,人devil〈口〉家伙,人humanity人类;[总称]人duck〈口〉家伙,人buffer〈英口〉(尤指上了年纪的)人,家伙;老派(或无能)的人Jack[有时作 J-] 男人;男孩;(普通)人skate人,家伙;〈南非口〉窝囊的白人dude〈美〉(男)人,家伙stiff人;工人,劳动者;不熟练的码头工人proposition(要对付的或须注意的)事情,问题,东西;人,家伙;目的sausage〈口〉人mortal〈口〉人bastard人,家伙;可怜虫geek家伙,人fart人,家伙;卑鄙的人,下贱的人bloke〈英口〉人;家伙peat〈古〉〈贬〉人;女人;快活女人gee家伙,人Gent〈俗〉〈谑〉绅士;男子;人,家伙homo人(用于一些拉丁复合词中)cunt〈贬〉人(尤指女人);讨厌鬼;笨蛋critter〈贬〉人mutt人hairpin〈俚〉〈谑〉人;瘦子cuss〈贬〉人,家伙;动物BOD〈主英〉人;家伙;老兄personage人;(图案中的)人形Everyman埃弗里曼,人(15世纪英国道德剧《人性的召唤》[The Summoning of Everyman] 中象征人性的主人公)varmint歹徒;流氓;可鄙的人;(广义上的)人,家伙Carl〈苏格兰〉粗野的人;壮汉;人,家伙earthling(居住在地球上的)人;凡人geezer人;男人;家伙wight〈古〉〈方〉人basher〈俚〉[常由限制性定语修饰]人bozo(尤指四肢发达、头脑简单的)人,家伙;笨蛋kipper〈俚〉人;小伙子,孩子Charley〈英口〉蠢人,笨蛋;人blighter〈英口〉人,家伙prig〈古〉人fellowman(同属人类的)人;同胞homme人(用于英语中所使用的法语复合词中)peeps〈口〉人;人们wallah人,家伙nabs[用作单或复]〈俚〉家伙;人;小伙子,哥们gink〈主美口〉人,家伙(尤指古怪的人)beezer人,家伙tangata人Adamite人;亚当的后裔gazabo〈美俚〉〈贬〉人,家伙corporeity〈口〉身体;人pron.one(特指的一群人中的)一人,人UN〈口〉人;事物phr.naked ape人;人类a piece of goods货样;〈俚〉〈谑〉人(尤指女人)〈俚〉〈谑〉人(尤指女人)homo sap〈谑〉人类,人tangata whenua[复](毛利)人fellow creature(同属人类的)人;同类的动物flesh and blood人;人类homo sapiens[单复同]人类,人a piece of work〈贬〉人man jack〈俚〉(男)人;一个人Son of Man人人1. human being2. a person3. people4. person in a particular line of work5. others; other people人man双向☞人--人的人[rén]名1. human being; person; people♦ 昨天有三个~来找你。 Three people came to see you yesterday.♦ 他家有几口~? How many people are there in his family?♦ 今天星期天, 商店里~很多。 Today is Sunday. The stores are full of people.2. an adult human being♦ 成人 3. other people; other(s)♦ 自己做错了事, 不应该怪~。 When one has done something wrong one should not blame it on others.♦ 这个座位有~吗? Is this seat occupied (or taken)?4. (used rhetorically in place of the first personal pronoun, often expressing displeasure)♦ 别小看~! Don't look down on me!♦ 真叫~着急。 It really worries me.5. a person considered as a worker or employee♦ 我们这里正缺~。 We are shorthanded at the moment.6. the physical, psychological, or moral quality or condition of a given individual♦ 只要她~好, 漂亮不漂亮没关系。 So long as she has a nice personality, it makes no difference whether she is pretty or not.♦ 他~在那儿, 心可想着别的事。 He was there all right, but his mind was elsewhere.7. everybody; each; all♦ ~所共知 be known to everybody (or all)8. used as a suffix♦ 四川~ a native of Sichuan♦ 工~ worker




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