

单词 亲笔
释义 文馨英漢☞親筆亲笔 qīnbǐ1) adv. in one's own handwriting2) n. autograph亲笔qīnbǐin one's own handwriting亲笔亲手写to write personally亲笔手稿 manuscript written in one's own hand亲笔题词 write an inscription亲笔签字 autograph公事上有他的亲笔签名。 His signature is on the official papers.亲笔写的字personal inscription鲁迅先生的亲笔 Lu Xun's autograph看笔迹这是他的亲笔。 Look at the handwriting. He wrote this in his own hand.亲笔 qīn bǐ (亲笔写) in one's own handwriting; in one's own hand (亲笔写的字) one's own handwriting:  这幅对联是父亲的亲笔。 This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting. 亲笔签名 sign manual; one's own signature; autograph; 亲笔文件 holograph; 亲笔信 an autograph letter; letter in one's own handwriting; 亲笔遗嘱 holographic will; 亲笔证书 holograph; 亲笔字据 chirograph亲笔[qīn bǐ]1.亲自动笔(写) write in one's own hand; autograph:亲笔信 letter in one's own handwriting; handwritten letter这是他亲笔写的。It is in his own writing. 2.指亲自写的字 one's own handwriting; autograph:这几个字是鲁迅先生的亲笔。These words are in Lu Xun's handwriting.亲笔a.autograph亲笔的autographic亲笔的n.autograph亲笔;(尤指名人的)亲笔签名autography亲笔(书写)亲笔1. in one's own handwriting2. a autograph亲笔autographic亲笔1. in one's own handwriting♦ 这信是他~写的。 This letter is in his own hand.♦ ~信 a personal, handwritten message (or letter); an autograph letter♦ ~签名 one's own signature; autograph2. one's own handwriting♦ 这是他的~。 This is his handwriting.




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