

单词 交付
释义 交付1. delivery2. to consign3. to deliver4. to pay5. to hand over交付 jiāofù1) pay2) hand over; deliver; consign这座新楼明年可以交付使用。 This new building will be ready for use next year.交付jiāofùto hand overto deliver交付to hand over交付定金 pay a deposit交付保管 hand over for safe keeping交付法庭审判 hand over to the courts for judgement违期交付 be late to hand over当场交付 pay on the spot货物已交付完毕。 The goods have been delivered.新的建筑物已交付使用。 The new building has already entered use.交付 jiāo fù (付钱) pay:  交付定金 pay down payment;  交付现金 pay cash; payment in cash;  交付租金 pay rent (交给) turn over; hand over; deliver; delivery; reference; consign:  交付审查 hand over for investigation;  交付审判 committal for trial; submit to trial;  交付定货 execute an order; fill an order;  交付运营 be open to traffic;  交付日期 due date; date of delivery;  交付宣判 render a verdict 交付单证 tender documents; 交付年代 year of delivery; 交付能力 deliverability; 交付期限(条件) term of delivery; 交付人 forwarder; 交付外币 surrender foreign currency; 交付现金 cash payment林语堂林语堂★◀▶交付 [jiao1fu4], v.t., hand over (things); pay (money, bills).交付deliver;交付[jiāo fù] 交给 pay; consign (a task) to sb.; entrust sb. with (a task); hand over; deliver:交付定金 place a down payment交付任务 consign a task to sb.新楼房已经交付使用。The new building is already in use.交付n.delivery【律】(正式)交付tradition【律】(财产的)交付;移转tender交付;【律】偿还drop-off〈口〉交付;递送consignment(被)交付,(被)委托,(被)运送,(被)发送vt.Post〈美〉押(赌金);(向有关方面)交付(保释金等)fill(按订单)供应,交付(定货);配(药方)tender交付;【律】偿还relegate交付,托付交付1. to pay; to make payment2. to consign; to present; to deliver; to hand over; to turn over交付Deliver双向☞交付--托运--委托双向☞交船--交货--交付双向☞寄存--交付--托运交付1. pay♦ ~租金 pay rent2. hand over; deliver; consign♦ ~表决 put to the vote♦ 新建的楼房已经~使用。 The new building has been made available to the users.英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Ausstellung eines Zeugnisses, etc.英華☞Consignation英華☞DELIVERANCE英華☞Deliverable英華☞Devolution英華☞Allotment英華☞Assigning英華☞Bezahlung英華☞Alienate英華☞DELIVERY英華☞CESSION英華☞CONSIGN英華☞DELIVER英華☞DEPOSIT英華☞DEVOLVE英華☞TO CEDE英華☞ASSIGN英華☞COMMIT英華☞CONVEY英華☞DEMISE英華☞ALLOT英華☞CARRY英華☞EQUIP英華☞GIVE




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