

单词 交锋
释义 文馨英漢☞交鋒交锋 jiāofēng1) cross swords2) wage war; engage in battle两支篮球队明天将要交锋。 The two basketball teams will face each other tomorrow.交锋jiāofēngto cross swordsto have a confrontation (with sb)交锋to clash和敌军交锋 clash with enemy troops思想交锋。 Ideas clash.坚定不移地同官僚主义交锋 unwaveringly lock horns with bureaucracy两支足球劲旅将在明日交锋。 Two footballing titans will clash tomorrow.交锋[jiāo fēng] 双方作战 cross swords; engage in battle:敌人不敢和我们交锋。The enemy dare not risk engaging us.这两支足球劲旅将在明日交锋。The two strong football teams will confront each other tomorrow.交锋n.lead(拳击中的)先击拳;交锋phr.a passage of arms交战,交锋;互殴;争论cut and thrust激烈的争论;交锋;竞争break a lance(和某人)(为某事)交锋交锋1. to cross swords; to wage war; to engage in a battle or contest; to fight (or struggle) with交锋cross swords; engage in a battle or contest♦ 这两支足球队将在明天~。 The two football teams will face each other tomorrow.




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