单词 | 亲 |
释义 | 文馨英漢☞親ABCABC★◀▶亲 qīnI b.f.1) relatives (亲戚)2) parents (母亲)3) marriage (亲事)4) love very much; be very fond of (亲爱的)5) personal (亲自)II v.kissIII s.v.close; intimate; dear亲 qìng(亲家)亲qīnparentone's own (flesh and blood)relativerelatedmarriagebridecloseintimatein personfirst-handin favor ofpro-to kiss(Internet slang) dearqìngparents-in-law of one's offspring亲 n. 父母parent婚姻marriage定亲 be engaged新妇bride迎亲 fetch the bride送亲 escort the bride参见:亲属[qīnshǔ]沾亲 be related姑表亲 cousins亲旧 relatives and old friends v. 用嘴唇接触to kiss他亲了亲孩子的脸。 He kissed the child's face. adj. 血统最接近的blood亲兄弟 blood brothers亲骨血 one's own flesh and blood血肉之亲 flesh and blood relative关系近intimate亲如手足 as close as brothers亲如家人 as close as family members亲如鱼水 inseparable like a fish is to water不分亲疏 not take into account any relationship adv. 参见:亲自[qīnzì]亲 qìng (构词成分)见下。另见 qīn。 2) 亲(親) qīn 名 (父母) parent: 双亲 parents (有血统或婚姻关系的) relative: 近亲 close relative; near kin; 远亲 distant relative (婚姻) marriage; match: 成亲 get (be) married; 定亲 be engaged; be betrothed to; 说亲 act as a matchmaker (新妇) bride: 迎亲 (of the groom's family) send a party to escort the bride to the groom's home (姓氏) a surname: 亲弗 Qin Fu 形 (血统最接近的) related by blood; next of kin: 亲兄弟 blood brother (关系近; 感情好) close; intimate; dear: 不分亲疏 regardless of close or distant relationship 副 (亲自) in person; personally;亲临指导 come personally to give guidance 动 (用嘴唇接触) kiss: 她亲了亲孩子的脸。 She kissed the child on the cheek. (亲近)be close to; pro-: 亲华 pro-Chinese; 亲美 pro-American 另见 qìng。亲[qīn](ㄑㄧㄣ)(親)1.父母 parents:父亲 father母亲 mother双亲 parents 2.亲生的 one's own (flesh and blood):亲女儿 one's own daughter 3.血统最接近的 related by blood; next of kin:亲弟兄(同父母的弟兄)blood brother亲叔叔(父亲的亲弟弟)first uncle (younger brother of one's father) 4.有血统或婚姻关系的 relative; kin:亲属 relatives; kinsfolk亲戚 relative亲人 family members; parents; spouse, children, etc.; kith and kin亲友 relatives and friends; kith and kin姑表亲 cousinship沾亲带故 have ties of kinship or friendship; be related somehow or other 5.婚姻 marriage; match:结亲 marry; get married定亲 be engaged; be betrothed to亲事 marriage 6.指新妇 bride:娶亲 (of a man) get married送亲 (of a family) escort the bride to the bridegroom's home or the wedding party迎亲 (of the bridegroom's family) send a party to escort the bride to the bridegroom's home or the wedding party 7.关系近;感情好(跟‘疏’相对 as opposed to‘distant’)close; intimate; dear:亲近 be close to; be on intimate terms with; be friendly with亲密 close; intimate; dear亲爱 dear; beloved; cherished亲热 loving; affectionate; intimate; warm-hearted不分亲疏 regardless of close or distant relationship; make no distinction between one's relatives or friends and others 8.亲自 in person; personally:亲身 personal; first-hand; done or made by oneself亲手 personally; oneself; with one's own hands亲口 (say or speak) personally亲眼所见 see with one's own eyes; eyewitness 9.跟人亲近(多指国家 usu. of countries)in favour of; supporting:亲华 pro-Chinese亲美 pro-American 10.用嘴唇接触(人或东西),表示亲热 kiss; touch (sb. or sth.) with the lips as a form of endearment:亲嘴 kiss他亲了亲孩子。He kissed the baby.另见 qìng亲[qìng](ㄑㄧㄥˋ)(親)另见 见下 below另见 qīn相关词组表亲 | 成亲 | 单亲 | 嫡亲 | 定亲 | 父亲 | 干亲 | 躬亲 | 和亲 | 换亲 | 接亲 | 结亲 | 近亲 | 老亲 | 令亲 | 六亲 | 母亲 | 内亲 | 宁亲 | 攀亲 | 抢亲 | 求亲 | 娶亲 | 舍亲 | 省亲 | 双亲 | 说亲 | 送亲 | 探亲 | 讨亲 | 提亲 | 投亲 | 退亲 | 乡亲 | 相亲 | 血亲 | 姻亲 | 迎亲 | 远亲 | 沾亲 | 长亲 | 招亲 | 至亲 | 尊亲 | 做亲 | 串亲戚 | 母亲河 | 娃娃亲 | 近亲繁殖 | 六亲不认 | 三亲六故 | 食亲财黑 | 旁系亲属 | 直系亲属 | 众叛亲离 | 大义灭亲 | 任人唯亲 | 事必躬亲亲爱 | 亲本 | 亲笔 | 亲传 | 亲代 | 亲等 | 亲故 | 亲家 | 亲近 | 亲眷 | 亲口 | 亲历 | 亲临 | 亲密 | 亲昵 | 亲朋 | 亲戚 | 亲切 | 亲情 | 亲热 | 亲人 | 亲善 | 亲身 | 亲生 | 亲事 | 亲手 | 亲疏 | 亲属 | 亲体 | 亲王 | 亲吻 | 亲信 | 亲眼 | 亲友 | 亲鱼 | 亲缘 | 亲征 | 亲政 | 亲知 | 亲炙 | 亲子 | 亲自 | 亲族 | 亲嘴 | 亲和力 | 亲家公 | 亲家母 | 亲痛仇快 | 亲子鉴定亲1. parents2. blood relation3. marriage4. close; intimate5. in person国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞亲--分局亲[qīn]名1. parent♦ 双亲 2. blood relation; next of kin♦ ~兄弟 blood brother3. relative♦ 近亲 4. marriage; match♦ 说亲 5. bride♦ 迎亲 形close; intimate; dear♦ 我和大姐最~。 My eldest sister is very dear to me.副in person; oneself♦ 亲眼 动kiss♦ 她~了~孩子的脸。 She kissed the child on the cheek.另见 qìng亲[qìng](构词成分)另见 qīn |
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