

单词 交给
释义 文馨英漢☞交給交给 jiāogěihand/give to这个小孩儿把捡到的钱包交给了失主。 The child returned the wallet he found to the owner.交给jiāogěito giveto deliverto hand over交给参见:交付[jiāofù]把钱交给本人 hand the money over to the person involved把入党申请书交给党组织 hand the Party membership form to the Party organization把问题交给委员会讨论 pass the problem on to the committee for discussion把问题交给大家讨论 pass the problem on to everyone for discussion任务交给了我们。 The task has been passed on to us.交给vt.give交给,托付;嫁出subject提供;呈交;交给




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