

释义 文馨英漢☞畝亩 mǔof area equal to 0.0667 hectare; 1/6 acre亩mǔold variant of 亩[mǔ]mǔold variant of 亩[mǔ]mǔclassifier for fieldsunit of area equal to one fifteenth of a hectaremǔold variant of 亩[mǔ]亩 n. mu亩产量 yield per mu亩 mǔ 量 (市亩的通称) mu, a unit of area (=0.0667 hectares):  亩产量 per mu yield 亩[mǔ](ㄇㄨˇ)(畝)地积单位,10分等于1亩,100亩等于1顷。现用市亩,1市亩等于60平方丈,合666.7平方米 mu, unit of land measure; 10 fen equal 1 mu; 100 mu equal 1 qing; currently called shimu, 1 shimu equals 60 square zhang or 666.7 square metres相关词组地亩 | 畎亩 | 田亩亩n.mou亩亩1. (an) acreage亩[mǔ]量currently called 市亩, a traditional unit of area♦ ~产量 per mu yield另见〖市亩〗




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